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Posts posted by stormstereo

  1. 14 hours ago, Bullie said:

    Then I hope for your sake that life will never throw you a fast one. Loosing one's footing is easily done, sir, and I resent your passing judgement on someone who's background you have no knowledge of.

    The one thing you seemingly have " thrown to the garbage" is your feelings of compassion for a fellow man.

    Three sentences, and you've restored my hope about humanity. Thank you sir/mam.

  2. I agree Kamol actually. Having condom machines in schools promotes teenage sex, and nothing less.

    Irrelevant be it Valentine's day or Songkran or any day, openly inviting students to buy condoms is wrong. If they don't have the balls to buy a condom at 7/11 WhamBam, I'd be surprised if they have the balls to get an erection. Kidding, of course... but that aside...

    Did you have condom machines in your school? I certainly didn't, and I don't believe many Western European or American schools do either.

    Don't you think it's the responsibilty of parents to ensure where their kids are and what extra-curricular activities they are upto? OK, I even accept that many Thai parents are not upto that, but to place any kind of pregnancy control upon any school is just ludicrous and a get out clause by any parent who is irresponsible!

    Well, in my school we had great sex-ed and could pick up free condoms at the nurses office any time. No questions asked. Same thing at the youth clinic at the hospital.

    • Like 1
  3. In Bkk, I plan to use Citibank at Asoke. They do not charge the 150-180 (yet) and have a 20 000 B limit.

    Are you still sure about Citibank at Asoke? Last September when I used the ATM there it was indeed free but upon my next return in February a screen popped up informing me there would be a 150 baht charge.

    Yes, I visited March and April. No charge. Used a MasterCard issued in Sweden.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  4. My 2 cents,

    Back in 2003 I stayed in Bangkok for a longer time. I had no problems opening an account with Bangkok Bank at first try. I lived close to Saphan Taksin BTS, so naturally I visited the branch between the BTS and Robinson department store. I transfered a chunk of money and sifted from that account using the Bangkok Bank debit card.

    I might return to study in Bkk for a while. This time, I will bring a card from home (MasterCard). I did my research and found the only bank/account/card in my country, that does not charge to withdraw in any other country. Additionally, they do not charge a conversion fee, nor do they have their own conversion rates. It's the best deal that can be had, me thinks. In Bkk, I plan to use Citibank at Asoke. They do not charge the 150-180 (yet) and have a 20 000 B limit.

    And as a measure of safety, the banks online tools let me control where the card can be used. I've never seen that before.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  5. I enjoyed all the witty posts but here's one to show this is not a Thai problem per se. A newspaper in Denmark recently decided to visit one of Denmark's two most famous amusement parks and bring an electrician with them. Within 45 minutes they found 25 illegal and dangerous installations within reach of children. Naked wires, rain water-filled plugs et cetera. There's pictures and all. In Danish but Google Translate might help. The authorities are contemplating a visit and the head of the park, Nils-Erik Winther, said they will fix everything within days.

  6. How do you earn an income blogging?

    Create a popular blog. Have advertisements on there. Presto.

    I friend of mine (google Dani Karlsson) have a few hundred thousand readers every month. She makes vast amounts of ad-money. She might also be paid by the blog portal (metromode) she's working with at the moment. Another blog I follow is "Alex in Wanderland", travel themed, popular, ads income.

    It's the same thing with hugely popular Instagram dudes'n babes. If they have tens of thousands of followers, they will be contacted by various businesses to promote their products for money. Not rocket surgery. :)

  7. Working or not, CCTV cameras in public places generally does not prevent crime. The data is pretty clear on this. Instead, we are building a nightmare society, in my opinion.

    Quoting The Telegraph: "Fewer than one crime is solved by every 1,000 closed circuit television cameras, the Metropolitan Police, Britain's biggest police force, has admitted."

    Quoting "Home office research study 252" by Brandon C. Welsh and David P. Farrington: "Overall, the best current evidence suggests that CCTV reduces crime to a small degree. CCTV is most effective in reducing vehicle crime in car parks, but it had little or no effect on crime in public transport and city centre settings."

  8. First - on that picture, your screws and metal connectors have corroded. Throw it out.

    Second - never use WD40 on plastic since it is a petroleum based product (although lightly so).

    Third - yes I'm an Apple fanboy, but if you insist on a Windows based product, the Samsung Series 9/7/5, in that order, looks good. The Google Chromebook as well, although I guess a computer where everything is internet based will not be an awesome experience in a land like Thailand.

    Fourth - I'd still like to suggest an Apple MacBook Air, MacBook Pro (or even an iPad if you don't use you computer for real heavy stuff). Apple will announce new products and software updates today, at their World Wide Developers Conference so check those out. I used to be a hard core Windows guy who did real heavy lifting on my machines. I even tried the Linux route. After a few weeks with OS X, I hated myself for not switching years ago. smile.png

    Irrelevant that the screws are corroded.

    As for those connectors, I don't use them as they are for a dock and an external monitor.

    Yes, irrelevant but telltale that it might be time to look for a new one. :)

    Apple released a new MacBook Air today. Weighs very little. Fast as a bullet. Battery life is 12 hours for the 13 inch. Runs Windows too. We also got a sneak preview of the upcoming Mac Pro machine. Holy mother of gigaflops, it's a beast!

  9. First - on that picture, your screws and metal connectors have corroded. Throw it out.
    Second - never use WD40 on plastic since it is a petroleum based product (although lightly so).
    Third - yes I'm an Apple fanboy, but if you insist on a Windows based product, the Samsung Series 9/7/5, in that order, looks good. The Google Chromebook as well, although I guess a computer where everything is internet based will not be an awesome experience in a land like Thailand.
    Fourth - I'd still like to suggest an Apple MacBook Air, MacBook Pro (or even an iPad if you don't use you computer for real heavy stuff). Apple will announce new products and software updates today, at their World Wide Developers Conference so check those out. I used to be a hard core Windows guy who did real heavy lifting on my machines. I even tried the Linux route. After a few weeks with OS X, I hated myself for not switching years ago. :)

  10. I bet the guy will think twice when someone asks for a bit of extra sauce. Hasnt he heard the customer is always right?

    In Pattaya, the customer is often wrong, in the way or just plain inconsiderate for expecting service. Haven't you felt like you were intruding when a shop assistant is busy preening and you approach for help, only to be given attitude?

    I tried that once. A buddy and I sat down at an outdoor, slowly rotating bar on some side soi to Walking Street. We ordered drinks and got them served swiftly by one of the girls. The only transgender/ladyboy staff of the bunch suddenly turned to us and said "give me tip". I asked why. She asked where we were from. I answered, Sweden. Then she started badmouthing cheap Swedes, working herself up, eventually becoming loud and threatening. We did not talk back. Said absolutely nothing, as a matter of fact. We just sat there with that idiotic, surprised look on our faces. At this point, some of the other staff looked uncomfortable. We quickly paid what we owed and left.

    I have no idea why this happened.

  11. The rioting kids say they have been offered and received money from the tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet, to take pictures and videos of themselves while burning cars and causing mayhem. Great journalism! The eqivalent of 30000 Baht must sound pretty good to a kid with zero income.

    Darwinism at it's best. I hope the government uses the pictures as evidence to expell them from the country

    I just might have to backpedal on this one. These accusations are strongly denied by said tabloids...

    I heard someone utter another interesting thing in a podcast recently (without citing sources): If the young population in any area in any city, are unemployed or not studying to an extent of 40 % of them (or over), then it's statistically proven there will be riots in that area. They just need something to ignite the whole mess. Anyone else heard about this? Input welcomed.

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