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Posts posted by Chiengmaijoe

  1. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

    The night market lost it`s allure long ago as did the LK and surrounding areas.


    Filthy, congested and ugly.  The whole lot should be cleared away,  it`s become an eyesore at the centre of the city and has well past it`s sell by date. The only time I visit there is if I am passing through on my way to somewhere else.


    Not flaming. Facts are facts and I`m telling it how it is.

    The tourists love it still. Been here to long, maybe? because as ES said, it was a dump 30 years ago, and relatively speaking, much more interesting now. 

  2. Just now, sanemax said:

    Those genuine salt of the earth warm hearted stall holders may just have move location and begin to charge reasonable prices and they may have to stop ripping tourists off and to stop causing annoyance to shop keepers and car drivers in that area

    So long as you're happy, that's all that really matters.

  3. 21 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    From what I've read, none of those traders are under threat of losing their livelihoods, as the CM authorities have backed off. I wouldn't want to see any stall holders being forced out, but I'm still going to air my complaint about the ongoing lunchtime racket that would drown out a Thai karaoke bar at full blast. Bear in mind there are several small business restaurants down that stretch whose customers have to endure the daily lunchtime racket. 


    There must be an alternative solution, like setting up the stalls early morning when no-one is around for example. That's what I call consideration for others.


    There is another meeting next week. Hopefully they win, not Big Business.

  4. 24 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Although you are on a forum spending time with  "judgemental unsympathtic lost souls " , rather than with your "salt of the earth , warm people"

       You do have the choice, but, you are here with us, rather than being there with them .

        BTW , do you go around the stall holders houses for a visit ? Have a meal or a few beers with them ? Do they stop by your house for a visit ?

    I'm on a forum informing people of the plight of some people I know, under threat of losing their livelihood. I can do that and spend time with people I know and like. Yes,  I know some of them personally and they have visited my house. This topic was about them, not you.

  5. 2 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    This area is one of my daytime haunts, and it's a pain in the a**e.


    In particular, the setting up of these stalls along the one-way section of Loi Kroh Rd from Changklan  Rd/ McDonalds intersection to the Chinese temple is a noisy affair - cannot hear any conversation while it happens. Guys pull their metal stalls along the LK road on a motorbike trailer going the wrong way (as usual)  causing a racket around lunchtime every single day. HRC and Red Lion bear the brunt of this and one reason I eat lunch elsewhere - not that I would ever sup at HRC as it's way too expensive, particularly as they add a 10% service charge. Tourist rip-off, IMO. 


    Also, I don't hold the view that the 'majority of stall-holders on that section are honest, decent people trying to make a little bit of extra money (ha, ha) to feed their kids and send them to school' - they're all part of the Loh Kroh mafia, including the tuk tuks, who prey on tourists. When one can get a city bus into town for 20 baht, these vampires charge around 100-120 baht for a short trip to the moat, where they should all end up, IMO.


    Okay, rant over - and to be fair, there are a few stallholders who are polite and offer their goods at a reasonable tariff to visitors.  But the noise and disruption to pedestrians while they're setting up their stalls in this whole area is gross.


    Since I personally know a lot of the stall-holders and have done so for many years, I can vouch for the fact that they are indeed honest, decent people. If this area is your daytime haunt then maybe you should take a little bit of time to get to know them. Having lived in Asia longer than I have elsewhere, I sometimes forget how cynical and quick to judge (invariably in a negative light) so many westerners are,  a disproportionate number of whom seem to delight in coming on here to show us just how unhappy they really are.


    By the way, I also know that the people on the stretch under discussion are indeed mostly scraping a living and finding life a daily struggle. I don't know where you get your opinions from, but I can assure you it is no laughing matter for them, or their families. The fact that you refer to them as Mafia, says more about you than them.

  6. 3 hours ago, cmsally said:

    That section of the street has no traffic !!

    I wonder who could of instigated that!

    I' m sure you can guess, but there's no prize for getting it right.


    I wouldn't say I believe in Karma, but I've seen many instances over the years of people reaping what they sowed. Getting on with your neighbours and integrating in your environment will always be a better way of prospering than being confrontational and uncaring. Everyone needs to make a living and co-operation will almost always be better than confrontation. Even if they win, they probably wouldn't be happy. Selfish people never are.

