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Posts posted by swervie2000

  1. This incident is petty compared to this one.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVjz1OyBJCc (Preview)

    I don't know...I guess people are on some societal drug or something.

    They try to downplay or criticize BitCoin. BitCoin and decentralized crypto currencies solve real world problems.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBLpx6gQtUU (Preview)

    And, they're going to save the global economy because all remedies have been exhausted for fiat based currencies.


    And lastly, you may as well read about what the people are doing to prevent their BitCoins from the Sheep Market incident to be spent. Impossible to do this with fiat currency.


    Moral of the story: Do your research before you judge anything.

  2. m_chiangrai.jpg

    Due to difficult economic and political times in Thailand, there has been a surge of reported rip-offs of travelers and local foreigners throughout the Kingdom by Guest Houses and Tour Guides. Thai people are notorious for shooting themselves in the foot and doing anything for money. Some feel it is their right to rip-off foreigners and this must stop.

    Thus, this advisory is not only to help local foreign travelers not get ripped-off, but also to help honest local people so that foreign travelers will continue to visit this awesome place called The Kingdom of Thailand.

    I urge people residing in other tourist locations throughout Thailand to post their own similar advisory. However, please do not post frivolous or spiteful advisories just because a business or person is not liked. Only post those that are known for being unscrupulous in their money dealings with honest local and foreign people. Thank you.


    Chiang-Rai Guest House & Tour Guide Advisory - Places and People to Avoid

    We will continue to post here further verified reports.

  3. My mother use to be a key punch operator back in the 60s and 70s, she took me to work and I use to play around with the cards and punch machines. I observed and loaded cards into an old IBM. This had to be around the early 70s.

    First PC was in high school - Radio Shack TRS-80, or otherwise known as a Trash 80.


    This was around 1977-1979.

    First bought computer was Atari 800 in 1980.


    And so now us early adopters can be proud we paved the way for the locals to do Hi5 and MSN. :)

  4. Anyone who gets annoyed driving or riding a motor vehicle in Thailand is an ASS. The things they do here on the road will get you incarcerated in western countries. You ride a small bike here, you are like a mosquito. You ride a big bike here with gloves and helmet, they will think twice about messing with you. But, you must be aware of what is around you on the roads at all times. Attentiveness, response and size rule here. Don't like it...home is where your heart is...

  5. Great race !

    Straight line speed of the Ducati is obviously far greater than any of the other bikes.

    What a time for C. Stoner....well done.

    It is worth pointing out that Thailand has a rider in the 250,s now

    the ducati was unbelievably fast in the straights, however, rossi was able to pass on the corners, but, yamaha will have to do something about the power disadvantage. i'm sure they will...

    i love motoGP, it's not over until it's over and we have 17 races left...the doctor for the reclaim of the title!


  6. What an incredible time in Thai history! The coup by the military with the King's support will hopefully return Thailand to a place of freedom and peace in the long term. This is could hardly be a step backwards with the King's backing. Forget democracy for now. Democracy, in essence, is just another method for tyranny at the political level in many cases...

    The Thai military with their loyalty to the King acted as a buffer to the ulterior motives of a man gone wild who deeply divided the Kingdom. True leaders do not divide, they unite and help their fellow countrymen the best they can on an aggregate. A devisive leader creates problems, which they use to conquer through problems. Create a problem, reaction, solution = CONTROL. Sounds familiar...?

    My Thai wife's father was a true Thai soldier through and through and he did things which he felt was best for his country and his family. Bless his soul and bless the country of Thailand for taking the steps necessary to maintain the peace and freedom of its people. And most importantly, bless the King of Thailand; and the ever generous royal family and previous decendants for nurturing and protecting this wonderful Kingdom through generations and generations. They are a true inspiration for all of mankind.

  7. My misterable 2 satang's worth:

    My first visit here was over 25 years ago, and I have lived here most of the time now for the last 20 years; 19 years in the North, now in Phuket. I am proud to say that I have given this country and local communities far more than I have ever taken.

    Thailand before Thaksin? Does anyone remember?

    Thaksin has destroyed this country. Fascism in the name of progress. What we see now is a ghost, or just a shell, of what Thailand was 10 years ago. Thaksin's form of democracy made democracy into a terrible thing; absolute power corrupts absolutely. There was no real democracy at all, the 'landslide' votes were generated by a fantastically well financed and organized roots level money distribution and propaganda machine.

    Someone mentioned that the coup, and the lead up to it, were financed by the alcohol and tobacco industries. Of course, they were just a small example of those who were opposed to the TRT, BUT the sheer amounts of corruption by Thai Rak Thai, and the amount of uncontestable control mongering, became simply astounding, overwhelming, and impossible to ignore. I'm talking about the sheer amounts of money generated, and accrued, by the fellow school classmates of Thaksin, his cabinet members, the TRT party heads, Thaksin's family,and the Thai/Chinese community in general, it is completely beyond belief, and actually had become illegal to question. The rich get so rich that they can pay the poor to vote for them and carry their flag, it's just that simple.

    These guys that pulled the transition: They knew what they were doing, they knew who would support them, and it seems to me today that they realized how to do it in the least harmful way. They did their homework and the timing was perfect. There is huge public support at the moment.

    I for one, as a very long term Thailand resident, hope that the Thaksin years will become a distant reminder of how someone can corruptively control not just government, but basically everything, to generate even more wealth and power... if he has enough money to pay for it. It's an old story throughout history of course. This time it's our legacy to repair.

