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Posts posted by SpeakeasyThai

  1. 28 minutes ago, quandow said:

    I told my gf I had to go back to the states and wasn't sure when I'd be back. When I DID return after a 2-month hiatus, we miraculously bumped into each other at Big C. Seriously, there was no way she could have known. She stalked me a little, I had to make it QUITE clear we were done. Now, we still bump into each other (always at Big C for some strange reason) and when we do, we stop what we're doing, go grab a coffee, catch up and part as friends.

    Do you still give her money?

  2. Before you instigate the end of the relationship make sure all your posessions are well out of her sight and cannot be stolen or destroyed. 

    It may be wise to go off the radar and change your SIM card for a new mobile number. 

    Leaving town would be a wise move - at least for a month, which would give her ample time to suck from a new host.

    Prior to officially informing the lady you are out of the relationship make sure any sharp tool or knife is well out of reach. 

    Last but very importantly not least, be very wary as they are unpredictable. Your life could be in danger.

    Good Luck!

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  3. 3 minutes ago, YogaVeg said:

    Sounds like you are guessing.

    I see you support your viewpoint with TA quotes, here's another for your consideration: https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g293915-i3686-k10608694-Uber_and_Grab_declared_legal_by_Land_Transport_Department-Thailand.html


    When I drove Uber, there were strict requirements, and until met, disables the app for use as a driver. None of those requirements cost me much (other than the purchase of the car itself).

    They include:

    -vehicle must be less than 10 years 

    -vehicle must pass annual safety inspection (600 baht)

    -vehicle must have proper rideshare insurance.

    -vehicle must be registered currently in my name.

    In addition, I had certain personal requirements:

    -proof of current license

    -driving record history

    -criminal background check


    All of these items can be submitted directly through the driver app (exception being vehicle inspection), they are then verified and processed, usually within 24 hours.


    Until these are all submitted and verified, and again when it becomes time to renew, the driver app is unusable.

    Simple, efficient, legal.

    Did you pay income tax ?

  4. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


    I think you would find that most of us find church bells delightful in comparison to the Muslim call to prayer blasted over loudspeakers, that can be heard miles away.

    Absolute rubbish statement.

    People who are unfortunate to live next to Churches that ring out their bells can't stand it. There was a case in point in Gloucestershire UK where the locals were up in arms about it as they just wanted some peace and quiete on a sunday morning. The issue was taken to the local town council -  locals were furious and it was preventing them from selling their houses as buyers were also concerned about the anti social sunday morning noise pollution. 

    What looked like a picture postcard village scene was infact a tuneless nightmare racket every sunday. 

  5. 3 hours ago, donnacha said:

    I do not doubt that individuals can have bad experiences at any given immigration office (particularly if they dress poorly, have body odor issues and are visibly embittered), but I have never had anything but polite, friendly service from Chiang Mai immigration.

    It is in a nice, relaxed, uncrowded location, the Promenada Resort Mall. Dealing with bureaucracy is never fun but, having traveled extensively, I can say that Chiang Mai has one of the better immigration offices on the planet.

    It is also worth pointing out that immigration at Chiang Mai airport is miles ahead of either of the Bangkok airports in terms of friendliness and professionalism, to the extent that I am happy to pay substantially more to fly directly into Chiang Mai rather than via Bangkok. 

    As for the karaoke bars, I have never understood why people are not aware, from the moment they are effusively greeted at the front door, that they are about to be, at the very least, overcharged. Chiang Mai is not a party town, but there are plenty of friendly bars, there are even girlie bars if you need a desperate single mother to tell you that you are a "hansum man mak", but if you need the industrial-strength illusion provided by karaoke bars, frankly, you would be better off in Pattaya.

    The preference to live in Chiang Mai is an IQ test of sorts: the lack of a beach and large-scale prostitution means that you do not have to deal with the category of farang for whom those things are important.

    Sigh... You need to keep up. Immigration has moved from Promenada. 

    Do you get out much ?

  6. 100,000 a month!!?


    Guys like you who agree to pay this sort of money are my worst enemy. Once word gets round we can be spening silly money on them we are all doomned!!


    Also, I am seriously concerned you are even asking the question. Pull the rip chord and bail out man!


    You will be a much better man once you wise up and take the short time pain of finishing with her. Clearly she sees you as a total and utter idiot.


    Run man ... run!!

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