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Posts posted by zookerman

  1. Of course he would, wouldn't he?

    After all, the pretext of the country being ungovernable due to Suthep's mob disrupting the function of the public service has now faded away.

    Suthep having conveniently slipped away into monkhood for a suitable period.

    So now, what next?

    Time to get on with the real business of the coup.

    To extinguish for all time any challenge to the status quo.

    To ensure the aristocracy and the powerful families will always run this country.

    No more upstarts grabbing control through the ballot box.

    No more egalitarian nonsense.

    No more sharing the wealth with the peasants.

    Back to the way it always was.

    There must always be a clear succession for the aristocracy to remain in control and for the generals to become billionaires.

    With a senate under firm control of the military and a constitution written by their lawyers.

    This was always the plan from the day Thaksin was elected.

    Make no mistake about it, there will be a bloody revolution here at some time in the future to unseat these meglomaniacs.

    Megalomaniacs indeed.

    Have often wondered exactly how strong the army can be with so many village conscripts with likely Red sympathies. If push comes to shove, it is very possible that the Army rank and file could turn on these megalomaniacs.

  2. She's not actually gone and neither have the others.

    PTP say she's still Defence Minister, Chalerm can run CAPO etc.

    If YL is no longer PM will she have the free time to attend defence committe meetings ? Oh stop being ridiculous NKK.

    she was heard yesterday singing that song made famous by john Denver.cant remember the name but the first line goes,

    "my bags are packed and im ready to go"giggle.gif

    Uh hum -- that would be Peter, Paul and Mary -- Leaving on a Jet Plane

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