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Posts posted by BKKBobby

  1. Your logic is not that good.

    Neither is yours. I have no doubt that that you have no problem with him being an anti-Semite, but he is also a racist, homophobic conspiracy theory wacko.

    Just Google his magazines for plenty of evidence. That does not bother you either?

    With regards to his opinion on Irans behaviour in the region that I read?


  2. Shows how much you know. He is a racist, anti-Semitic nutcase and his twisted thinking is well documented in his own magazines, with his name on the cover. facepalm.gif

    He might be a anti-Semite, I dont know and it doesnt matter if he is with regards to what I said. I read his view on Irans behaviour in the region and it was enlightened. If he says that the sky is blue I wont disagree with him just because hes a anti-Semite.

    Your logic is not that good.

  3. Too bad. If these savages were throwing rocks at American soldiers or Jordanian soldiers or Egyptian soldiers, I would say the same thing. At least 14 Israelis have been killed by Palestinian stone throwing criminals.

    If the youths in Europe would face the humiliation and have to swallow their frustration all the time like the Palestinians do, they would do much more than throwing rocks to vent their frustration.

    Just look at what was happening in the suburbs of Paris.

  4. President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

    Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

    He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

    The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

    His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

    Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

    Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

    Pretty rich blaming Obama for not sending in ground troops in Libya and Syria after W invaded Iraq on the orders of Cheney (Halliburton)! I'm sure a lot of Americans would have supported an invasion of those two countries as wellcrazy.gif

    And you can be damn sure that if he had sent troops in the biggest critics would have been the same people that now whine about the Iran deal.

    We hear a lot of noise coming from the loony right about the Iran deal. Let me ask you guys what a better solution would have been??

    Minimum of un notified inspections of ALL sites. Plus releasing the 4 US hostages.

    Inspections of all sites including military sites? Theres countries that have the capacity and the willingness to get their hands on the information it would produce - to use it against Iran.

    I dont know any country that would allow inspections of their military sites.

  5. Bleeding hearts like BKKBobby who have such sympathy for the 'Roma' (aka gypsies) obviously haven't spent any time around them. Pace catterwell, their entire culture is built around scams and petty crime.

    Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    What are you talking about? My condo in my home country is in the heart of downtown Stockholm, theres a Roma (travellers) sitting on the pavement every 200 meter there.

    Sweden has a big native Roma population also in relation to the countrys population.

  6. I dont know which one is best but the one in Asiatique is good.

    What is the one in Asiatique called... good variety of beers on tap?
    I dont know about the variety of beer on tap. Its called BREW Beers & Ciders. Its touristy since its Asiatique but I think it is a nice place to sit and drink.
  7. Turkey seek to establish Islamic-State free zone out of a strip of land along the Syrian border in an effort to prevent the Kurds from doing it. smile.png

    Yes, as evidenced by ""The two key points in Turkey remain: one — topple the Assad regime, and two — prevent the establishment of a continuous Kurdish territorial entity in the region," he said."

    So, the US, who is arming the Kurds, have struck a deal with the Turks, which in essence helps Turkey against the Kurds.

    Will the US stop assisting the Kurds?

    What a pharcing mess!

    Its really a mess.

    Maybe, but I guess the US wont stop assisting the Kurds. From what I read, even the Iranians have been helping the Iraqi Peshmerga by arming them.

    If the Kurds manage to clear out the area themselves, consolidate their grip on the area, and also have a massive amount of donated hardware left in the their hands it wouldnt be surprising if it would turn into a new serious conflict.

  8. Since Israel occupied East Jerusalem 48 years ago, the policy of allowing Jews to worship at the Wailing Wall, while Muslims worship at Al Aqsa mosque has worked fine (apart from Ariel Sharon's stroll in 2000 in his successful attempt to stir up trouble). Access is allowed to Jews so long as they dont attempt to pray there and treat it like a synagogue. How would Jews feel if Muslims rolled out their prayer mats at the Wailing Wall?

    Muslims quite rightly see it as a desecration and an attempt by the perpetrating Jewish fanatics as the first step in what they really want to do...destroy Al Aqsa mosque.

    This could be part of the current right wing Israeli government's plans to create another intifada as a smokescreen to carry out its ultimate solution.

    Ahhh...so it wasn't testosterone-fueled youths creating trouble......they were provoked...YET AGAIN.

