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Posts posted by MattGreenfield

  1. I'm just wondering if anyone has a recent report on obtaining an ED visa from the Thai embassy in Yangon and their experiences in doing so.


    I plan to go there in August and just want to make sure I'm well prepared for anything extra I might need as opposed to Vientiane.


    I did hear that I will need to show a bank statement to show I have sufficient funds. Can I just get my bank book updated and give them a copy with the recent balance on there?


    Not sure if a police check is needed as I'm from the UK.. I do have one but it's 5 years old so not sure if it would be accepted if needed.


    Thanks a lot

  2. Thanks for that. As long as I'm fine to be in the country while they decide if the job is going ahead that's fine.

    If the job ends, do you think there will be a problem with going to Laos and applying for a tourist visa right away, while I'm in the process of getting new employment? I saw something on here about someone being refused because they had been working as a teacher and didn't get take a residency certificate with them? Is this nessesary because I'll be applying for a "tourist" visa and tourists don't usually have this kind of paperwork?

  3. I'm looking for some advice from the experts please. I've been working at a teaching job for a couple of terms now. The job is a project, so therefore has been reviewed towards the end of each term and has carried on for a total of 3 terms now.

    I have a B Visa and work permit. The current term is due to finish on 26th September at my schools. My next 90 day report is due on 6th October. Work permit up until end of October.

    When the contract for this term was submitted to immigration for the extension, the administrator in charge of sorting it all out, made the contract until the end of November. A few days ago we had an email to say "We are not sure if the project will continue or not at this stage."

    My question is this; can I notify my 90 day report and keep the same visa for the time being until we find out what's going on? (could be the day before term at this rate) If I can do this it will give me time to go about my plans for the term break with my family and look for other employment in case this falls through.


  4. Hi,

    Does anyone know of a shop in Chiang Mai specializing in old Honda bikes? I've found the following shop in Bangkok that has exactly what I'm looking for, but don't fancy having it delivered here.


    They sell nicely restored bikes at 22K, which I don't think is bad at all... I may be wrong however.

    If anyone has bought one or knows of a good shop to recommend that would be great. I know where quite a few shops specializing in Vespa are but haven't come across a classic Honda place yet.


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  5. Which models specifically? For example I can tell you where there are shops specializing in the Vespa scooters, or the old Honda 50 / 70 Super Cub. Or are we talking real motorcycles?


    I'm looking for old Super Cubs if you could tell me where the shops are for those please?

    And does anyone where there's a good classic bike market also?


  6. Does anyone know where I might be able to take a USB memory stick and have it loaded with movies? Or perhaps buy one that's pre-loaded?

    My Internet connection doesn't quite cut it for downloading myself.


  7. I am currently working on a teaching project which is due to finish at the end of February. I have a non immigrant B visa and work permit. The visa visa is due to expire at the end of January, so I will be getting an extension for this.

    When my project finishes I will be looking to start work at a different school.. Am I right in thinking that the day my project finishes I will have to leave the country to get a new visa.. And then when I find a new job, do another visa run for a non immigrant B visa and then get new my work permit?

    Thank you for any advice you want to give.

  8. Hi all,

    I am going to be starting a TEFL course on 9th September for 4 weeks and I have overlooked the need for a criminal record check (CRB) certificate, which I will no doubt need to produce at some point when applying for some jobs.

    Has anyone had to apply for this outside of the UK.. how difficult is it and how much is it likely to cost?

    Any help or advice most appreciated.


  9. A visa has a validity in which you must use the visa. For a single entry that is 3 months and for a double or triple entry it is normally 6 months if you apply at a Thai consulate in the UK. All your entries must be made within that time frame, so in your case it is unwise to apply so early.

    Hull issues in a few days when applying by express mail, a week before you go should do nicely.

    Note that a tourist visa entry can always be extended by 30 days for 1,900 baht in Thailand, so a double entry can get you 180 days and a triple entry up to 270 days in Thailand.

    Great, thanks for that. I suspected as much but wasn't 100% sure.

    The 270 days (or close as possible) is what I'm aiming for so I will definitely leave it until a week before travel.

  10. Hi,

    I am in the UK and flying out from Heathrow to Bangkok end of July.

    I am wanting to get everything sorted as early as possible to make sure my tip runs smoothly.

    Please could someone advise the earliest time I can apply for a visa? If for example, I get a trple entry tourist visa next week to for the end of July, will this be OK.. or is there a certain amount of time I have to leave before applying for the visa?


  11. I've been researching and I am seriously considering reverting to a university accredited course, as originally I was speaking to CMUTEFL at Chiang Mai University. I think it will hold me in much better stead when looking for work, even without a "job guarantee."

  12. So would I have to you each of the three entries on the triple entry tourist visa within the initial 60 days? Or would it be... 60+30, 60+30 and 60+30? I want to do my best to stay within the law and stay on the right side of the authorities so all this help before travel is awesome.

  13. "...and you can extend this stay by 30 days at your local immigration office in Thailand for a fee of 1000 Baht."

