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Posts posted by Majreno

  1. There is one but it is always blank - for fox sports I use the foxsportsasia web site and select Thailand, but times or still one hour off. Everything comes on one hour ahead of listing. Have not been much concerned about other schedule but must be site web pages that would list it.

  2. Like true visions it takes time - our deposit from true finally came but first came three different pink slips reminding us we would be getting a check someday - in all it was 4 months. They mailed that one to us directly. That was the second time we canceled that service over the years - we had the service many years before that and we got that deposit back also, but again it took 3 months and they sent the check to the venders office - you have the account information just check with them from time to time. Keep your paperwork - they have a law about deposits so in the end if they hear from you they pay - if you leave country like many people do then they can keep it I would guess so maybe that is the reason it has time delays built in.

  3. Did they place cement markers from survay and issue a use permit? - does that person pay an annual fee at the land office for the plot even if small a small amount? - if so the land can be bought and sold between Thai's anyway - it is the next best thing to a chanote - A sales agreement the use permit and survey and as discribed evidance is all that your other would need to protect purchase. There is also a possablity that it will convert to chanote but you don't invest or bank on that just roll with it. Any other type land is subject to problems even if they are often rare in most area - if it suddenly becomes a tourist trap you can count on Thai's with tie's to be moving in and taking everything with a lawyer in tow but more then likey they would pay you something to make it easy for them anyway, that said;

    You could get a piece of land build cheap not a mansion and if you stay more then 5 or 6 years beat the heck out of renting and still sell it to someone else cheap - if you don't want to live in the city and mind what you are spending you come out far ahead of having to pay a kings ransom to a landlord and leave with nothing anyway. Most places in town are smelly and noisy and money just tossed down a drain anyway - so built cheap but functional and enjoy your stay. You will get more in return even if you only sell the building for parts and walk away and many do.

  4. dam_n it is doing it again after working all day.

    I can't fix something I have no control over and there are no humans working a gmail that give a damn if it works or not.

    Guess I am changing accounts after all.

  5. Well well well today thunderbird works fine again - last night when I was done chasing my tail the app and accounts were back to where I had started - the way they always worked before - even if only one account at a time would function and now today all accounts - so far - are working again like they should and did in the past.

    I think they at gmail had some kind of auth server fault or overload that lasted a long time and got better during the day - changing from no account to online account working then on to last used account online would see auth fast enough to be working in thunderbird.

    I think it was timing out to fast on sign in from apps. sending password fail before it should have for no reason and even fail a retry. Entering a password would fail before it had a chance with their server and start making unauth faults that were not real. - google auth server was maybe slow or broken in some way.

  6. I fired up my linux laptop using thunderbird with all other PC shut down and only a connection to the internet and it came up acting the same as all the others - it is at google and it maybe is just my accounts - the whole thing makes no sense at all - what it does, what I can do, and there is no way both linux and windows on four differant pc's that always worked fine until today just simple all start acting the same - the fact that some others are not having the problem only makes it harder to understand - I know I am sick of it already.

    I rebuild every account and everything still it acts stupid. I am using PC's not smart phone over an aircard with router - right now I can log in online and all accouts work fine from browser now. The only accout that works in thunderbird is the last one I logged out of online.

    I tried one more thing after I noticed an accout was working in thunderbird and others closed again - If I go online log into another account and log out again - that one starts working in thunderbird and the others will not accept passwords. 2 step is disablabled on all accounts. It has to be at their end - but I have no idea how to fix it. The last account used online always works in thunderbird and the others stop working - I can swtich the working thunderbird account by going online and logging in and out off the account I want to work in thunderbird and do nothing to thunderbird to make it happen - strange.

    I always loved having thunderbird and imap - I will miss this if its not working - it is one of the worse things that could have happened.

    The only thing I did before this happened was cancel my true aircard sim and start using only dtac, but I don't see anyway that would have a thing to do with it. They both worked the same before.

    I know I should and have said I will just forget about it but it is like one of those things you just keep coming back with one more thing to try - I am tapped.

  7. Thunderbird IS NOT compatible with google gmail 2-step authentication. But there is a workaround.**

    The reason all the accounts are down is because google's security sentinel software has registered failed password entries and has temporarily blacklisted that IP address. Any attempts, from any browser, on any OS, on any device utilizing that IP address will automatically be rejected for a period of time.

    ** If you want to use Thunderbird to access your gmail accounts via POP3/SMTP or IMAP you will need to disable 2-step authentication on those accounts

    ... OR keep 2-step enabled and use Google Security Center settings Application-specific passwords to create a 1-step authentication alternate password for use in applications that are not 2-step compatible

    Lets be stright - thunderbird was working fine until today - it is google that is not compatible.

    I turned off step2 completely in all accounts and none work at all from thunderbird still - if I use step 2 and device varify passwords I can make one account work and the others closed - start over and get another accout but then the first is closed again - I don't know but this is not ready for prime time and I never had any of this problem until today - the whole day wasted following endless links that solve nothing - I am stuck with online accounts until I move everything out of google.