  7. I heard of a meeting today to resolve an issue of stall-holders selling their wares on what is probably one of the least busy roads around the Night Bazaar. The section of Loi Kroh Rd from Changklan  Rd/ McDonalds intersection to the Chinese temple is the only part that has stalls, and signs appeared a week or so ago notifying them that the stalls must be removed by the 1st of next month. The sign was from the Traffic Police, which seemed odd because this section is so quiet in the evenings that it has never had a traffic problem! 


    The meeting was held today at the army camp and it seems that the stall-holders came away satisfied. However, they are not too happy , I hear, with the news of who instigated this clamp-down. People can say what they like about Night Bazaar stalls, but the reality is that the majority of tourists love them and prefer them to the few malls that are in the area, that have always struggled to get customers. The majority of stall-holders on that section are honest, decent people trying to make a little bit of extra money to feed their kids and send them to school, so it is good to see that the authorities listened to them and not the Big Business interests. It was a victory for the small people, and not a smart move from the instigators, as they all now know who they are. 

  8. On Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 6:57 AM, dingdongrb said:

    Yepper, been doing that routine for the past 3 years or so...  Go in around 2 pm and hardly no wait. Went in last week, in and out in 15 minutes... (It probably would have been sooner but one of the gals that processes the 90 day likes to chat it up.)

    If I miss doing it by mail, I leave it till after 3pm, but hopefully the panic merchants don't catch on and keep getting there before the place even opens!

  9. 3 hours ago, piewarmer said:

    The business hours are on the door, they usually close on Wednesday except when there's a big game, then they close the following day instead. 

    Its nice to have a six day week for the staff as they work  9-14 hours depending on what's on in the weekend sport department.

    Its now licensed as a bistro so no more Buddha day closures. 

    The neighbours (Players or Diggers rest) seem to always have the same day off as Downunder.

    But he still can't sell alcohol on a Buddha day, just like everywhere else. It's the law now, whereas it used to be optional, unless the police 'advised' otherwise. 

  10. 13 hours ago, Sandy Freckle said:

    Yes indeed, the locals don't seem to mind a bit of noise(and then some)...., in some cultures loud noise is thought to ward off evil spirits..., if thats the subtext here, it does not seem to be overly effective.
    Maybe I'll take a stroll through the area tonight and monitor the situation :wai:


    ....., I wonder how long this thread can be kept alive ?
    ..., it's not animal cruelty if the horse has already karked it. 

    It's not so loud lately, partly because they haven't had any events, partly, maybe, because they haven't been so busy outside due to the rain (no cover outside, so no punters outside) ...... and MAYBE because they read Thai Visa, and care about their image. You never know!!

  11. On 6/23/2017 at 5:44 PM, scottiejohn said:

    Less than 5 minutes ago just watched a BiB, (not the one who is usually there), just down from the Red Lion, get 300 Bhat from a Thai lady pillion rider.

    Farang was driving, lady as passenger (with helmets), came straight across the Loi Khroi/Night Bazaar cross road, against the rules and stopped by the Bib-quite correctly.

    Thai lady hands over two cards, I assume driving licence and ID card and reaches into purse after a very short discussion and slowly counts out 3 x 100Baht notes.  No receipt, just smiles and Wahs all round and a big wink and smile from the Thai lady who could see that I saw it all.


    It was all so quick I could net get a photo without them all knowing as it was in full sight of all in the area.

    A guy who lives here and should know better, told me recently how a visitor friend of his was stopped just past the Red Lion by the cop that seems to be there most days of the week. He said he was asking for 1,000b for him having driven across the intersection nr. Mc Donalds, so he 'helped' his friend by negotiating him down to 500B!!


    I don't mind so much people being fined for not complying with the law, and  the cop maybe pocketing the odd fine,  but when they go this far ........  it's called Highway Robbery.  He's a disgrace to the uniform.

  12. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    That's normal price in restaurants . I paid 40 baht . And one time 50 baht . 




    There were almost riots in Chiang Mai a few years ago when it was discovered that a bar/restaurant in Chiang Mai charged 30b for water. Unfortunately and very unusually, the topic was deleted so I can't give a link. Probably the funniest post that was ever on this forum. Very insightful too. But only in terms of how obsessive certain expats are about prices. 5 baht here or there is very significant to some, it seems.

