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Posts posted by froglegisgood

  1. The topic that was about business in thailand has turn to food and bar in pattaya... which is far from being the center of the world but is obviously it for many TV folks.

    I have had a business in thailand for 15 years, in manufacturing, focusing on medium and large size companies. We employ 10 foreigners, used to have 15.

    The labour dept is making our life more and more difficult each year to renew our WP to a point that we are wondering when they will simply say no instead or creating requests of new forms and documents as they do each year.

    The economy is a mess, we have lost a large number of our customers who did not bother with trying to make it here anymore, and they have moved to Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia.

    Our office in Myanmar and Cambodia are growing much faster, Thailand is shrinking, while 15 years ago we all believed Thailand had a bright future.

    Unless someone at the government level realises this, we are heading straight into a wall. What need to change dramatically is:

    1. Education, Thailand produces followers, not leaders. We have a very hard time making them managers.
    2. Attitude to foreigners: we are not welcome anymore, we are supposed to invest and leave it to them to decide everything with our money
    3. Values at work: reward the people who help you evolve with some loyalty, both ways, understanding there is a lot to learn after school

    what we see in Thailand vs Myanmar/Cambodia is:

    in Thailand

    1. Entry level salary for newly university graduate, more than doubled in 10 years (from 15-20K to 45K baht).
    2. Level of English stayed the same or maybe got worse
    3. Attitude to work is worsened, it now looks like we should be grateful they work for us
    4. Mobility has increased, Thai people change jobs for little money, no loyalty even if you train them 12 months
    5. Admin and compliance to ever changing regulations from government is making our life extremely difficult and worrisome. Renewing your Visa is a moving target each year
    6. Life is easier in Thailand as there are already so many facilities, Medical, quality hospital, international school, and rent remains at an acceptable level.
    7. Not sure what to say about corruption, leave it to you to appreciate

    in Myanmar/Cambodia

    1. Salaries remain competitive for people you have to train, still 12-15K entry level. Will increase of course with time.
    2. Level of English is much higher
    3. They are happy to work for foreigners as they view it as a way to evolve and learn
    4. Greater loyalty
    5. Hard worker
    6. No issues for WP or Visa, Helpful at any level to say the least.
    7. Rent in Myanmar is too high still but going down as offer increases
    8. Lack of services like road, electricity, medical and school still behind - but developing.
    9. Corruption has been reduced dramatically.
    10. Cambodia is very similar to Myanmar except Infrastructure and Service is much more developed. Life is easier than in Myanmar.

    Would love to see if anyone sees this differently


  2. I have been taken off medicine because I am reacting badly to it and now am being treated differently

    I have crestor 20mg (40 tablets), plavix 75 (28 tablets) and temerit 5mg (40 tablets) left over.

    they have been kept in a refrigerated cupboard

    is anyone in need of these?

    PM me if you need

  3. Regarding the Credit Card Insurance. I always pay my airfare with my Commonwealth Platinum Credit Card, and get free travel insurance.

    This is underwritten by ZURICH, and believe me its better than my travel agent (Flight Centres) can give me through Covermore. I advise anyone from Australia to think about this.

    this is also what I used to do until last year I had an incident in europe and discovered my platinum visa with city bank would only cover loss of a member or loss of life... nothing else was covered.


  4. ......you're starting to sound like you're out of breath. It was an act of terrorism against people going home from work or against the army who were stationed an the skytrain (in which case it was an act of war.)

    Difficult for it be an act of war :

    "....an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace."

    I think you should explain that to Neurath in layman's terms :)

    can someone tell me how i put this guy on ignore? I am on a mac using firefox, could not find any button on ignore


  5. ......you're starting to sound like you're out of breath. It was an act of terrorism against people going home from work or against the army who were stationed an the skytrain (in which case it was an act of war.)

    Difficult for it be an act of war :

    "....an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace."

    I think you should explain that to Neurath in layman's terms :)

    can someone tell me how i put this guy on ignore? I am on a mac using firefox, could not find any button on ignore


  6. ^unfortunately you have lost the plot - you are by birth a citizen of your country, no matter how you twist it this will always be the case. :)

    I was born in Belgium. In 1999 I took Australian citizenship, having lived there for 7 years.

    In 2001 I went to the belgian embassy to renew my belgian passport that had expired and was asked for a certificate of non citizenship of Australia... as the embassy knowing that I had been a resident for more than 2 years, I was allowed to apply for Australian citizenship. This is standard rule by the way.

    Off course I could not get it and I lost my Belgian citizenship, which was a serious issue as it cut me off from my pension plan and access to live in Europe.

    Recently the law in Belgian as changed to line up with EU rules and I can now apply to get my citizenship back, but it is not automatic.

    So this proves that you can lose citizenship from your country off birth and filiation... by the way most of the place won't give you citizenship just because you are born there...

