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Posts posted by InternetMarketingRocks

  1. It's just a book, with a few hateful passages that need to be edited out.

    Nothing to get too excited about. But forced child marriages, oppression of women and persecution of Jews and homosexuals ... now that deserves our attention.

    It is not " Just a book ,with a few passages needed some editing" It is a manual for world conquest and domination by islam and a blueprint that controls every aspect of life ,with mostly invectives and death and torture threats against the Jews ,Christians and idolaters ,it is also considered the immutable word of god ,and "No editing" under the threat of death ,some people take their books very seriously ,and that is the problem .

    It is also replete with fairy tale stories that must be believed without questioning.

    That book contains text that is more extreme than Mein Kampf ,the other poster is right ..the 3000 corans should have been distributed for further reading so more people know what it really is saying .

    You are describing the bible, right ???

    How many reports have you seen of Christians blowing people up around the world, seems its always the same cult which is islam here in thailand in the south, 9-11,in the usa 7-7 in the UK and thousands and thousands of other terror attacks all committed by under the name of islam and all of them following the teachings of the coran.

    The BIG difference is Muslims follow the Coran and implement what is written in there and they agree with it, ALL muslims agree with what is written in it and the sooner we wake up and see and realize what is happening around the world the better.

    if you have not read the Coran then you do not understand it and cannot defend that book unless you agree and support all these thousands of terrorist attacks all by and under Islam and Muslims.

    I have read the book, and can see exactly why they are doing what they are doing around the world and for what reason, however rather than this guy burning those Corans he would be better served giving each of these defenders of Islam a copy and having them read it and educate themselves on what it teaches because what it teaches is HATE and violence not only against Infidels (all of us) but also against women whom it says can be beaten homosexuals should be killed as should anyone that converts from Islam to any other religion, if you are not a muslim you have the choice to convert or die or pay tax to them for being a different religion.

    This is all being implented around the world PLUS a shocking statistic of 50,000 cases of Child genital mutilation where a young girls clitoros is removed in an Islamic ceremony when the girl is between 5 and 7 years old, now this is not in some third world country we are TALKING ABOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM here and that number is ONLY the number that needed emergency medical treatment in UK hospitals, how many more that were completed successfully that did not need emergencny medical treatment.

    read it educate yourself and if your still defending that book after reading it and seeing the implemetation of the Coran around the world including the UK France Belgium Germany etc, then there is just one reason you are still defending it


    • Like 1
  2. I scoured that place extensively looking for a plot and called a ton of numbers and the lowest price everyone of them quoted was 12000 baht Sq wah the price you mention must be via people in the know because someone just looking and shopping by driving around and calling the numbers on the signs seems they were SET at 12,000 baht sounds like everyone has agreed on that price.

  3. I know the chap that was mugged in the OP's first post and it sounded like a set up since the Tuk Tuk driver deliberately stopped 60 meters from his destination and he got out to pay and as he was paying was hit over the head from behind he was robbed of his cash and phone he woke up several hours later after being knocked out and found himself lying on the side of the road.

    He is fairly new here and had had a few to drink, it was early morning, he was alone in the Tuk Tuk so I think he was a target and the tuk tuk driver called ahead and set him up.

    Personally I have never came close to being mugged here.

  4. Oh, I wanted to mention that I produce excellent fertilizer...so I will be selling it at 3000 baht a lump...can only produce 4 lumps a day so put your orders in now!

    No takers so far?

    I am reducing my price to baht 2960.

    I know what I am talking about and I can prove it....2960 is very cheap.

    I actually believe you are full of that smile.png (sorry could not resist and said in jest as your post is :))

  5. That is NOT CORRECT

    I have NO QUALIFICATIONS but I could show anyone how to make daily money from the Internet LIVE

    My qualification is EXPERIENCE AND DOING it day in day out.

    Walen is probably the same if he is having success in investing and can show that then he is QUALIFIED no need to have some useless paper to say he is if he has proof and can show his qualification.

