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Posts posted by dwcrist

  1. I feel bad for the guy and his family, probably just a worker. I tend to think that they probably shouldn't have been encroaching on the elephants' habitat in the first place. If the elephants were there first, they have every right to their home and to protect it. And if not, humans have to be the ones to take precautions and plan ahead for both worker and elephant safety.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, Lungstib said:

    For those of us around Chiang Mai and Rai it makes no difference because we don't have that type of road. I imagine much of the country is the same, 3 lanes but one hard shoulder, 2 real lanes and U-turns, parked cars and crossing people to deal with. In these conditions even 90kph is dangerous most of the time. Especially when drivers are playing with phones, watching movies and holding kids in their laps. But it all makes no difference, since when did speed limits actually limit speeds here in Thailand.


    (A four lane road is only 2 lanes going in each direction)


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  3. I thought the same thing. The government or subsidized private companies should buy and use the crop waste and use it to make clean fertilizer. This along with outlawing the sale of charred crops or crops from burning areas will help.


    However none of this will help if it is not committed to and if laws are not enforced and authorities are not held accountable for their effectiveness. There needs to be both strong positive incentives for compliance and dire negative consequences for violations that are clearly outlined and applied consistently for all.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    It also suggests that there is an inverse economic relationship between the number of Chinese tourists and revenues. At the extreme, get rid of 100% Chinese tourists and increase revenues by 100%!

    That's of course ridiculous which must mean the tourist data is faulty. 

    The data could very well be faulty. But a small inverse change in revenue percentage doesn't necessarily denote data inaccuracy. It could represent a higher rate of spending by the current set of (fewer) tourists.

  5. On 10/3/2018 at 8:20 AM, webfact said:

    The PM also warned people against sharing damaging videos. 


    He says he wants the corrupt officials dealt with but doesn't want to expose them? The best way to convict is through "damaging videos". Or else he simply wants to condemn a few unpopular scapegoats and just hide the problem better than before and claim that it has been dealt with, which is more likely since it is standard procedure here.

  6. On 9/18/2018 at 2:44 PM, HampiK said:

    But in the text they write first person have 12.. second person give back 8.. so the teacher is correct. But he also should mark with red that the plus is incorrect.

    12-8 is 4

    That is not what is says in Thai or the English translation. Your reading must be as good as this teacher's math. Do you teach writing, by any chance? If not, you can apply for a job in Thailand!

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