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Posts posted by waoscar

  1. My finance is trying to get somebody to Certify some True Copies as per Australian Law.

    I got some done at a doctors when I was living in Thailand, but now I'm back in Australia

    and my finance is trying to get her passport page and id copies Certified as True and Correct.

    Does anyone know anyone in Pattaya who is qualified under Australian Law and understands

    they simply need to certify the copies are unchanged from the original.


  2. I remember listening to an interesting radio discussion on Australia's ABC radio about mould removal.

    For those not familiar with Australia I will explain a little;

    Shannon Lush - Known as the Queen of Clean in Australia, written many books on cleaning and provides talk back on Stain removal tips.

    (Google Shannon Lush for many tough stain tips)

    James Cook University - Located in Townsville which is in the far north tropics of Queensland (where mould is a common problem)

    I have heard Shannon Lush many times discuss mould removal and using Clove Oil. Never had to remove mould myself but as I had never heard of Clove oil I was curious. Every time mould is discussed, the use of Bleach products is not recommended as it does not kill the spores, which is why it grows back so fast and you need to keep cleaning all the time.

    Did some Google work for you today, see link below,


    There is also a Audio file on the link above to listen to Dr Winsor from James Cook University.

    I could have just given the answer provided but who would believe me if I bagged bleach, why not go and find out all about it for yourself.

    By the way if you find out where to buy Clove Oil in Thailand please post and share.

    Good luck

    • Like 1
  3. Clamp on 25th December 2013.

    Pattaya 2nd Road just north of Pattaya Central Road on the right hand side.

    Discovered the most efficient process in all of Thailand that day.

    Walk down to police station on beach road (5 mins), took number, wait 5 minutes, paid 400 fine plus 300 for clamp service or something.

    Received three receipts.

    Told to go back car, clamp gone.

    5 minute walk back to car and by the time I got there the clamp was gone. There I was expecting a 2 hour wait like in Perth sometimes waiting to be


    By the way if you drive up 2nd road Pattaya you will see the No Parking Signs AFTER you have gone past them, they are all angled way from the single

    direction of travel.

  4. Had some problems with people finding me on Line.

    If you need an alternative, I use Viber which is excellent.

    Set up on smartphone, then download to desktop.

    Call friends/family back in Australia very often, and also

    good for calling girlfriend/friends staying in hotels in other

    countries. Even got my very un-tech mother onto viber now.

    You needed to set your account to be searchable by your ID. By default it is not and only people in your phonebook can add you.

    I've heard mixed reports about viber, but the main thing is what all your "friends" are using. There's so many messaging/calling/video apps now! People hate to change from the one they have and play on - like facebook - so I've ended up with about a dozen such things.

    Thanks for that tip about Line. Checked my Line and yes the default setup is not really what I wanted.

    Just gained a heap of new contacts on Line

    Something to watch out for. All the Australian mobile numbers not entered with country code into my contact list have come up

    with random Thai people. That is interesting, especially since I have just added to my mobile contacts since about 1996 and have never

    deleted a phone number.

    Most my friends in Aus are stuck on using FB messenger which I prefer not to use.

    I try and limit my chat apps to Messenger, Line, Viber seems to cover most the people I know.

  5. Had some problems with people finding me on Line.

    If you need an alternative, I use Viber which is excellent.

    Set up on smartphone, then download to desktop.

    Call friends/family back in Australia very often, and also

    good for calling girlfriend/friends staying in hotels in other

    countries. Even got my very un-tech mother onto viber now.

  6. James too bad they cant clamp bikes. See that cars are the reason for slow traffic and congestion not bikes.

    I seriously hope they keep doing this as illigal parking slows traffic down a lot. Same goes for double parking busses and vans for picking up people.

    Rob, I saw quite a few bikes parked perpendicular to the flow of traffic - essentially blocking traffic as well. Kinda like taxis and buses that think they are being helpful by pulling over half way and still taking up two lanes.

    But as I said, it's a start. It will only work if this is systematic and not a one week "clampdown" then back into the aircon.

    They wheel clamp Bikes in Pattaya. Saw a bike being clamped opposite Tukcom on Pattaya Tai which has Odd/Even parking for each side of the road

  7. Just one of the things I find puzzling here is this the protect life at all cost when unborn, but don't care about their kids once they are born and grow up to be teenagers riding motorcycles without helmets, licences etc.

    It is hard to understand how cheap life is respected once born but unborn must be protected at all cost.

  8. I spent 20 years DJ'ing in Australia and when travelling home late Friday and Saturday night you need to know that green

    does NOT mean go it means check Left and Right then go. I have avoided a couple red light runners over that 20 year period.

    Here in LOS it is like Saturday night in Australia every day and every night. Green means check left and right, it also means

    to me, don't even think about launching on the Green (definitely don't do the Ausie, red other direction, 1, 2, go, trick).

    Orange 100% means check rear mirror decide if stopping.

  9. I am in very similar situation, however I plan returning with Ed Visa. Details are;

    20/5/14 given notice

    20/6/14 end of notice period. Termination of employment.

    17/6/14 work permit expires

    1/9/14 expiry non imm B (although cancelled when wp expires)

    Plan to

    17/6/14 fly out to home city

    30/6/14 fly in with ed visa

    Discussed with home city consulate via email. No problem issueing Ed Visa. Discussed with Language school and completed application, they not mention anything either.

    Will I have probelem with above plan.

    Do I need to ensure old company do actions at immigration/labour

  10. I just hope they reach thius simple rule;

    Words go in msword

    Numbers go in msexcel

    Most recentley educated Ausies i encounter seem to use this rule;

    Science/engineering people - make everything fitt in excel

    The rest use msword including those clumsey word tables.

    The Ausie education system aint succeeding to well.

    (How many people could not understand my communication due to spellin errors)

  11. From everything i've read about nitrogen in motorsport it has nothing to do with blowouts. Nitrogen expands and contracts less than air when tempreture changes. When using air a cold tyre needs to o be below optimal pressure for car setup, as tyre comes up to racing temp pressure increases to a better level for car setup. By using nitrogen the pressure is more constant and the car better to drive on cold tyres.

    When i used nitrogen in a set of new tyres in Aus they did not need pumping up for a couple years, don't know why they were just standard Bridgestones. I was rather amazed.

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