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Posts posted by robitusson

  1. I got this question answered categorically. It's impossible to swap passports on the land border. It's also dodgy to do it entering on carriers like Air Asia or Tiger air.

    I was advised to take a big international carrier to somewhere like Singapore, Hong Kong, or KL and return to Thailand and enter on the other passport that way, which is what I did. This way it appears to the Thai immigration that you have arrived from your home country. Though I certainly didn't tell them this. It worked too, no problems. Expensive, for sure, but no hassles and success swapping passports.

  2. Question: For those with dual citizenship, it possible to leave the kingdom on a border run on one passport, then re-enter on another?

    I'm here on a tourist visa on one passport (UK). I have a non-B, just issued, in the other (IRE). (It had been delayed in the consulate back home so I came here on my UK passport to avoid missing my flight and the other passport was couriered over.) I had thought I could just go to Cambodia, leave on the tourist visa in the UK pasport, then enter and leave Cambodia on the Irish passport and re-enter Thailand with the Irish one with the non-B in it. Is this possible does anyone know? Or is there a better way to do this?

  3. Question: Is it possible to leave the kingdom on one passport, then re-enter on another?

    I'm here on a tourist visa on one passport (UK). I have a non-B, just issued, in the other (IRE). I had thought I could just go to Cambodia, leave on the tourist visa in the UK pasport, then enter and leave Cambodia on the other Irish passport with the non-B and enter Thailand with that one. Is this possible does anyone know? Or is there a better way to do this?

  4. .

    Not one person has come up & said I have to find God or Religion.

    Step 3: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him"

    So Please Mr Robitusson dont come on here slinging off about something you really dont know about.

    Read step 3 above. As someone who gave up problem drinking and has remained abstinent for 9 years now, if I thought for a second AA worked I'd be happy to endorse it. I'm just replying genuinely to an honest inquiry from someone who has a problem with the religious element of AA.

    I looked at AA when I wanted to stop drinking. I went to meetings. I was shocked to learn that it had such high relapse rates. There were lots of people who had a problem with the religious/HP/God element of it. Relapse or "slips" were attributed to not working the programme, i.e. doing the steps. An integral part of which is this HP/God part. I went elsewhere when I learned that it had such a high relapse rate and I saw people coming in and out and in and out continually trying to put the drink down using the steps. This is my experience. It's as valid as anyone else who's had drink problems and managed to quit successfully.

  5. For other ideas on staying sober there are links at the top of the thread. After much AA/12 steppers complaining and resisting they managed to get included alongside the AA contact details when the subforum started.

    (AA's) main purpose is to turn people to religion. It propagates ignorance. Most importantly it doesn't work. The OP's noticed the problems immediately. He's queried what he's seen. As usual AAers have said that pointing out its flaws could mean death and how dare someone speak ill of the group and blah, blah, blah. Go back and re-read the thread title.

    AA has saved millions of lives!

    Mine being one of them.

    any source for that "millions of lives" fact Livinginexile please?
  6. I cant and wont embrace God or " a higher power"

    Go to the meetings by all means, if you're curious. As was suggested, take what you can use and discard the rest. However, AA does not have any kind of monopoly on treatment for alcoholism or problem drinking. There are plenty of other options out there. They also have no expertise in diagnosing anybody an alcoholic or otherwise. That is a doctor's or trained professionals job.

  7. Hi robitusson, I am curious as to why you would feel the need to question somebody's chosen method for reaching sobriety. If it works why bother to question it? There are no difinitive answers about anything. Does somebody else believing that they have a disease somehow harm you? I can't see how it could.
    If any one group claims to have a monoploy on the truth of what alcoholism means, then yes. I believe in having options for those who feel they have a drinking problem. I also believe up-to-date scientific, medical and psychological information should also have a central position in any understanding of problem drinking and addiction. If any single group prevents this from occuring then yes, they can be harmful. Excluding those problem drinkers who not identify with the doctrine of any one group and labelling them as false alcoholics is also harmful.
    I am all in favor of any method which can get people sober or clean. If believing in the tooth-fairy works for somebody why question it?

    I know the pain of addiction from not only a personal level but also from working as a nurse on a gastroenterology unit. Alcoholic-liver disease is not a pleasant way to die, and I believe that any method which helps people avoid this, or other unpleasant outcomes of alcohol abuse, can't be bad.

    When people criticise another's chosen method there is always the risk of putting doubt in that person's mind. This is especially true when that person is in the early days of their recovery or going through a particularly hard time - when they are looking for an excuse to drink. So I personally see no value in 'The Orange Papers' or anything else which sets out to cast doubt on someone's recovery method.

    This is another issue aside from what is discussed above ie. how helpful various methods of treating addiction and alcoholism are, which we would do well to question imo. The value being the knowledge of how effective a particular method of treatment may be, in relation to the claims it makes about its effectiveness. Going into the success rate of the recovery method criticised in the Orange Papers is a whole seperate issue though. The point is if any one group maintains to have a monopoly on effective treatment of problem drinking, at the expense of all the others, then of course it is harmful.

    It is precisely because problem drinking and addiction cause so much harm that open and honest debate about this should be encouraged The true motivations and successfulness of all recovery methods should be freely discussed.

  8. It's deeply ironic that you think I'm crusading for AA, I'm not. I chose that word carefully as it's exactly what your on. I'd love to know why you're on such a crusade.
    Having an opposing view to the AA party line is being on a "crusade". Why do differing opinions and information sources than AA threaten you so much?
    Something to do with you evangelical Buddhism, I believe, trying to prove the non-existence of any being more powerful than you.
    My 'evangelical Buddhism'? You've really got me pegged, don't you? :o It's very unfortunate that when people get involved with these pseudo-cults that they don't even recognise their own preaching and level of indoctrination. Let me guess, that's my 'disease' talking, is it? I must be a 'proper alcoholic'! :D
    I certainly don't believe in an imaginary supernatural being - you've lost the plot mate :D
    So how does AA work for you then, unless you hand over power to your own chosen imaginary being? How are the symptoms of the 'disease' lifted, if not by your personal, imaginary HP?
    Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

    Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

    That's the 'science' behind it.

    I have yet to lose the plot Neeranam. When I do I'll be sure and rush to whatever 12 step group has been set up for that particular 'disease', just like all the other ones.

    Sorry to voice a different view. I know it niggles.

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