  7. I think Abhisit looks really cute when he stands his ground.^^

    .... it is a huge waste of resources and energy in a poor country which is having serious drought problems.

    Thailand is NOT a poor country! Thailand is a rich country with lots of poor people and a few VERY rich ones. If Thailand was a poor country, not so many corrupt people could have amassed so much wealth.

    Once Thailand is rid of corruption with an apt government, it will take care of its own people and the number of poor will dramatically decrease and average revenue will increase and quality of life for average Thai will improve. :D

    This is when most of us will move to another paradise where we can still get services very cheap and all the rest that goes with it... which is making our life currently so easy here... :)

  8. Nice pic of Abhisit, he looks a bit like those missionaries on a bicycle. The ones that makes your realize that religion sucks.

    Instead of kicking of just another campaign, the government should improve the standards all together...

    Ha if the Thai government would listen to all the smart people we have on thaivisa, the country would be so much better, people would be so much smarter, and this would be heaven on earth...


  9. I personally think this is a great initiative. It is sure to incentivize companies to go for open source alternatives instead of pirated software. But if they are seizing computers to run their check - it's a serious problem. While the initiative has merit, the execution falls short. I'm not sure exactly how they're executing these checks, but one would hope they are not seizing the computers for days/weeks?!? I welcome them to come to our office but if they take our computers for a few days it will have a serious effect on productivity as we're an IT company and rely on our computers to do 100% of the work.

    Any ideas how long they seize the computers for?

    Right, open source is the best alternative if you don't want to pay the price of proprietary software, and it works really well, whether it is for office or photo editor, plenty to love. Also linux have various OS very stable and easy to use, requires less cpu and memory than MS

    when they raid you, and i have seen a few, they simply run a utility on each computer to check your registry and see what is installed and when it was installed. Then you get a fine, depending on how many you had running illegal software, and you have to purchase the exact version you were using. I have seen companies raided paying for adobe professional on 100 PCs when all they needed was the free reader but the stupid IT mgr thought it was easier to install the pro version for all...

    They never seize your PC if you give them access and let them check it, but if it is encrypted or password protected and you refuse to let them have the password, they will seize it, so it is your choice

    This is a serious action, but not new, they have been doing it for years in bangkok and many people were busted, simply people will not talk about it for their reputation

  10. it will be almost impossibe to trace the origins.

    emails, headers and all, can be faked

    file signatures can be faked.

    whoever has possession of the "evidence" can have it point to anyone they want.

    something very very fishy about all this.

    For those who do not understand why it is illegal to forward the email, I suggest they google "Computer Crime Act" which has been enforced in Thailand for 2 years now (and in many other Countries you tend to believe more democratic than Thailand) and prohibit anyone from sending material modified in a way to damage a person's reputation or create harm to another party. This is punishable in criminal court by years in Jail, fine and does not prohibit the damaged party to sue for libel as well. If you forward the clip with that intention, you can be in for a shock

    For those who believe that it is nearly impossible to trace back email, I can assure you that you can use any account from Thailand, even a hotmail US account, modify or fake any part of it the way you want, traces of who was sending it are recorded, including the IP address you were using to send it. If you send it from home, your ISP will have the exact details of who is behind that IP address and the cop can visit you extremely quickly. Even if you send it from an internet cafe or a PDA using a wireless, there will be enough data recorded to identify you, simply because since the Computer Crime Act has been implemented, the person who provides you with the connection MUST record your identity and a number of other data to identify you. If they fail, they inherit the criminal responsibility of your act.

    I hope it makes sense and will stop some more naive people from believing that they can play with this, it is serious.


  11. .. things like dreamweaver can leave of lot of identification in your code to track you later on for having used a pirated software. You can also end up with a nasty trojan on your site and if you do banking from your computer, the end result might be much more expensive than you saved

    Please explain how Dreamweaver invites nasty trojans to your site.

    Buying a pirated version with a trojan in the code. Happens all the time.

    A slightly longer answer to explain how said trojan gets from the disk to your HTML code might be enlightening. BTW, can you or anyone else document a single case of Dreamweaver generating a trojan on a web page it produces?

    you do not need a long answer, just run the install program and it will install dreamweaver and the nasties bundled with it. My comment was not to say dreamweaver infects you but the people who create these pirated unlocked copies of less popular software must find a way to make money anyway. Products we found containing trojans were business plan writer, business document creator, accounting software, cad cam package, design package etc... There was a trend to see trojans associated with business oriented software. mind you we found a copy of windows me with a trojan as well.

    When I say trojan, I actually should say keyloggers.