    The extension fee is 1900 baht.

    " I have the option of getting a Three Entry Tourist Visa - would I be able to have three times 60+30 with this type of visa?"

    Yes. All three entries would have to be made while the visa is still valid.

    You won't be able to work legally on a tourist visa, so if you plan on working you might end up not using one or two entries.

    Thanks for the correction, just so I have everything in perspective.

    And Terry, I do not intend to work whilst I have that type of visa, I just want to keep my options open just in case things take a little longer than expected.

    Appreciate your comments and advice, thank you.

  14. A single-entry non-ED visa would give you permission to stay for 90 days. You may not be aware of this, but you are allowed to study in Thailand on the basis of any type of permission to stay you have, it does not have to be based on a non-ED visa and you can for example arrive in Thailand with a tourist visa.

    A single-entry tourist visa will give you permission to stay for an initial 60 days and you can extend this stay by 30 days at your local immigration office in Thailand for a fee of 1000 Baht. With a double-entry tourist visa you make a border run before your visa or your permission of stay expires, whichever is earlier, and on your second entry into Thailand you get again permission to stay for 60 days, extendable by 30 days.

    With a tourist visa, you will not depend on the school for documents for a visa and thus need not remit any money at all before your departure to Thailand. After your arrival you can, if you wish, sit in on a free trial class of several schools and choose the one that suits you best.

    Seeing that you plan to teach in Thailand you may already want to have a look at the Teaching in Thailand Forum, perhaps get some advance information about TEFL schools in Chiang Mai.

    >You can, without school documents, get a tourist visa that will be good for 60 days, and can be extended for an additional 30 days at an immigration office.

    Yes, you can study on a tourist visa.

    If you get a two entry tourist visa, you could leave after the 60+30 days, and return for another 60+30 days.

    Thank you both for that information. I wasn't aware you could study on a tourist visa.

    The visa situation is really hard to get my head around and (obviously) i'm still learning new things I didn't know. Thank God for this website, or I'd probably still be utterly confused about what to do.

    Sorry one more thing, I have the option of getting a Three Entry Tourist Visa - would I be able to have three times 60+30 with this type of visa?

  15. A single-entry non-ED visa would give you permission to stay for 90 days. You may not be aware of this, but you are allowed to study in Thailand on the basis of any type of permission to stay you have, it does not have to be based on a non-ED visa and you can for example arrive in Thailand with a tourist visa.

    A single-entry tourist visa will give you permission to stay for an initial 60 days and you can extend this stay by 30 days at your local immigration office in Thailand for a fee of 1000 Baht. With a double-entry tourist visa you make a border run before your visa or your permission of stay expires, whichever is earlier, and on your second entry into Thailand you get again permission to stay for 60 days, extendable by 30 days.

    With a tourist visa, you will not depend on the school for documents for a visa and thus need not remit any money at all before your departure to Thailand. After your arrival you can, if you wish, sit in on a free trial class of several schools and choose the one that suits you best.

    Seeing that you plan to teach in Thailand you may already want to have a look at the Teaching in Thailand Forum, perhaps get some advance information about TEFL schools in Chiang Mai.

    You can, without school documents, get a tourist visa that will be good for 60 days, and can be extended for an additional 30 days at an immigration office.

    Yes, you can study on a tourist visa.

    If you get a two entry tourist visa, you could leave after the 60+30 days, and return for another 60+30 days.

    Thank you both for that information. I wasn't aware you could study on a tourist visa.

    The visa situation is really hard to get my head around and (obviously) i'm still learning new things I didn't know. Thank God for this website, or I'd probably still be utterly confused about what to do.

  16. Hi, I'm hoping someone can offer some advice on my situation.

    I have booked a flight to arrive in Thailand for 30th July. I intend to start a TEFL course on 2nd September in Chiang Mai. The school I've been in contact with is Visions TEFL.

    After some discussion about the course I explained I do not liking sending money overseas and would be prepared to pay on arrival in full. They asked for some documents which I sent and they sent me a letter adressed to me accepting me on to the course.

    I thought this would be acceptable to the Royal Thai consulate, but upon a meeting with them to apply for a visa they said it would not be acceptable and that the school needs to supply more official documents.

    I went back to the school and they said they are aware of all documents needed but I need to pay at least 50% of the course fee up front and the rest when i start the course. For this 50% upfront payment they will only issue a single entry ed visa. They said i can have a multiple, but for they need full payment.

    I understand their concern that I may not show up for the course but I have full intention on paying for and doing the course so I can go on to get teaching work in Thailand.

    Would a single entry ED visa be ok for that purpose? I understand that this would last for 90 days in Thailand then I'd have to leave and re-enter Thailand to get another 15 days would it be?

    If all goes to plan, I will have completed the course and be working within the 90 days so I would suspect I'd have to get a different visa and work permit anyway?

    Some advice would be much appreciated. I am more than happy to pay the 50% upfront fee if it means I can do as planned and stay in Thailand to work after my course.


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