    Muslims have rolled their prayer mats out on more than the Wailing Wall. Indeed, they rolled them out on the Temple Mount. No serious scholar or honest mind buys the historical revision of the Temple Mount being remotely meaningful in Islamic history; it has always ever only had value insofar as it had value to others. In fact, the Islamic Wakf, which administers the islamic properties atop the Jewish mount noted lastly, in 1924, in A Brief Guide To Al-Haram Al-Sahrif- Jerusalem (Supreme Moslem Council), noted this property was the site of the Temple of Solomon, a fact which is protested today. Had it not been the case that islam seeded every vanquished religious site with a mosque atop it there might be some liberty with their utterly fictitious claim that "the furthest mosque" was in the detested land of the Jews, Jerusalem. This land only became intriguing to islamic leaders when a struggle to re-anchor islam in Syria opposed to Arabia was asserted. It was this useless land, between all other worlds, that the claim was then offered was the site of the prophet's night journey. This would have been utterly blasphemous in the time of the prophet because when the Jews of Medina would not even accept the qibla in the direction of Jerusalem as a token offering from the prophet, they were outcast and have suffered islamic wrath ever since.

    Political expediency was what compelled a very temporal leader to adjust history to move religious idolatry closer to Syria. In so doing, however, he was never able to compensate for the fact that this land was utterly worthless to muslims. Indeed, as noted previously, even the famous Kingdom of Heaven captured this absurdly weak claim to Jerusalem when Saladin was asked "What is Jerusalem Worth?" (Veritas et Aequitas?) and the response was "Nothing... [pause] Everything!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6aPgA5549g A movie yes, but illustrative of the point above.

    In fact, his grandson later transferred Jerusalem because it was useless to muslims, everyone always knew this. Mentioned in the Koran zero times, Jerusalem only began to occupy the imagination of muslims as they launched out from their lands on conquest and looking over their shoulder realized that those who they sought to conquer had their eye on something in their own rear. Still, centuries plodded on and under no leader was Jerusalem afforded much more than the token conquest capstone of mosque. It is only in the modern era that histories are revised, quite absurdly, to fabricate a connection that actually never existed. This is abhorrent equally to reason as it is to those of faith.

    "An historical survey shows that the stature of the city, and the emotions surrounding it, inevitably rises for Muslims when Jerusalem has political significance. Conversely, when the utility of Jerusalem expires, so does its status and the passions about it. This pattern first emerged during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad in the early seventh century. Since then, it has been repeated on five occasions: in the late seventh century, in the twelfth century Countercrusade, in the thirteenth century Crusades, during the era of British rule (1917-48), and since Israel took the city in 1967. The consistency that emerges in such a long period provides an important perspective on the current confrontation." http://www.meforum.org/490/the-muslim-claim-to-jerusalem

    I doubt Jordan had any alternative but to respond. Everyone of any intellectual caliber understands what is really at play with regard to the Temple Mount. It has to do with creating and inculcating legend into islamic lore. This land was never of any value to their prophet, only a brief expediency to attempt to placate Medina Jews, and that failed.

    Its unlikely that your average Muslim goes into a intellectual disection of why Al-Aqsa is the third holiest site for Muslims. You over-analyze Muslims and Islam.

  9. attachicon.giftv.PNG

    Actually full control of the area was handed back over to Israel over 20 years ago. You understand the squatters are squatting at the ruins of a Jewish Temple, right? A Temple dating back to the 4th century, before Islam was even born. Palestine has never existed. There has never (up until Gaza) a Palestinian country, government or anything else. Palestinian is a corruption of the word Felestinia (Philistine) and the Felstinia were slaves of the Romans who occupied Israel at the time. They came from a small area near Greece so if anything, they should be squatting over there. Israel has every right to demolish this illegal camp if they wish to.

    Spare us the pseudo history and deflections.

    The bottom line for all Palestinian delegitimizers is this: even if you think there was was never a country called Palestine, well think again...because there is one now...recognized by 70% of the world's countries with more to follow. And just like Israelis they are not going away. So get over it, and start thinking towards the future rather than wallowing in a spurious past that convinces no-one except Zionists.

    If Israelis don't get serious soon about discussing a just peace in a 2 state solution (giving back land they are attempting futilely to swallow up in the OP), they will find themselves in a one state solution, having to absorb 4.5 Palestinians, and losing any hope of a state with a predominantly Jewish character.

    Here's the thing that you and other Jew haters can't get through your head (or don't want to as it will interfere with your anti-Jew views) and that's the fact - yes FACT - that the only people preventing peace is Hamas and the Gazans. Their charter calls for the absolute destruction of Israel - fact. The history lesson I gave you is nothing 'pseudo'. It's fact. When Britain signed the charter in 1947 returning Israel to the Jews, according to the British Mandate the population was 1.9 million of which 68% were Arabs and 31% Jews (the discrepancy of 1% is allowing for Bedouins). Most of the so-called Palestinians came from Saudi and Syria to find work with the Jews. The region was dissected - it was called Transjordan one side of the river became Israel again and one became Jordan. The Palestinian population was split between Jordan and Israel. How come |I don't hear you calling for Jordan to give the land back to somebody? Oh I know the answer, because they're not Jews, right? There's 2.1 million registered Palestinians in Jordan and 370,000 in camps yet I don't hear you or your mates calling for help for them? People like you make me vomit, you know nothing of the region except you don't like Jews.