    They at google do realize some people still have multi PC's on a LAN and not everyone is on some stupid not so smart phone using thumbs to type on a sheet of pastic. I can't wait to see I will have to deal with a load of crap everytime I switch on some other device.

    The best way to solve a problem is to not have one - google is a problem - so its gone.

  8. I get busy doing other stuff and open googlemaps. It presents me with a red bar stating someone is trying to open my account and names one of the four accounts. I have never signed into google other then those emails before, don't use play, google+ or anything other then a few email accounts never have, but it asked it I would like to change the password - I say ok sure and it takes my old passwork to that account and allows me to assign a new onw plus do the step 2 BS. Bing I can log into that one again online.

    So I open tbird and the other accounts are working again but not the one I changed the password on. I go online and check that account and imap and everything is good I can log in online but cannot get imap to work with new password - all the other accounts have gone back to normal and working imap as well as online but that one works online only even if the imap checks out and I entered the new password when requested. gmail just getting blowted code and out of control I think. they got bugs.

    Just in case I am going to be getting some back up accounts going - I doubt they will get better before worse.

  9. I set up the step 2 online a long time ago and have the notes in my black book - the hint matchs but the option does not work - it still fails to open the account and that system also loops.

    I cleared everything and have used several OS's and differant PC's linux etc - does the same thing and seems vary sourced at gmail it self - my accounts are locked it would seem. I hate having to change all my accounts but it can be done. Yes it did start on 4 accounts all at the same time. My linux laptop had not been online or run for over two weeks and it came up doing the same thing - nothing else on lan was up when I started it - don't think it is a local problem unless they are keying on my dtac connection as a problem for them.

    I can alway make new gmail accounts, but they seem to be getting out of control with all this crap. If I do I will use other then cell numbers for step 2. Thanks

  10. Not a lock down at sector 4

    nothing works to resolve - no other PC OS etc works all the same issue is at the account

    None of these are used in business only a few personnal vary small volume accounts.

    it just wants me to reenter password on all of them then asks again and again - broke

    Online that stupid sms let us data mine your phone number BS fails also - it won't accept what I was forced to give them in the past even if it still provides the proper hint - so I assume they have an issue but if it is just me then it will never get fixed and it effact 4 differant account the same way.

    I guess if it is not just simply working again in 24 hours then I change providers and spend a week notify the world of new addresses.

  11. What happened to gmail - all my accounts are locked and want password from tunderbird imap but won't work

    login on line and it wants my phone number thing but won't accept anything - can't get answers from them can't log in no matter what

    lost 100% of all accounts and and no way to get them to answer anything.

    hosed to the max by gmail

  12. I would do a manual connection to 2100 (52005) from the software and it would disconnect but still say it was connected to 3g and then run 2g speed - so the easy way if you don't know how to do all that would be go into a dtac outlet like the mall and have a dtac person run tests with your sim card - even if I explained to them what I saw they had to prove it to themselves anyway and they then fixed my problem by issuing a new sim card for my aircard. Now works great.

  13. Not sure why your dtac would not work well. If your using the trinet sim for air card get the 7GB package


    If you do a manual connection on a laptop check and make sure it is in proper mode - have them use it in a laptop at a real dtac outlet and run the software to check the modes it is seeing.

    I use the dtac post pay 7GB trinet aircard sim and it works great everywhere - In fact it was just today I canceled my true 5GB sim that was only 100 baht cheaper - the reason is they block apps and international speed was <300k most the time with or without 3G limit used up and streaming like Hulu with proxy etc was buffering more then my dtac 2G connection would after 3G was gone. The true sim to Bangkok was 14mb often with low ping but 280k to the west coast and 360ms ping - limited,choked, and cheated international connection I would say.

    I used both true and dtac cards for 5 months to see which was really going to work and when. I found that the true is not worth the post paid aircard sim, but the the dtac trinet sim is great - With dtac even when I ran out of 3G it would work better then the true 3G on international connections almost every time. True is only concerned about the Thai Intranet and not the WWW. This is not just once but over and over during the 5 months I had both.

    On the other hand I can torrent and p2p with dtac - not that I do more then a linux iso or something once in a while but at least it is not app blocked and limited to .5k - I have never been able to torrent or p2p with true, the last iso I did I started on true and was blocked so I switched aircards and got a 11mb download with dtac and had my iso done in a few minutes. Windows updates via true was a waste of time and bandwidth, if out of 3G on dtac I would use it to get them done faster then true 3G did - why pay for 3G if it is only going to run at 128-200k outside of Thailand no matter what you do - Thanks to CAT I would guess but still trues fault - they wanted it this way.

    Make sure your getting 3G speeds and not locked down - at first with dtac I found like other during the startup of trinet that I had a problem of the sim not detecting the 2100 signal - once fixed by replacing the bad sim it has been just great.

    I like having two cards so I may give AIS a go here or maybe just another dtac sim for the old true card - this dtac sim works in the old true card too so that is an option if I can get the use cycle two weeks a part it would be great.

    I completely true free at this point - no true visions or true sims anymore. No going to miss a thing.

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