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Posts posted by stejames1975

  1. 3 places to go ...

    1./ Wororot Market - up the broken escalator and straight out to the balcony - old man with poor eyesight. Not recommended.

    2./ off Chiang Moi Rd > HERE < south of Kasem store blue marker in the one-way lane which links up with Chiang Moi Tud Mai Rd - just above the 'd' of Leng Huad Auto Mechanics. Shop is halfway down on left (east side).

    3./ Hair Salon supplies south-side of moat where all the songteaws stop - virtually opposite Chiang Mai Gate, toward WuaLai Rd. They send out and can take ~7 days. Good for sharpening manicure scissors and fiddly stuff!

    Thank you for that. Today I dropped some expensive tailors scissors in at the hair salon supplies place. They will be up to two weeks getting sharpened, so I am told, but for a mere 35 baht - a bargain if it helps them to recover from their abuse by paper cutting children!

    I will let you know how good they are when I get them back...

  2. I guess you should just ask for Gasohol, without the " tamadaa " added , as that would confuse them that you ask for standard gasoline instead of Gasohol.

    Yep, the 'tumada' is just wrong to say as it suggests you want regular gasoline, and by the time they hear 'tuuk sut' their eyes are just glazing over, because he's already asked for 95....

    Yes, ditch the thamada, just ask for gasahon 95 - problem solved; you big monkey... ;-0

  3. Great replies fellas - thank you. It sounds like maybe I should buy it.

    @NeverSure - do you know what other names they were sold under? I would be interested to find out more about them.

    @thailoht - if you don't mind saying, how much did you sell that for?

  4. Well, I am glad to hear that there are now alternatives to the pizza. I was sorely disappointed when I visited and tried their pizzas. Do they not know that a tomato based sauce is required to call it a pizza?

    I found them to be dry and bland. A shame, because it's a lovely setup - just not yummy pizzas, and salads served with a super nasty dressing that tasted like it was made with cheap vegetable oil; certainly not olive oil. A great shame, as I liked the place very much.

    Maybe they were on an off day when I visited?

  5. I have been looking for a cheapish truck for getting around in. This will include occasional trips with moderate loads, but mostly not too much weight involved. More often than not it will just be used as my run-around.

    I know I could get a decent newer truck for 4 or 5 hundred thousand, but I have the chance to buy an old, but very nice condition (and fairly low kilometres travelled) Mighty- X crew-cab type truck from a relative. I quite fancy getting it, but am wary because of the age.

    Any opinions on what owning this truck might be like? Are they reliable? Is the AC powerful enough to also feed through to AC the covered truck bed area? Are they fast enough to be okay in modern traffic?

    Should I just buy a newer truck?

  6. 120k a month would be plenty to afford a decent international education in Chiang Mai, but a struggle in Bkk. With the exception of one very high priced school, there are a number of good choices in CM running from around 100,000 per year for the kindergarten years to around 300,000 per year at the High School age - not cheap, but affordable on 120k if you think it important enough.

    You pays your money and takes your choice!

  7. I believe it's because most Thais follow some form of "Buddhism", in line with family beliefs and assume that we all do the same. Christianity is the dominant religion in most western countries, so not an unreasonable expectation by a peope who simply assume that others, like themselves, will hold some form of belief in the supernatural.

    I believe we are ruled by cats, but I try not to shove this belief down other people's throats. I wish those with other, equally bizarre (in my opinion) beliefs would have the same courtesy and leave the rural Thai population the hell alone.

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