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Nusquam Humanitus

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Posts posted by Nusquam Humanitus

  1. Cheap labor? Realizing of course, in general, you get what you pay for.

    It should be obvious to any westerner that the more you pay the worse you get. Prime example is the public health care system in the west. AND no its not free, you are paying through the teeth for it. In fact the bill is so large your children will be still paying off the those bills. Through either inflation, direct taxation, pension account confiscation or even negitive interest rates. Who knows how they will do it.

    Recent examples include greece, poland and russia and america among many many others.

    Currently all countries are subsidising their govt monopoly run enterprises with inflation. So don't for a second think that it wont happen in your perfect country.

    If you think public health care is the best in the world, well im sure you love waiting months for an operation, eating their dead, acidic food filled with sugar while laying in your hospital bed trying to recover. Plus the service there is unbelieveably bad. You are not a customer to them, you are just another slab of meat ready to be pricessed.

    Instead of "You get what you pay for?" how about, he will get what he is worth! He earns me money ill make him rich. He dosn't perform ill fire him. A business person has to take risks.

    What is flagrantly obvious, is that the medical industry is absurdly unregulated leading to - "And no, it's not free. You are paying through.......". I agree, who knows what the lunatics who pretty much run the world will do. They pretty much set up the * let's pass laws to solidify the outsourcing of labor to 1. Increase the profit margin for the few at the very top and 2. Eliminate employment opportunities that used to be occupied by their fellow countrymen.*

    So, what is he worth? What are you worth? Did you receive a figure from some deity stating your value? Keep on looking for that "cheap labor"! It's all about the profit margin! Here's an idea - Just maybe, there is an individual who is a native English speaker, living close enough to you, is an absolute wiz with a needle and thread and you can actually communicate with this individual, because you speak the same language and there will probably be a much greater chance of things being done as you specified.

    Cheap labor isn't the answer. Skilled labor seems much more logical.

    Good luck in your endeavor!

  2. The situation here, unfortunately, will not get any better as Suthep and the Dems do not want an ELECTED government. They want to be appointed by who knows who. They want to go back 50 - 60 years ago. That would not be a democratic government.

    Well, in all fairness, the Red-shirts wanted Thaksin back and installed without an election, so they are no better. In case you haven't read the history on Thailand, the election process hasn't been a perfect bed of roses for the country. There are countries that don't have elections (e.g. UAE, Qatar, Vietnam, Laos, China, etc.) that have far more peace and security than many countries that do have elections (e.g. Malaysia, the Philippines, Greece, etc.). Elections do NOT bring peace and security! In Thailand, they spell disaster!

    Are you serious? In most countries people want to vote for who runs their country.

    Or in Thailand, the majority who are uneducated and vote for whomever will put the most money in their pocket (or promise too).

    Unfortunately lack of education makes influencing the 'masses' easy. Most policies that will develop Thailand as a whole, business wise on the international scale, unfortunately won't directly benefit the poor. Hence why they vote for populist parties like PTP who promise them a lot, but it's all empty and they can't see the lies behind the show. Democracy works in countries where people make informed decision on who to vote for, but in a country where more than 50% have minimal education it's very difficult for them to see the greater picture on what's beneficial to the development of Thailand. They just can't see it at that scale.

    Thailand's a quite complicated situation.

    Amras - Dead on! May I also add the unfortunate brainwashing related to monarchies and nationalism. Of course these beliefs fall into the "uneducated and conformist" category, but they are , in my opinion, holding back progress.

    I believe democracy is and always will be dysfunctional until corruption is almost completely eliminated and the checks and balances within a "democracy" function properly. At this point in time, the "democracies" of the western world are terrible shape and the masses of those said nations are much more educated as a whole.

    The corruption has to be eliminated for true, unlimited growth to propagate.

  3. I think what he should be concerned about is the lack of education in this country and the uncontrollable amount of corruption that will one day sink this country into one of these extremely poor African nations.

    In general, it's already a glorified version of a "poor African nation". It's a good thing there are plenty of cheap hos bringing in the vast majority of Thailand's GDP. Once the tourism drops, Thailand will become an instant wasteland. The vast majority of Thai citizen are completely oblivious to this reality, solidifying the truth about the outstanding education system.

