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Posts posted by cruela

  1. smile.png work very hard, make sure I didn't get caught on speed cameras, having to make sure not to offend any one by being politically incorrect, because England has become a nanny state, nearly everything some one says is classed as racist, the horrible dark nights, the cold, the snow, No where to go unless it cost me a fortune for a taxi, food, drinks. I just LOVE THAILAND I love everything about it wai.gif xx

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  2. Thailand is a beautiful place if you do not like the laws rules and regulations then why oh why are you here senior member pbeieio???????

    you can have a business here, is it that you just want to be better than anyone other Farangs that live here, you can always leave go back to the country you come from, Thai people are warm friendly very welcoming people and they have to put up with a lot of Sh------- from a lot of ferangs that think they have the right to shout get drunk and behave like an idiot, I would go home if I were you and leave all us farangs that are more than happy living here, like me a very happy FERANG xx

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  3. why are people calling the American a slob????? he would have been to distraught to worry about the way he looked, I would have been , 10,000 is a lot of money, you do not know what his money was for.

    WHY OH WHY are there so many horrible people ready to jump on the band wagon and destroy people, yes we are all entitled to an opinion but this world would be a much better place to live in if only MAN KIND had good HEARTS.

    I am so pleased the American got his money back. good luck to him,

  4. well said Montereyjp they do deserve to be praised I think all the staff in Jomtien immigration are just wonderful and very helpful, they never stop they are on the go all day, and deal with hundreds and hundreds of people, IF they were to get a bit angry then you really couldn't blame them, Thai people are just wonderful, its the Ferangs that make them angry. because they have NO patience and shout because they think Thai people will understand them better, what idiots, Thai people DO NOT SHOUT. I love living in Thailand

  5. WHY don't they use the money to CLEAN UP ALL THE GARBAGE then the beaches PATTAYA and JOMTIEN might be full of tourists, no one wants to go to a filthy beach or walk down roads which are full of GARBAGE, come on people in power put your heads together for goodness sake, wake up to what's going on and look at all the GARBAGE. tourists will stop coming with families because of this situation.

  6. I do hope with all my heart that there are no foreigners living in this country, I know its there country but oh my the sharia laws are very cruel. It takes away every ones freedom is this what the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah wants,DOES it APPYL to HIM and HIS FAMILY, or are they above the laws,is just the ordinary people in his country that have to suffer

    No one will like or respect him or his family such a shame that he feels he has to have such barbaric law for his people, they would respect and feel more for him if the laws where strict with out the barbaric methods, I feel sorry for him to think he has to do this in 2014, the old ways should be gone and new ones brought in

    Poor poor man he can not have a heart or soul or care about people at all

  7. why man pet divent worry its just like bein back in Blighty, there are loads of friendly ferangs but as other people have said maybe he just thinks you are GAY, which is quiet crazy to think that here don't you think giggle.gif get your self down to the wombat or walkabout on Jomtien beach road soi 9, or shenanigans loads and loads of friendly ferangs down there smile.png

  8. your blood preasure is really good, you should have a check up with the doctor though, there is a very good cardiology Doctor at the Bankok Hospital Sukhumvit road, his name is Dr.Manoon Somranthin, he will sort you out, not expensive either, if you are really worried then go and see him, he really is very good, dont know what nationality you are but his English is good. smile.png good luck smile.png

  9. with the amount of tourists that go to Thailand you would think they could sort out the sewage situation, also the rubbish situation, Jonmtien bech is a disgrace, there is a road in Jomtien that leads down to the beach, two years ago this was a beautiful clean well kept road flowers ,trees, litter was picked up, now it is just one very big rubbish tip, tourists and people who actually live here have to walk and drive down this road to get to the beach WHAT WENT WRONG, there is a Beautiful new CONDOMINIUM THE ATLANTIS which is about to open, next to this road, all the people who have bought condos in the ATLANTIS also the resort Ban Far Rim Hadd which is next door to the ATLANTIS, will have to walk through this disgraceful big rubbish tip, some of the bht taxi drivers use this place as a toilet, some one in authority needs to do something about these situations other wise people will not want to come back to beautiful THAILAND. Thai people are wonderful friendly welcoming people, visitors to there country should make sure that they take there rubbish with them or put it into bins. PLEASE PLEASE some one do something about cleaning the sewage and rubbish up before tourists stop going to THAILAND.

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  10. its not just on the beach, also the roads leading down to Jomtien beach, the road next to soi welcome is just a disgrace, two years ago this was a beautiful road to walk down well kept flowers trees, now its just one big rubbish tip, what has gone wrong, tourist in the hotel in soi welcome have to look out on to this big dump sight, sad.png people moving into the NEW ATLANTIS across the road from this dumping ground also people living or on holiday in Ban Far Rimm Hadd resort have to walk down this disgracefull dumping groundsad.png , PLEASE PLEASE can someone clean this road up. Thailand is such a beautiful place to visit and live in. come on some one in authority do something about this BIG RUBBISH TIP

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