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Posts posted by hansoman

  1. Wow! What a long thread going back several years. I hope this hasn't been covered loads of times but has anyone any experience of learning Thai by "normal" methods, ie a mix of Thai and English being used in the class, and the method whereby not a word of English is spoken from start to finish. At my time of life(50) I wonder how well I would cope with the latter, if it works at all.

  2. Hi everyone, my first post here so many apologies if it has been covered a million times before- there are way too many threads on this forum to look at them all!!

    I get the impression that just because I have a UK bachelor's degree I will be able to get some sort of teaching English job in Thailand, even without a TEFL certificate, even if not one of the higher paid ones. My question is, how easy is it to do the job? I am a native English speaker and could chat away to Thai students for hours in English but that is a long way from teaching the subject. Would I be a nervous wreck everyday not knowing what I was doing as far as actually teaching the subject is concerned, or have I got it wrong and that I just wouldn't get a job in the first place?

    My degree is as a dentist, which is a protected job in Thailand and therefore out of consideration, but I would want to get away from that anyway.

    Thanks in advance!

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