    The qualification of anything is when you show the proof as to why you are qualified to teach any subject, and the best way to silence the critics is to show them UNDENIABLE proof in front of their eyes, unfortunatley looking at some of the posts here, I dont think even then, some here would believe it smile.png LOL


    Gawd, read carefully, DO YOU have any qualifications to teach in a school this subject. YES or NO.

    The answer is, would you prefer to learn from someone who can prove that can do it with clear proof that they have, and are doing it in REALITY OR would you prefer to learn from someone with a degree in the subject but no experience and only knows the theory to what they are teaching and has a useless piece of paper to prove they know the theory ?.

    I know the answer in your case smile.png

    I would not get a job in a college teaching marketing, because I don't have a degree in marketing (which stupidly is required) however I can assure you I can implement it better than any college lecturer that teaches that subject and only knows the theory.

    A smart person would choose the real life experience over theory every time once proven it works.

  6. Has the OP any qualifications to substantiate being able to lecture on the subject other than a bank balance ?

    Are you looking for an academic or someone who knows how to do it? I have money making qualification. I know how to make money through investing and I can teach that.

    It is my understanding that any teaching course, especially a paid for course, the 'teacher' must have some sort of qualification in that field.

    That is NOT CORRECT

    I have NO QUALIFICATIONS but I could show anyone how to make daily money from the Internet LIVE

    My qualification is EXPERIENCE AND DOING it day in day out.

    Walen is probably the same if he is having success in investing and can show that then he is QUALIFIED no need to have some useless paper to say he is if he has proof and can show his qualification.

    The qualification of anything is when you show the proof as to why you are qualified to teach any subject, and the best way to silence the critics is to show them UNDENIABLE proof in front of their eyes, unfortunatley looking at some of the posts here, I dont think even then, some here would believe it :) LOL


  7. Hello

    I have seen those at the night market they also sell Tazers and pepper spray there is a guy who sets up a stall on the corner of the road near the muslim area very close to the Kalare thai boxing place.

    good luck in finding what you are looking for

  8. Oh dear. It seems only teachers and nurses measure life by more than making shedloads of banknotes.

    Working online may well suit some folk, but it's absolutely out of the question if somebody wants to work with people. I'm sure she can work online back home in america for loads more bucks. If you want to teach, you're not interested in making loads of money. Because you're never going to. You're interested in experiencing life.

    Well femi your exactly right it will not suit everyone, however I think you will agree that most teachers (or at least the ones I know) do it so they can stay here in Thailand, and its the only way they can stay, (at least the ones I know).

    As for working with people I work with people every day, I just got finished speaking at an International event where hundreds of people travelled from all over the world to attend each paying $1497 each for a ticket I will leave again for another event in around 9 days time this time in the USA then I have another event in Tokyo Japan so I work and mingle with plenty of people in fact even CM has a Internet marketing group where very successful people meet up on a regular basis.

    Nobody has to be stuck behind a computer and once set up and you really like teaching then you could easily do both but not have to struggle to live on a teachers salary. (best of both worlds)

    Not here to get into a pissing match I just wanted to give an alternative to the op if teaching was the only thing she thought she could do to spend an extended holiday and support herself while she is experiencing life.. smile.png

    Hey, that sounds great! I was just commenting based on the context of the OP and what she's wanting to do.

    One of the great rewards of teaching english in thailand is the students (well, i mean adults, not kids for me, but many prefer kids). But yes, if you can earn enough money however you can in order to fund a life living in thailand, then i completely agree. Thailand is a great place to live, not the least chiang mai. But i suspect the lady in the OP wishes to experience the whole gamut of teaching.

    However, i do assume the kind of work you're talking about is for experienced teachers. It sounds good for sure, but only if money is the crucial ingredient. What were you doing at this international event? Do they need anybody else?!!

    Yes completely agree I have been a teacher for 25 years but as a Scuba Diving Instructor and my early years I worked for free or very little money just because I enjoyed it so much, and even though I earned just enough to eat, those were some of the best years of my life and the memories and life experiences are priceless. I guess I am still a teacher just in a different niche this time around. :)

    The event is now over, but it was on internet Marketing and I was invited to be one of the featured speakers, I am a well known person within my industry so I am asked to speak at events by other leaders in my industry.