    You are most welcome to call me a Zionist hater and a current right wing Israeli government hater...they are badges I wear proudly, but please don't call me an anti Semite. That is a reportable offense on this forum.There is not a racist/religionist bone in my body.

    I am quite willing to debate your phony history of Israel/Palestine but I believe we may be drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.

    Fair enough Dexterm. Perhaps you are an exception. Two serious questions I'd like to ask you.

    I believe them foundational to any conversation re land appropriation.

    1. Could you give some idea of what you think Zionism is and a source for your thinking? Personally the desire and even demand for a Jewish homeland leaves me wondering why someone would be a Zionist hater (and proudly so) if they were not otherwise antisemitic. I briefly looked for such a source but so far came up empty.

    2. In these multitudes of word battles on this forum that began long before I arrived and will doubtless continue after I'm gone, have you ever noted what you might consider 'racist/religionist' bones in any of the posters' bodies?

    Nothing wrong with one, two or whatever amount of Jewish homelands where they can govern and choose their own path and destiny. If the Jews was given a not inhabited chunk of Greenland or Alaska they could have made it into as many sovereign states as they wanted and this discussion on the forum would unlikely have occured.

    If the Israelis withdraw from the land stolen since 1967 and live within Israels borders from there on I will not complain here anymore.

    Thx for jumping in BkkB. I like your 2nd comment more than your first. The generosity of the 1st one almost knocked me over. It's a wonder the UN never considered it.

    As for your 2nd one, using 'stolen' I believe is way too simple an explanation.

    When Arabs start a war and lose and Israel keeps land for strategic purposes I suppose you could use the word stolen, right? A matter of viewpoint. Arab: I don't accept your existence, I want you out, all of you. We will destroy you next time. How dare you keep some of my land....

    As to settlements... Well it's a bit like bombing children in Gaza situated (deliberately so) next to where rockets emanate from, only more heinous. The settlements are almost a very clever way to say to the Arabs that the more you want to destroy us the more pressure we will put on you, your actions are not without consequence. It really does seem the Arab style Islam has a different regard for human life.

    Would any westerner put his children in harm's way the way Arabs do? How far removed is the day to day thinking of Arabs from that of ISil? Closer than mine I'll wager.

    Have u noticed at Swampy, maybe 2 years ago, the intake staff asked questions about baggage: Who packed your bags today sir? Have you been in possession of them the whole time? Has anyone given you something to carry for them? You do know where these questions come from. The Arabs have trained the Israelis to prepare for all contingencies without exception. Security procedures are followed meticulously. All manner of anticipated attacks are searched and thwarted as they appear. Boats, tunnels... The bombing of Iraq in 1980. And Iran? We'll see....

    Ohh... I see you didn't address my 2nd question. ....have you ever noted what you might consider 'racist/religionist' bones in any of the posters' bodies?

    Yes I have noticed racist posts in Israel threads. Nothing compares to threads that has a connection to a Muslim or Muslims, they turn into slagging off contests and no one makes a fuss. I dont enter those threads to defend the Muslims, why should I give special care about the occasional anti-Semitic posts?

  10. attachicon.giftv.PNG

    Actually full control of the area was handed back over to Israel over 20 years ago. You understand the squatters are squatting at the ruins of a Jewish Temple, right? A Temple dating back to the 4th century, before Islam was even born. Palestine has never existed. There has never (up until Gaza) a Palestinian country, government or anything else. Palestinian is a corruption of the word Felestinia (Philistine) and the Felstinia were slaves of the Romans who occupied Israel at the time. They came from a small area near Greece so if anything, they should be squatting over there. Israel has every right to demolish this illegal camp if they wish to.

    Spare us the pseudo history and deflections.

    The bottom line for all Palestinian delegitimizers is this: even if you think there was was never a country called Palestine, well think again...because there is one now...recognized by 70% of the world's countries with more to follow. And just like Israelis they are not going away. So get over it, and start thinking towards the future rather than wallowing in a spurious past that convinces no-one except Zionists.