  4. how do they determine which ticket numbers enter the draw - considering that the vendors are still selling the tickets on the morning of the draw ??

    In regard to the whole morning selling situation - They draw the numbers sometime later in the day of the 1st and 15th of each month. This does not mean that vendors aren't still trying to sell ticket after the draw, as TIT! I believe the numbesr are not shown to the public until the day after the drawing. I could be wrong on this point.

  5. Why go to the trouble of getting married to ANY women....Divorce rates in America are 4.95 per 1000 and in Thailand its .58 per 1000 (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate )

    You do the math!

    Whoa! I do like the looks of that site and it seems well managed with a whole bunch of data, but unless I am misunderstanding the ratio meaning, these figures seem waaaaaaaaaay off. Is this 4.95 marriages out of 1,000 marriages end in divorce? HELL NO! Who runs this site. The Vatican? 495 per 1,000 is probably closer, but still a bit shy of the real total.

    I do agree with you anyway. Why marry any woman? It's just a three-way contract and the third (most powerful) entity usually makes things much worse, should something bad happen within the institution.

    P.S. - The Thai female in the above picture is pretty dam_n far from ugly! Light chocolate for the taste buds!

    Yes it does seem a bit low.....but this is the divorce rate vs total population..

    In the US there are 6.8 marriages per 1000 AND

    3.6 Divorces per 1000...........(yes, I know this conflicts with the earlier statistic....oh well)............................http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/divorce.htm

    Seems to suggest a higher than 50% divorce rate for married couples

    OK! Got it! That makes much more sense! I think? Something still seems fishy here. 6.8 marriages per 1,000 people? That's a very low number, which actually makes sense given the number of divorces and those younger individuals who are intelligent enough to avoid it like the plague!

    P.S. The higher than 50% divorce rate seems much more accurate from what I have personally seen and heard about. Pretty soon the divorce rate will be 100% at 0.0000001 marriages per 1,000 people.

  6. Why go to the trouble of getting married to ANY women....Divorce rates in America are 4.95 per 1000 and in Thailand its .58 per 1000 (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate )

    You do the math!

    Whoa! I do like the looks of that site and it seems well managed with a whole bunch of data, but unless I am misunderstanding the ratio meaning, these figures seem waaaaaaaaaay off. Is this 4.95 marriages out of 1,000 marriages end in divorce? HELL NO! Who runs this site. The Vatican? 495 per 1,000 is probably closer, but still a bit shy of the real total.

    I do agree with you anyway. Why marry any woman? It's just a three-way contract and the third (most powerful) entity usually makes things much worse, should something bad happen within the institution.

    P.S. - The Thai female in the above picture is pretty damn far from ugly! Light chocolate for the taste buds!

  7. Posted Yesterday, 04:41

    Nusquam Humanitus, on 25 Oct 2013 - 13:09, said:snapback.png

    This whole topic infuriates me to no end! The IRS and the "banksters" really are the scourge of this planet!directly intended towards the ideology of said group!

    The banksters have nothing to do with it. They'd rather do without it as it creates more work.

    I strongly disagree! Sure, they don't actually do the work themselves. They pay secondary individuals very well to do the menial work. Please, make no mistake about it, the upper-echelon bankers had EVERYTHING to do with it.

    Watch for more, invasive capital controls in the near future. The whole Chase Bank scenario which was previously mentioned, is probably just the beginning. First it's business banking (potential for large sums of capital flight), next it will be the guy who worked very hard and wants to transfer $30K back ti his home country.

  8. Quote

    (A dead person is an inanimate object).

    That's a purely a matter of opinion.

    I believe the OP is almost 100% correct on this one. There is only one definition that I could find that might disprove his logic; Animate - of or relating to animal life. Every other definition refers to movement and actually being alive. I still stand by the potential, non-material aspect of this quagmire.
  9. My favourite is R.I.P. (A dead person is an inanimate object). So, R.I.P. is meaningless. Whats your favourite rediculous saying?

    I believe this depends on one's spiritual beliefs. If one believes in the human spirit/soul and said spirit/soul has not left the body, then "rest" may still be applicable. This reasoning may be mighty thin, but it sounds reasonable in my opinion.


    "Land of the free, home of the brave".

    "E pluribus unum".

    "Free elections".

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