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mha noi

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Posts posted by mha noi

  1. Typical answers from the unaware or just plain ignorant posters. Alot of Farang expats work in Africa and do nothing but spend money in Thailand supporting the whole economy not just the tourism side of it ie. people with families, Alot of business people investing there also travelling to and from. If you fly from Africa to Thailand generally the MEDIA would class you as a tourist. Do some really think the local bicycle mechanic in the bush would bring his wife and ten kids on holiday to Thailand. I think its great news although, I'm on day 2 of 2 week quarantine arriving from Africa

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  2. A bit late sorry. but i would take it down to your local side of the moto tyre shop ask to pressure test...check for leak. As easy as 2 rags 1 in each end and a compressed air nozzle or an old valve torn off an old tube. You wont get a perfect seal at either end but with 100psi at his compressor you dont want a perfect seal. Stick it in a bucket off water and look for bubbles. Maybe youve been had or maybe there was a hole wich could lead to dust getting sucked in and killing your turbo.big $. Also being no obvious brackets supporting the steel pipe it is prone to crack at the mounting flange. I have no experience with that car and maybe they are prone to failure around those klms. May have been had may have been saved.

  3. Johan78. Mate i have been too busy to do anything, but came across brp (boon racing pattaya) there page on facebook looks quite impressive. Theres a major 2nd hand parts engs 1/2 cuts company called xiang gong looks like a big import show. But this is all net research from work.

  4. Hey guys im looking to buy or build toyota pickup with 1uz toyota v8 shoved in it. Anyone heard of one forsale or decent supplier/conversion place. Im in pattaya but happy to travel to get what i want. Thanx in advance for any info and i will my share experience to help others

  5. Agree..i'd say most tourists come in on a 30day visa exempt stamp. So 360bht is a bloody cheap visa if wana look at it that way. Im sure i had to pay a small fee to leave the kingdom when i first started holidaying here, now i live here. Love everything about. All the Thai bashers on here complaining about everything that makes thailand what it is. Maybe should look at some hobbies to there. BYE CUP NAM ,i say.

    If cant afford 360bht (more than a lot of peoples daily salary in thai). How can afford the holiday.

  6. WitawatWatawit... Kha Talo unpleasant after rain..Is it bad for flooding around there?. I am currently looking to move over to the dark side. I like the idea of bigger yard area, being able have room to work on a project car, bbq area etc, and getting the hell away from the thousands of tourist buses ive been dodging or 3 years,and the constant jack hammering of a building reno or condo building site.and and and

  7. I agree with RKSA. My first thought was your rear axle is not attached to the body. Could be heavily worn suspension bushes,broken mounting bolt etc. If its as bad as you make out,get straight to your local mechanic and get your suspension checked. It wont be hard to find

  8. Thanx guys for the info, i was going to have a look around pullman area as me n a mate r both on rotation n hopeing to make a day of i. Ch7 maybe the only chance. After a beers it doesnt realy matter what language the broadcast is in i guess

  9. In non mechanical non aircraft terms. the psi rateing on the tyre is its max load..the apporitate rating for your daily needs should be on a stiker or plague inside your glove box or near the door pillar(where the door contacts the body,left right front or back ,upon make car) i have tailgates pop open due to potholes but no tyres.touchwood. i dnt think most of us are running around in F1 cars or airplanes on thai roads, so from my experience id run an average sedan 28 to 32psi. Myself i had a small suzuki 4wd and because it weighed so little i ran 22 to 26 psi to stop so much of the bounces because the car wasnt heavy and shocks can be helped. also ran 18 psi in a low profile tyre on a muscle car pickup. So a psi variation i dnt think will kill you. Stand looking at your tyre looking straight on to its tread and if its highest point is in the middle you have way to much pressure. If its bulgeing at the out at the bottom you dont half enough psi. Hope this helps non mechanicaly minded people. KISS (keep.It.Simply.Stupid)

  10. A young guy with mate on the bak of his scooter got side swiped by tandem truck very deliberate act as so called witnesses say.boy died on scene mate died in hospital saying truck reversed bak to finish him off so no on going care bills just 20,000bht to the family.fight the case get nothing 20k for each fam of 2 boys lifes. Big trucks big companies can do wat they want always remember.witneses and photos of body on road doesnt match up with just falling off. Fk 20k cannot even buy a new scooter let alone a son. Rip young friend of family.so 1.8 mill is huge as apart to alot of cases around

  11. Hopefully old mate that landed on his head will be ok. And a bunch of shit comments about an accident that hopefuly the boys can laugh about when there on the piss together on another balcony together someday.i think half of the comments have come from people with no mates to share gd times.posting sad sad words from worldwide experts behind a keyboard makes me wana skip this forum

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