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Posts posted by moonwolf

  1. Sad this. Feel sorry for the animal. Hope it is being looked after.

    On a similar note. My Thai gf had a pet monkey, which we got from a market. She work as reception at a small hotel and he kept her company when she was on nights. She I know looked after him well and he was great fun. Trained him well even to use a potty.

    My point is that when we went for walks around hua him with him so many people came up to ask if can hold him and have a photo.

    Gf never liked this and did not allow it when I was with her. But no wonder why this happens as the ones who want to have the photo are as much to blame as the one who does the offer.

    • Like 1
  2. Sadly this happens a lot everywhere. In the UK been case of a mother killing more than one of her children because of the reason of her mental health and here we have a good social service most times. This has been let down (baby p) on case. It sad that the mother could get help and properly thought she was doing there best for her baby. Not any one other baby you understand but hers. Unless you have suffered the stress that lady was under no one should judge her. Let the law take the lead on this.

    Rip little one

  3. I like to travel by train so this would be a great project to see completed.

    Don't think I will live long enough to see it mind you.

    Still waiting for the first DMK link to be completed, and the last airport link look long enough and was late and last time I tried it the train was late and nearly sure I could have walk the last part of the trip quicker.

    The car will always beat this type of travel

  4. Wow, so why was she released to the US embassy? I mean it's great that the US was able to step in, and now Italy is playing a part in this. Is she being granted asylum in Italy?

    Husband Daniel Wani is American

    get worse when you know about the case a little more

    She was therefore also sentenced to receive 100 lashes for adultery in spite of the sexual relations having been only with her husband with the flogging to be administered some time in advance of being hanged. The her 20 month-old son was also imprisoned, and was initially denied all contact with his father.

    She was report to the government by her half bothers(alleged) wanted to take over her successful businesses, which included a hair salon, agricultural land and a general convenience store in a shopping mall.

    one last thing to make you feel even more warmly about it all

    imprisoned while she was 8 months into a difficult pregnancy. Even during childbirth, her legs were kept shackled to the floor. The shackles were removed after the birth

  5. Maybe US should look at Vietnam or Malaysia as an alternative?

    Who wants to guess who is the one that finances or coordinates the whole affair?

    Thailand is acting like a spoiled immature brat so invite but to another country location...see how they handle it..

    Yeah China is going to treat Thailand as a partner...politically how many years did they run the country? Thailand is already half Chinese..the next step is just to colonize it...

    This would better free up thailand's time and devote their energies to their new submarine center..Somalis pirates might be off the coast....

    US military might in Vietnam again mmmmmmm

    don think China could take over the running of Thailand ..... no one else ever has

  6. Haha when I took the test a couple of years ago, one of the questions was whether or

    not a tank could drive down the road. Perhaps they fire the idiots that make up questions

    like that, rather than altering the pass percent threshold....

    A tank can drive down the road but a vehicle without a wind screen can not.............hmmmm so much for that, E-tans from the farms are always driving around and they have no windscreens. I am not picking on you about the tank I remember the same question too. It's just funny that the law says one thing and then does the other. Drive safely!

    sure a tank can drive down a road , it can go and where it's driver want to go, and if it loaded with a shell in the barrel who the hell going to tell it it can not go down that way ?

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