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Posts posted by canarysun

  1. Greetings!

    Buriram is a cool place and lots to see and do in itself.Having taken train journeys all over Thailand the Bangkok to Buriram is one of my favourite because of the fab scenery on the way! Lots of different places to see with other trains out of Buriram. So would highly recommend to use the trains where possible as so much more to see! 


    Canary Sun ( choo choo ) x

  2. Greetings Viewers....

    I just can't quite understand how you all seem to have such high budgets living in this cheap country!?? Most of you seem to be bringing your western style lifestyles over here.In Pattaya you can still find a nice condo for 5,000 baht a month ( and if you look hard enough some will come with a pool ) Chiang Mai and Northern parts of Thailand 5,000 baht is not a bargain for a house! It's the normal! 

    C. S x

  3. Dear Viewer!

    I would highly recommend to travel within Thailand by " TRAIN " it really is the only real way to travel and see the real Thailand! They are ridiculously cheap ( approx 10 baht per hour journey on a 3rd class Train ) Longer distances i would recommend the Express and Special Express Trains.You can also use these Trains within Bangkok for under 5 baht ( can you afford 5 baht viewers..? ) Forget using Buses and minivans in fact try to keep well away from the roads as the driving is dreadful! 

    A while back i did a " Travelling by Train " post right here on Thai Visa ( Moderators..no need to start getting twitchy....) 

    So climb aboard these fabulous trains and sit back in 3rd class and " feel the wind in your hair " .

    Greetings to you all,

    Your Thai Visa friend ... x

  4. Dearest Viewers!

    I trust you are all well...?

    I am currently in the UK ( a difficult gig after living 25 years abroad ) I became very ill towards the end of my adventures in Thailand.I spent all my time outside every day in the sunshine ( glorious ) but drank litres of water from the water machines every day ( 5 baht a day ) I lost half my body weight and became sick and itching with high temperatures.When i returned back to the UK i told the Doctor ( a bloody nice bloke ) that i thought i had " The Dengue " but after loads of blood tests he said my Liver was in a bad way from drinking " contaminated water " from the Water Machines.It took me a year to get my health back on track! So please be aware viewers! 

    I have just returned from Sri Lanka doing a project on " Train Journeys " but i shall return to Thailand in the future......

    God bless you all Viewers! 

    M x

    2016-08-04 15.09.18 (3).jpg

  5. Hello viewers!

    It must be noted to all our viewers that I have been as " sick as a dog " from drinking water from these hideous water machines.I wouldn't even have a shave in that water.( I don't shave very often...) Pay a little bit more and buy a nice bottle of filtered water otherwise you will be paying out a lot more in hospital bills.....

    Greetings to all our viewers,

    C.S xxx

  6. When you come to live in Thailand you MUST accept and respect all types of people being who they are,including Ladyboys,Tomboys,gays,lesbians etc etc.Yes we all know that a few of the Ladyboys can be a pain in the ass ( literally i would imagine.....) kind respect where due....

    But if you start hating people for being what they want to be then trouble will come your way...

    Live your life and ignore them but this Alf Garnett attitude will only make things worse.

    F.J thumbsup.gif x

  7. I have been living abroad for 25 years with no contact and no address in the UK.I went back to the UK for " Free " NHS treatment and i arrived at the hospital (with my suitcase) directly from London Heathrow.I told them in my Terry Thomas voice that i feel dreadful and may have Dengue Fever and was seen straight away with no questions asked...........

    God bless you all viewers!

    F.J wink.png x

  8. I fail to understand in life,those people that always seem to be in a rush.I have never been " competitive " and most of the time would rather walk ( if it's a small distance of only 5-6 KM ) They really should ban Mini Vans as they are dangerous.I would highly recommend walking or catching the train.After all nobody really needs to be in a rush........ x

    F.J wai.gif

  9. Hello Viewers!

    Or you could just take the ordinary carriage on a " not so fast train " for a cool 275 baht & sit back on the wooden bench ( seat ) throw your watch out of the window and enjoy a real adventure..........

    # It should be noted that this journey would not be suitable to any of our older viewers who wear a Syrup of Fig ( wig ) ...

    F.J xsmile.png

  10. When i was sniffing about in Chiang Mai in the villages you could rent a house for about 3,500 Baht a month.( rather nice but be careful of green snakes slithering about whilst sitting in the garden....)

    Closer to Chiang Mai city ( Central Festival area ) you seem to be able to rent a one bedroom Condo for about 3,500 baht per month.

    Or perhaps out of town i found some nice up market condos from about 4,000 baht a month ( quite expensive but exceptionally nice )

    Close to the Train Station i found some reasonable Condos ( quite small ) but ideal for one person for about 3,500 a month.

    But hold on viewers as the bargain of the century was when i was in one of the villages about 18 months ago and actually found a block of apartments ( could do with a lick of paint.... ) small with shower and bathroom and just 1000 baht a month! ( ideal for a backpacker or even worth renting as a storage room!

    Don't deal with agencies and remember if there are farang living there then expect inflated prices!

    F.J wai2.gif x

  11. My point is the whole non b, work permit and teachers licence issue is difficult and not worth doing for some people here on a holiday for a year. I was wondering if they will decide not to stay.

    Your being <deleted> for the sarcasm lost in issan.

    To be fair, that's sort of what the powers that be wanted. They want teachers to have better qualifications for the job. I'm not entirely certain if the change in visas were to assist in this, but meh could be.

    People on a holiday for a year should be able to continue working. Unless you are saying they were without a bachelors degree. In such a case, the government has never been that happy with them being here. A person with a degree and a smile can stay on teaching for at least 2 or 4 years without a problem.

    And yes, I'm aware that it's a mess getting legal here. However, I can say honestly I've yet to have a problem. Just a headache chasing shit down at times I won't argue against that fellas.

    I personally know a few people that are probably leaving, albeit some of this is due to salaries not moving in 10+ years.

    Someone with a BA degree does not qualify to be a teacher in Thailand.

    I know a teacher who is 26 years from Germany on a tourist visa and has banged up most of the girls at his classes in Udon Thani. A Thai would get suspended but a farang gets away with it.

    Another Associate Professor at AIT (German once again) has also banged up most of the student girls in his classes. They even had weekly meetings discussing issues we are not permitted to discuss on this forum.

    Farang teachers ? Sorry but to much experience in my last 28 years in Thailand, they should be all packing up and let the Thais sort out themselves if it can be sorted out.

    The only schools that I know have good teachers are ISB, BPS and a couple of other international schools but no farang with a tourist visa would even get near them.

    I know a teacher who is 26 years from Germany on a tourist visa and has banged up most of the girls at his classes in Udon Thani.

    Ha Ha - Classic Line! Just spilt my coffee everywhere! ( great stuff )

    F.J x

  12. I have always found that this is the major benefit of renting a place rather than buying.The great thing is when you rent a condo (anywhere in the world) is if you have problems with the neighbours you can just get up and leave! ( if you buy a place then you are stuffed ) Also i have learned over the years having lived in Spain & Thailand that sometimes it's best not to complain otherwise you just make things worse.There is no solution apart from moving unless you have Liam Neeson's special set of skills..........

    F.J thumbsup.gif x

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