  9. Oh dear. It seems only teachers and nurses measure life by more than making shedloads of banknotes.

    Working online may well suit some folk, but it's absolutely out of the question if somebody wants to work with people. I'm sure she can work online back home in america for loads more bucks. If you want to teach, you're not interested in making loads of money. Because you're never going to. You're interested in experiencing life.

    Well femi your exactly right it will not suit everyone, however I think you will agree that most teachers (or at least the ones I know) do it so they can stay here in Thailand, and its the only way they can stay, (at least the ones I know).

    As for working with people I work with people every day, I just got finished speaking at an International event where hundreds of people travelled from all over the world to attend each paying $1497 each for a ticket I will leave again for another event in around 9 days time this time in the USA then I have another event in Tokyo Japan so I work and mingle with plenty of people in fact even CM has a Internet marketing group where very successful people meet up on a regular basis.

    Nobody has to be stuck behind a computer and once set up and you really like teaching then you could easily do both but not have to struggle to live on a teachers salary. (best of both worlds)

    Not here to get into a pissing match I just wanted to give an alternative to the op if teaching was the only thing she thought she could do to spend an extended holiday and support herself while she is experiencing life.. smile.png

  10. Jackie you may wish to consider other options than being a teacher in Thailand, as mentioned the pay is not so good unless you teach at one of the better schools and most teachers I have met are barely surviving on their pay and do it only because it pays them just enough to continue to live in Thailand.

    Consider learning to make a living online it gives you so much more time and freedom and is way better paid that being a teacher in Thailand there are many things you could do to make a lucrative income online such as selling services, or as an affiliate marketer its just takes a bit of a learning curve but once you have learned you will never want for money again.

    I know many people making very lucrative incomes online and pulling in figures that would make your mind boggle

    Then take a webcam shot of your bankbook and show us all! I know a lot of people, who work online, too, including myself, for about four hours per day. But me nor anyone else is making money in an MLM or get rich scheme.

    Nobody mentioned MLM nor get rich quick schemes, I am talking about legitimate product creation, offering services being an affilaite, PPC, PPA etc normally I would not bite with people such as yourself since it is very clear the type of person you are based on your response above,however just to prove a point I will show a small shot of some of my sales and income from the latest software i produced and launched in June and these figures are small compared to the people I hang out with.

    Now of course expect the next response to be ITS FAKE, but for positive minded people they may see the potential of making an income online and start learning, which is never quick and takes normally about 6-12 months before really making an decent amount but once at that level its pretty easy..

    And if you still think its fake I will meet you and log in Live to my account and prove it to you so you can eat some humble pie smile.png

    the point of my post was instead of spending 6 months training to be a teacher and then working for 20,000 a month INSTEAD spend the time and money educating yourself on legitimate ways to make money online, and you can easily make 10-20,000 a day, after you have established yourself in our industry.


  11. Wondering if I could get some advice since I am a little confused

    I have a new passport and have a 1 year multiple o visa in my old passport

    1.) Do I need to go to immigration and get it transfered into the new one or do I just take both passports and just show then the O visa (valid for another 10 months) upon re entry to thailand ??

    2.) Since I have the O visa do I need to get a re entry permit before leaving the country ??

    thank you to those that respond

  12. Jackie you may wish to consider other options than being a teacher in Thailand, as mentioned the pay is not so good unless you teach at one of the better schools and most teachers I have met are barely surviving on their pay and do it only because it pays them just enough to continue to live in Thailand.

    Consider learning to make a living online it gives you so much more time and freedom and is way better paid that being a teacher in Thailand there are many things you could do to make a lucrative income online such as selling services, or as an affiliate marketer its just takes a bit of a learning curve but once you have learned you will never want for money again.

    I know many people making very lucrative incomes online and pulling in figures that would make your mind boggle

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