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Posts posted by roinou

  1. Hello,

    I am planning my 2nd entry on my double entry TOURIST visa, and I need some info.

    I searched the forum before posting but didn't find anything relevent info, i'm sorry if I missed it and I would appreciate if you can point out the right topic with the answer i'm looking for.

    I arrived in Thailand in February with an exemtpion of visa. I did a single entry visa in March, extended it for 1 month in May. Then I made a double entry visa in June, and extended it in August for 1 month again. Now I have to get out to start my second entry. Every time I went outside of Thailand to make visa I went to the Mukdahan-Savannakhet border.

    My question is simple : can I just go to the land border and enter Laos again just for a few minutes and come back to Thailand right away and start my second entry ? Or will I have problems ?

    Apparently now the General Prayuth ask immigration officers to be more relaxed with "border-runners".

    Thanks in advance for your info or pointing out which topic has a similar case.

    Best regards,


  2. Hello,

    I am currently overstaying for 2 days. I'm scared to go to immigration because last time I went there I ended up in IDC (prison) and had to go back to my home country...

    Now what I want to do is flying to a neighbouring country (Malaysia) and just pay the 500thb/day fine and get a new tourist visa in Malaysia.

    My question : Will they tell me that I have to go back to my home country when I pay the fine ? Or is it ok to just fly out to any destination ? Or maybe I have no reason to be scared to go to immigration because its just 2-3 days overstay ?

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    I am sorry if someone already post a similar topic. I haven't found the answer to my question when I was browsing the forum.


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