    I admire the people that finally stood up to say, 'I've had enough and I can't take it any more!" A totally corrupt democracy, filthy, dirty and filled lies and death, is not a democracy at all. If someone has anything to say about that, I will just say that you haven't lived here in Prathet Thai long enough to know and understand. Thailand WILL become a better place.

    'Old and in the way' in Phuket

    Blam, I totally agree with your comments, and although I myself have only lived here for 7 years, things are continuing to change for the worst under this govts handling. The chosen few are getting richer whilst the average Joe Blow is taken advantage of.

    There are things which I know from a well versed source that I simply would not repeat here, but suffice to say that I have absolutely no doubt that Thaksin and his chosen few were the most corrupt of the corrupt. Good riddance to bad rubbish

    I totally and completely agree here...let's hope for the Kingdom to get back on track ASAP. Bless the ones who had the courage to stand-up. Maybe, this can be an inspiration for a country like the US, which is so deep in denial about their own democracy and governmental criminality, that they actually try to spread their style across the globe...what a charade.

  8. Just reading the article posted above, and Taksin's statements, are a clear indication as to why a bloodless coup has been staged here in Thailand against him and his party. A true leader does not divide his people to have good intentions. A leader who divides does so because they are creating conflict, most usually, to garnish more power away from the people. And ultimately, this is in essence, is very undemocratic at its core. Thailand as a country is very capable of working out its political conflicts in a manner which upholds democracy, and the long loved monarchy which has served the people for generations and generations. This coup is merely a house cleaning which will hopefully rid the nation of the arrogant divisive vermin which the TRT party and Mr. Shinawat has brought upon Thailand.

    Okay Jerry, I will FINALY forgive you now.

    Thank you...remember that underneath veneer of evil lies good sometimes...besides, all I was doing was gettin some while preachin the way of the lord... :o

  9. Just reading the article posted above, and Taksin's statements, are a clear indication as to why a bloodless coup has been staged here in Thailand against him and his party. A true leader does not divide his people to have good intentions. A leader who divides does so because they are creating conflict, most usually, to garnish more power away from the people. And ultimately, this is in essence, is very undemocratic at its core. Thailand as a country is very capable of working out its political conflicts in a manner which upholds democracy, and the long loved monarchy which has served the people for generations and generations. This coup is merely a house cleaning which will hopefully rid the nation of the arrogant divisive vermin which the TRT party and Mr. Shinawat has brought upon Thailand.

  10. My apologies to thaivisa.com for saying they were a little slow on this important announcement in a previous post. I overlooked this thread. My feelings are that, first, the immigration department are waiting on the Royal Thai Police to approve this plan as mentioned in the article. That may take awhile and they may not be up to the task of enforcing...second, what are they going to do to foreigners when they make their last run and are stuck there at the border? Accept bribes, process and handle a ton of deportations at the border?I think these new regulations will initially be enforced, and then, like with most policy and policing regulations in Thailand, will be abandoned. Besides, the country will lose HUGE amounts of revenue from foreigners staying here on the month to month method. This policy is kind of simliar to the B10K that has to be shown when re-entering the Kingdom at the Myanmar/Thailand border, sketchy at best enforcement. It's also similiar to the reentry without haveing to do the actual run of a few years ago - That has been enforced...This thing will be interesting to see how it plays out and what effect it has on foreigners doing the month to month method...

  11. Well...with that response from a farang with a username like Beavis&Butthead. All you need to do is talk to your friends. For me, I love Thailand and am %10,000 happier then I could ever be back in the evil empire. There's no poll required period.

    Those who are not happy here here, evidently, have some internal or external issues which probably make them unhappy whereever they are. And, if you do come across foreigners who are unhappy, I recommend sending them to a local wat or back home. Quite simple really...

    In addition...anyone who supports satanic farang politicians like a Newt Gringich or W Bush must report immediately for duty in Iraq. People who support this war should go fight and have fun for Israel and oil corporations.

  12. Well...with that response from a farang with a username like Beavis&Butthead. All you need to do is talk to your friends. For me, I love Thailand and am %10,000 happier then I could ever be back in the evil empire. There's no poll required period.

    Those who are not happy here here, evidently, have some internal or external issues which probably make them unhappy whereever they are. And, if you do come across foreigners who are unhappy, I recommend sending them to a local wat or back home. Quite simple really...

  13. Well...with that response from a farang with a username like Beavis&Butthead. All you need to do is talk to your friends. For me, I love Thailand and am %10,000 happier then I could ever be back in the evil empire. There's no poll required period.

    Those who are not happy here here, evidently, have some internal or external issues which probably make them unhappy whereever they are. And, if you do come across foreigners who are unhappy, I recommend sending them to a local wat or back home. Quite simple really...

  14. This story is getting far more attention then it deserves. Typical western media...Unfortuantely, it also brings attention to Thailand and the foreigners who live here. Most of the foreigners who live here don't like their country of origin, thus, the reason we live here. It's always the few bad rotten apples focused on, instead of the few truly rotten. This story will pass soon from people...it already has with me.

  15. Pattaya is a reflection of the tourists and farangs who have made it what it is. Just like any other community around the world. The KTs are probabaly poor and desperate. They are but a small reflection of Thailand. Hopefully, there can be some sort of balance between the elements to make Pattaya the nice and safe place it use to be...until then, I have absolutely no desire to go there when you can go to much nicer places in Thailand.

  16. Thank you penzman for the correct revisioning! Mr. Boxhead continues his moronic political journey. This numbskull continues to jeopardize the freedom and stability of Thailand by hanging around. Now that the King's anniversary is finished there will be more street protests. The courts need to decide on a new and fair election quickly before more damage is done.

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