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Posts posted by suzzi36

  1. Please can you explain rules for single foreign women with a child who has a Thai father and living in Thailand.   O'visa, but can only stay for 90 days then having to do a border run. This is difficult when child is in school and sole carer has to leave the country and child behind every 90 days.


    Working, can it be possible for this situation that the mother is allowed to work on her family 0'visa without having to change to a Non B visa?




  2. Did you have any luck in finding somewhere to rent? I am moving to the area next month and finding really hard to find anywhere. I have heard there are lots of places to rent in small gated communities but I can't seem to find them. If you have any luck please let me know of some places where I can look. thanks

  3. I am looking for a house rental in bangsaen area. I have not had much luck on the rental websites. Does anyone know any places I could try in that area? It can not be a condo, due to having a big dog... but I am looking for a small 2 bed house - prefer in a gated community, as I live alone (female) with my young child. I can pay max 15,000 per month. Any help would be great.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Does anyone have any information on this school. I am interested in the primary section. The school is located on the grounds of Burapha university in Bang Saen, Chonburi. It has an International Program - not school but offers a full English program of study. The fees are around 150 per academic year. The website does not give very much information, it does not seem complete and it is hard to find out any reviews or info on this school. I would welcome any feedback. If there are any known bilingual schools in the nearby area, I would appreciate any info on these as well. My reason for asking is I maybe moving to the Bang Saen area for work. I am a single, working mother, so my options are quite limited on travel times etc.. I do have a car, so I am able to travel anywhere within a 30 min journey time. Not anymore, as it is hard to get myself and daughter out the door in the morning and then coordinate school pick up after work etc.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

  5. Thanks for the reply. For my daughter's birth registration her father only had to show his Thai identity card not a house registration, they wanted either one but did not require both. I was hoping that this would be the case for a passport too, but it seems they need all documents. Maybe the copy of house registration from my landlady along with my rental contract will be acceptable.

  6. Is it possible for me to get a Thai passport for my child without a house registration document. I am a foreign mother and my daughter's father o this Thai (we are not married). My daughter has a Thai birth certificate and only ever lived in Thailand. I am not sure of what documents I need to take to get her Thai passport. Her father can come to the passport office (his name is on her birth certificate) and he can bring his I.D. card. But my daughter has never been registered on his family house registration. My daughter does have her name on the house that I rent. But I only have a copy and can not get the book from the landlady. Would this be OK? Or do I need something else. Like a letter from the immigration confirming my address...


  7. Can anyone please inform me of the documents I need and where to obtain the for getting my child a Thai passport. My child has an English mother and Thai father. She was born in Thailand and lived here her whole life. She holds a Thai birth certificate and her father registered her at the Amphor. I tried to get her a Thai passport but was told I can not because she needs the documents of her Thai father. This would be fine but for the fact I have no idea where he is or how to contact him and he has never provided for my daughter. I have a non B visa for Thailand but my daughter does not have anything. I can not get her a visa, (I tried) but was told she is Thai national so there is not a visa for her. But at the same time I can't get her a Thai passport because as a mother I am not Thai. I have heard there is a Kor Ror 14 (something??) document that states I am the sole carer and this would allow me to get her a passport. Please can someone confirm this information and if true where I can get this document and anything else I should be doing or getting. Thanks in advance.

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