  12. .. things like dreamweaver can leave of lot of identification in your code to track you later on for having used a pirated software. You can also end up with a nasty trojan on your site and if you do banking from your computer, the end result might be much more expensive than you saved

    Please explain how Dreamweaver invites nasty trojans to your site.

    dreamweaver does not, the pirated copy you pickup at pantip might and often do. I was part of a survey that looked at pirated product from pantip and most of expensive product that do not sell in vast quantity were infested with trojans. The money they (mafia etc...) make by selling some less popular software is not worth the effort to crack, but the data they collect is by far more interesting.

  13. the first thing i would say is stay away from illegal sw from pantip or the street, first of all, it is illegal and second things like dreamweaver can leave of lot of identification in your code to track you later on for having used a pirated software. You can also end up with a nasty trojan on your site and if you do banking from your computer, the end result might be much more expensive than you saved... Also if you use it commercially, respect the rules, you would not like anyone to steal what you will be trying to sell would you!

    second I would go for free open source, and Joomla is my favorite. Very easy to use once set up, maybe difficult at first to install, pick a nice template from the thousands available on the web for a few bucks or even free and build from there. There is no limit to what you can do with joomla as there are so many plug ins you can add.

    a CMS will be so much easier later on to edit or modify, and you never know you might find a way to make a nice income helping all these companies lacking logic etc... :)

  14. Who takes the notebook with if he want to blow up himself?

    it is obvious that the best way to get rid of possible evidence of doubtful transactions would be to destroy the computer, paper and the brain at the same time...

    yeap they might have missed or kept the mobile phone and so far the police has not found the list of calls made or received the previous 2 days...

    looks like an assisted suicide... :)

  15. Hooray for the guy who escaped the clutches of these Thai cop maniacs with their idiotic war on drugs.


    We're Losing the Drug War Because Prohibition Never Works

    By Hodding Carter III.

    this is by far one of the best articles I read on the subject. Yes drug kills and the idiot who was carrying it should be prosecuted, but maybe we are creating the system that entertains this. With this guy, we have only caught an idiot who lost the plot when he became himself a victim and the system we have in place pushed him later on to become a mule to feed his addiction, but we have not stopped the real criminals organising it at a higher level, and we won't be able to touch them.

    the result, a lost family in Australia, or a least a young girl who will suffer from it, a guy who was too stupid to see what he was doing and now will have the time to regret it, a terrible cost to all, family, friends, state and tax payers, and a bunch of morons who enjoy the fact that this guy is going to suffer... what a positive outcome...

    I am sure there is better than this to be done, informing potential users of the risks has probably a greater chance of success, and let those who ignore the warning suffer from it, like those who still smoke today... :D

    I wonder if amongst those who wish him to die in jail, some do smoke? Shouldn't they get a life sentence for poisoning the atmosphere and making smoking look good and perfectly acceptable in front of young kids who as a result might pick up the habit... aren't they contributing to kill more people that way? Yes certainly but it is legal... :)


  16. it is so difficult to get a clear answer on anything so let me tell you what happened to me in a similar situation, thought much worse...

    I decided to leave my employer on friendly terms to start my own business. They agreed not to cancel my work permit to give me enough time to create my company and get a new one. Unfortunately an employee sent my WP back to the labor dept and canceled it.

    It took me 6 months to get my company set up with BOI privileges and when I went to get my WP from the previous employer to process the new one they told me what happened.

    From that moment, everyone told me I had to immediately leave the country with my whole family as we overstayed 6 months, I was told not to go out for risk of being arrested and there was nothing else that could be done because of the overstay. Mind you during the 6 months, we used our visa to leave the country regularly and go on holiday and for business a few times and it was never a problem (we had multiple entry, one year). I was angry at the claim from all that nothing could be done but pay overstay and leave, but instead of listening to all the professionals, including a large sponsor here, that we all had to leave the country to apply for a new visa, I decided to take to risk of being naive, hit SuanPlu and ask if anything could be done.

    They (immigration) made me pay first 40K (20K Each) for overstay, the max fine, and our daughter who was 4 did not need to pay, we laughed about it saying that considering the length of overstay it was good value for money. Then they asked me what I was going to do and I explained I was ready to process a new work permit as a new company was prepared to process one but I needed a valid Non B. They were closing so advised me to come back the next morning to organise it and advised me not to get caught by the police as my visa just got canceled... the next day, another employee who listen to the same story simply stamped me an extension of 7 days to process the new WP application, then I came back after 7 days and I got a new extension stamp saying in process valid for 15 days I think (not sure maybe 20) then I got all transferred to one stop service for BOI, and it went without a hickup. The fact that the second was BOI had no impact, as the extension on Non B came from SuanPlu. Also the fact that all this happened with different people seems to indicate that I was not simply lucky with the first guy but it is normal practice.

    They were extremely friendly and helpful, and I save a bunch of money not flying the whole family back to Australia or else to apply for new nonB plus the cost of the agency offering their service.

