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Posts posted by stephen28

  1. Alcohol does many things to the human body. First and the most important thing is that it is designed to get you feeling good and drunk as heck. That is the main purpose in my opinion, and it does a great job at it.

    Many people that drink alcohol can handle them self in a sense that they know when it is time to stop drinking alcohol and then there are those, such as myself, that don't know when enough is enough. When we start out experimenting with drinking alcohol many of us don't realize if we are not careful this fun time drinking can turn into an addiction. Do you know what your addiction is doing to you? I bet not, for the simple reason, this addiction to alcohol has been slowly creeping up on you and now you can't figure out why in the world must you have alcohol every single day of your life. Many of us cannot live without this harmful poison in their bodies. We would start to go crazy and feeling on edge, nervous, shaky and the whole nine yards due to the absence of this poison we call alcohol not in your bodies.

    Many people live, breathe, sleep with alcohol continuously on their minds. I have the right to say this because the minute I would wake, of course after drinking all night, my first thoughts were not, " I wonder how my day will be today." "I wonder if I will be productive today." No, the first thing I thought of was, "when is it time to have my first beer." How pitiful is that I might ask you? I am sure many people that have an addiction to alcohol the same and some might even crack open a can of beer or take a shot of booze minutes after they wake up to start their day and get their head out of the clouds from the night before drinking alcohol.

    When you start to think to yourself, what is this addiction I have doing to my life and what is it doing to my family and friends? None of us that are addicted to alcohol ever for a moment think about the damage we are doing to our self and the hurt and pain we are causing to others, such as you family, spouse, and your children.

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  2. After rehabilitation, sober living houses can be your next stop

    For individuals not willing to deal with the community head-on, for individuals without a sober place to go, and for individuals still experiencing addict life and a corresponding mental illness, coming out of drug or alcohol rehabilitation and into a sober living environment can be an excellent way to strengthen the possibility of long lasting sobriety and achievements.

    Sober Living House

    Sober living house is a place to live, that may or may not provide some degree of harmful addictions treatments, and which provides low cost living to addicted individuals in recovery in return for an agreement to accept a certain and strict code of conduct.

    Residents moving through a liquor free existing home must generally gain employment, may not bring drugs and alcohol in to the house, may not appear intoxicated inside the residence, and must stick to personality rules such as curfews and work responsibilities. People may stay free on these residents as long as they like, and there is rarely a pre set period of residency, but most recuperating individuals remain from 1-6 months.

    The advantages of sober living house

    There are a number of advantages to residence in a sober home, and one of the most noticeable is basically that living in a sober house decreases the urges of separate, alone living, and improves the possibilities that recuperating individuals can hold up against the sometimes extreme urges during the preliminary early months out of rehab.

    But sober living house provides more and one of the intangibles, but something that does provide prime support to those struggling with sobriety, is basically the development of sober companionship within the residence, and revising again how to have enjoyable time without drugs and alcohol.

    Most individuals with long harmful addictions backgrounds have spent years amounting fun or entertainment with intoxication and newly sober addicts often find leisure time one of the greatest risks to sobriety. How can you have fun without intoxication?

    If you're on your own, filling spare some time to interacting with solitude can be difficult, but in a sober living house you can take advantage from the company and friendship of a group of recuperating individuals in a very similar situation to yours. Sober houses’ friendship are the rule rather than the exception, and addict individuals understand together how to have fun and enjoy themselves in a safe, healthy and balanced manner.

    This may seem a small thing at the surface level, but interacting with spare time in a balanced way is crucial to long lasting sobriety, and those that cannot understand this skill have little option at final accomplishments.

    Don't relapse

    A contribution in sober living house is mathematically associated with a higher amount of extension of aftercare treatments, and also a higher rate of sobriety; and there are quite a variety of reasons why this is so. Making sober friends, having fun without alcohol, and studying how to be alive without intoxication are not the only things sober living house provides, but these are all significant and do reduce the risks of the preliminary few months of sobriety.

    Most major places will have at least a few sobriety atmospheres, and your regional health service, drug treatment center, or medical doctor should be able to suggest your regional options.

    For those with no sober place to go, for those who don't feel willing to deal with the full urges of the outside community, and for those who basically don't know how to have fun without drugs or alcohol, sober living housing can be an excellent alternative.

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