  13. 1 hour ago, dave2 said:


    i doubt it :(


    i had a small chang in hooters on beach road pattaya in march that was 150 baht :(


    and a small beer in the hard rock cafe in kuala lumpur last xmas

    was about 192 baht


    but an even bigger ttpiz  was getting charged 60 baht for a coke in a girly bar

    on loi kroh road chiang mai on monday :(


    dave2 wont be going in there again !


    Places that provide entertainment, especially those that don't sell food, often work on a mark-up pricing policy. In that respect a Coke at 60 baht in a girly bar  is a similar mark-up to a small Singha beer at something like 90b, which is what some of these bars charge. One other factor is that people drinking soft drinks are much more likely to order just 1 or 2 bottles as opposed to a beer drinker that would more likely order 3 or 4. Buying a drink in an entertainment venue has more to do with paying for the cost of the entertainment than the unit cost of the drink.


    If 60b for a Coke was the price of a lady drink, that is quite reasonable, if it was for you, then assuming that you're not knocking them back, it's still a cheap night out. I doubt if that piece of information will change your mind, but it's still worth bearing in mind.


    Also, it could have been worse...........you could have paid 30b for a bottle of water!!

  14. They are certainly busier now but with that comes an increase in the volume. I'm not sure about elsewhere, but I'm sure that HRC in Bangkok is all enclosed which means that the music doesn't affect everyone round them.  Here in Chiang Mai it is open-fronted so when the band is on the poor souls selling opposite and everyone from the corner at Mc Donalds to almost up to Lemongrass has no choice but to suffer. Some nights, when they have a DJ or special event, after about 50 metres you don't even get music, just heavy bass.


    Typically in Thailand no-one complains, they suffer in silence (or not), but that doesn't mean that they accept it. Although  noise is normal in Thailand,  I would have expected an international franchise to be a  bit more considerate of their neighbours and their well-being.

  15. 3 hours ago, heybruce said:

    I assume you are referring it to this:


    " Cheapest Beer in town, all you can drink beer buffet from 17.00-2100, Chang Beer, 89 Baht!!"


    As I read it, it's all the Chang Beer you can drink from 1700 to 2100, six hours, for 89 baht. 


    All you can drink Heineken buffets for 99 baht were once common in Chiang Mai, but have gone away.  Maybe beer buffets are returning.

    4 hours by my calculation. Still a great deal.


    Tonight I saw a restaurant in the night bazaar offering 3 small Changs for 99b (no time limit)! Time for him to throw in the towel, I think.

  16. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    89 baht for a Chang ? Why do they call it Happy Hour ?   In Pattaya you can get a beer for as low as 45 baht during "happy hours" 

    Read it again. He didn't call it Happy hour,  and he didn't say 89b for  'a' Chang.

  17. 3 hours ago, EricTh said:


    Since when do the Chinese go for western food when coming to Thailand?

    Since day one. I do well from them, but I suppose having had the sense to translate my menu into Chinese helped. I've told a few fellow bar/restraunt owners that they should translate their menu into Chinese and their response is usually that it isn't worth the effort because they don't get Chinese!!

  18. 2 hours ago, Mickeem said:


    When is the parade or has it finished?


    Is the Thapae area this year populated by big beefy Falang women trying to dislodge peoples eyeballs with giant squirt guns ?




    The  parade of Buddhas was yesterday, tomorrow is the parade to the Governors house near Nawarat bridge. details here. 

    songkran activities.jpg

  19. 2 minutes ago, Trujillo said:


    Just like Christmas back home, at times like this we should remember that there are  plenty of sad, old people at home by themselves, with no friends or family to visit them, getting depressed watching the young people enjoying themselves with their friends and family. Focussing on the negative aspects of the holiday is probably the only way they can hide their loneliness and misery.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

    If you are posting here now, that means you are not whooping it up outside with water and beers and reckless driving. Party poopers!

    Oh wait, that's me too.....


    I'm enjoying myself, as is everyone else. I popped in for a coffee and a bite to eat, if that's okay.

    Happy New Year.

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