    After this, we did all our WP ourselves, asking questions when we were not sure to immigration or labor and we had never had a single problem, we now have 9 WP. :o

    My advise to you, go there in person before and ask for their advise and ask what exactly they need to have to process it all. There should not be any problem.


    • Italian - la villa, thonglor soi 9. Italian with great food (fusion asian-european somehow), managed by the guy who used to run the winebar of l'opera. That's where I take my customers
    • French - sukhumvit soi 8, at the end at the back, i think le banyan
    • also Indigo in soi saladaeng, which after a downhill period is catching up, great meat for people who like it "bleu", not US burnt sole style
    • japanese food - Tensui - sukhumvit soi 16
    • American - can this be qualified as food? heard burgers at the entrance of nana plaza are quite tasty
    • North African - if you like coucous, crepe & co on sukhumvit is not bad
    • Cheeza is a bit general and has great menus, good cooked dishes
    • Home anything... I recommend they have a great new website, so easy to order, they have the largest selection of good restaurants in bkk and they are quite good in delivering on time. When we can't be bothered going out, it is a good alternative.

    I am sure there are many good ones I can not remember but this is a good first list

  17. thaksin interview on BBC

    I have been trying to see the video on BBC but I am on a very slow link in Rayong

    can anyone post it on Thaivisa so i might get a chance to see it. I am sure many others are in the same situation, streaming outside of thailand is not easy


  18. Apologies if I suspected some of the story was made up, you sound real, however you seem to be reacting impulsively without properly assessing the situation and keeping your head cool.

    You said you were advised to report your passport lost... who suggested it?

    The problem I see now is that you told everyone including the embassy that the guy had it, so it is not lost... maybe I am wrong here but I feel there is a significant difference.

    By signing a document now testifying it is lost you might commit a perjury, which would be to your detriment...

    I am at a loss here since your embassy was telling you to report it stolen why you would say lost?

    Why would you drop the case of it being taken illegally by a dubious character and make it your responsibility of having misplaced it?

    Also, I like the idea of a lawyer handling your missing commission or salary, whatever the guy denies he owes you, you are entitled to a notice period starting at the end of the month when you were notified to leave. That period is at least 3 months and you also are entitled to a 1 month of severance per year of employment, which seems to be another 3 months, maybe 4 if there is one initially. That makes a minimum of 6 months at a minimum salary of 50K to get you a work permit, so you are entitled to get 300K

    I certainly would not negotiate with the guy, not even talk to him any more, I would certainly cut any dealing or conversation with him completely off but I would let a lawyer handle this on my behalf, and as indicated above, there are a few that would work only on results, make some calls around.

    Good luck with this, visit a couple of good lawyers who will accept to listen to you for free just to assess the situation and take an international firm with a reputation that could handle it for you. Don't go for a local Thai one, you never know what could happen, make sure the guy who takes the job has a reputation to defend and won't double cross you.

  19. couple of comments:

    1. when your WP is canceled you have 7 days to leave the country... so your ex boss has canceled your WP and by hanging on to your passport he is making you overstay... which is probably about to happen if not already. When was you WP canceled?

    2. You had plenty of sensible people telling you to go to the Embassy (Immediately) and to the police but it took you really long to do any of it, why?

    3. The Embassy seems to be amazingly helpful which has not been the case for many other citizens with problems. Why? are they suddenly becoming nice?

    4. The police rings you to tell you not to ring the police? This one beat me on the head telling me this post is somehow fishy... and you have a friend at the police that can verify the existence of a report against you, but you still don't believe you should report this to the police??

    5. Despite a few requests, you are still reluctant to give the name of the company? what is your risk? If this is real it could be adding to your security and the one of others on this forum. You have only stated the truth by saying they didn't pay your salary and have kept your passport...

    6. And to the people who give lessons about not handing over your passport, if you work here or probably in many other countries, you constantly have to give your passport to agent or authorised person to handle visa, WP, extension of stay and renewals and all sorts of legal requirements.

    The problem

    You have an issue is that you need your Passport to apply for your new WP with the new company, and you probably have only a few days left before you overstay, so you will need the police report to present to immigration so you can have an extension of visa to bridge until your new WP is in place. And if you have a new job and they are ready to apply for your WP, you don't need to leave the country, your existing visa, even with an overstay is still usable for your new WP.

    Immigration will give you a stamp "Under consideration" that extends automatically by 15days, and will repeat for free at least once more if your application is really under consideration.

    I am aware many agents will tell you to leave the country to have a new visa, as they did with me but it is BS, Suan Plu has done it for me and my family after a similar situation where an employer canceled my WP and we all overstayed, I simply visited them, explained the situation and got a stamp in each passport immediately after I paid the overstay.

    Sorry to treat your post with some doubts, but there are a few surprising reactions that make me thing something is not right...


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