    If Israelis don't get serious soon about discussing a just peace in a 2 state solution (giving back land they are attempting futilely to swallow up in the OP), they will find themselves in a one state solution, having to absorb 4.5 Palestinians, and losing any hope of a state with a predominantly Jewish character.
    Here's the thing that you and other Jew haters can't get through your head (or don't want to as it will interfere with your anti-Jew views) and that's the fact - yes FACT - that the only people preventing peace is Hamas and the Gazans. Their charter calls for the absolute destruction of Israel - fact. The history lesson I gave you is nothing 'pseudo'. It's fact. When Britain signed the charter in 1947 returning Israel to the Jews, according to the British Mandate the population was 1.9 million of which 68% were Arabs and 31% Jews (the discrepancy of 1% is allowing for Bedouins). Most of the so-called Palestinians came from Saudi and Syria to find work with the Jews. The region was dissected - it was called Transjordan one side of the river became Israel again and one became Jordan. The Palestinian population was split between Jordan and Israel. How come |I don't hear you calling for Jordan to give the land back to somebody? Oh I know the answer, because they're not Jews, right? There's 2.1 million registered Palestinians in Jordan and 370,000 in camps yet I don't hear you or your mates calling for help for them? People like you make me vomit, you know nothing of the region except you don't like Jews.

    You are most welcome to call me a Zionist hater and a current right wing Israeli government hater...they are badges I wear proudly, but please don't call me an anti Semite. That is a reportable offense on this forum.There is not a racist/religionist bone in my body.

    I am quite willing to debate your phony history of Israel/Palestine but I believe we may be drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.

    Fair enough Dexterm. Perhaps you are an exception. Two serious questions I'd like to ask you.
    I believe them foundational to any conversation re land appropriation.
    1. Could you give some idea of what you think Zionism is and a source for your thinking? Personally the desire and even demand for a Jewish homeland leaves me wondering why someone would be a Zionist hater (and proudly so) if they were not otherwise antisemitic. I briefly looked for such a source but so far came up empty.

    2. In these multitudes of word battles on this forum that began long before I arrived and will doubtless continue after I'm gone, have you ever noted what you might consider 'racist/religionist' bones in any of the posters' bodies?

    Nothing wrong with one, two or whatever amount of Jewish homelands where they can govern and choose their own path and destiny. If the Jews was given a not inhabited chunk of Greenland or Alaska they could have made it into as many sovereign states as they wanted and this discussion on the forum would unlikely have occured.

    If the Israelis withdraw from the land stolen since 1967 and live within Israels borders from there on I will not complain here anymore.
  11. The "night of the long knives" I was referring to was not "Kristallnacht". The event I meant was when the SS on Hitler's instruction killed the leaders of the SA and many more "opponents". It's probably got another name in German.

    Ok, I got you now. In English usage the German or English phrase usually refers to the Röhm-Putsch in 1934, i.e the purge against the SA for ideological differences.
    In German usage the phrase can also relate to the November-Pogromes in 1938. The SS used it for that.

    Still, with a view to my reasoning it should not make that much difference.

    Not sure I agree with your phrase "the purge against the SA for ideological differences". My understanding was 1. Rohm posed a direct threat to Hitler's leadership of the party and 2. To get the backing of the senior army officers he (Hitler) had to neuter the SA, which the army considered a threat to their "power".
    The long knives night was because the SA was perceived as a threat, correct.

    Yes, OK. I even looked the whole thing up, so this thread has been quite educational so far.

    But what are you hinting at, where is the connection to Gröning? I mean, I would love to refer to Germany's history in the 1930ies as "the big civil war when Hitler got deposed of" and nothing of Auschwitz and WW II,
    but after Hitler came to power (Machtergreifung) in 1933, that would have been hard to imagine. And certainly what Gröning got taught at school (was about 13 then) sounded a lot different.

    After all, the North Koreans of today would have a lot more personal reason to depose of everyone's favourite mad dictator, they just fail to do the right thing.... joking.

    I jumped in when I saw your dialogue. Just stating facts.

    Anyway, the options were limited. It started when they were kids. Hitler Jugend had millions of members but it wasnt enough for Hitler. He wanted to brainwash everyone with racism and make them obey. The kids had to write the name of their father and his employer if they wanted to refuse membership. That was blackmail to get them to make the "right" choice. Then it simply became mandatory.

    I dont think many dared to disobey orders, and most believed in the Nazi ideology anyway.

    You don't think much at all as is obvious from your comments. 'Just stating facts'.....and then comes the opinion dressed up as facts. Try studying the history of the SS a little rather than making asinine remarks about brainwashing and pushing insidious idea that the bookkeeper either didn't know what he was doing and/or was not responsible for what he was doing. The SS was a voluntary elite corp. Your 'facts' might pass for facts in one or two bars in LOS but elsewhere no go.

    Oh, so joining SS automatically made you a bad individual?

    Both grandfathers of my friend were Swedishspeakers from Finland that joined to be able to fight the Russians.
  12. After the first ten years it should have been obvious that the whole embargo was a stupid idea. It left the U.S. with no leverage to encourage improved human rights. Of course, that's never really been a goal of the State Department for the last 200 years, but they talk about it all the time. With trade and diplomatic status reestablished they have more tools to exert pressure.

    The embargo was needed. Cant have a thriving communist state off the coast of Florida. Might give the wrong ideas to the rest of the Americas. :)
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