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Posts posted by kachopra

  1. The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

    Easy to answer this one...it is a learned behavioural response.

    A long while ago now, Macdonalds cottoned on the the fact that if you program a certain behavioural response into a child it usually sticks with them for life. Thus the birth of Ronald Macdonald, grimmace, the hamburglar and the Macdonalds kids birthday party. For many western adults now, when they pop in to a Macdonalds, whether they realise it or not, their decision may not just be based on hunger, but also some deeply programmed childhood memories of fun time spent with their family (and Ronald Mc and his mates) at the local golden arches.

    Have a look how at how a thai boy is raised. He is doted over by his mother, and by any other matriarchs in the extended family unit. Never cooks, or does his own laundry, or ironing, or bed making... If he is from a hi so family he will go into the family business where the blame for any problem will automatically be delegated onto the Lao, Cambodian or Isaan workers...ZERO accountability and everything handed to him on platter....

    The quintessential momma's boy.

    Even if the boy is from a low so family, his parents will still (in relative financial terms) bestow the son of the family with all of the priviliges, and often send the daughter(s) of the family off to BKK or Pattaya to service the debt created by the demands of the son.

    I know of one village in Isaan where the bulk of the family units (households) do not have any men. Seven women (Aunties) have all mortgaged the farm to put one boy though medical school to become a dentist. To service the debt four daughters have been sent down south to work in the bars.

    The boy failed out in the third year of his study and then was given a second chance by the college, he started working as an intern in the local hospital. After a required period he qualified for a government loan of 400KTHB through an arrangement with the hospital. The agreement with the Aunties was that once the loan was approved he would use the money to pay out the mortgages for all of the families that had "put up the farm".

    Here is what he did after the loan was approved. Moved out of the village and in with a girfriend (she appeared out of thin air, and much to the surprise of the Aunties, two days after the loan was approved), bought her a car and himself a pick up truck and a motorbike (all three vehicles on hire purchase). Then spent most of his days driving around shopping and eating out with the girlfriend...lost the intern job at the hospital...and then shortly thereafter failed out of med school (apparently it is two strikes and you're out when testing for your dental licence).

    As a result of this young man's lack of accountability, the village daughters are now stuck in the bar jobs trying to make enough money to service the debt on their mother's farms.

    Why do Thai men act the way they do: It is a learned behaviour response that is programmed into them from the day they are born.

    What a ridiculous generalisation.

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