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Posts posted by Skins

  1. It would certainly appear that skins didn't want to answer questions about his alleged adventures. Wonder why that is?

    I write about all of my adventures at http://singlemansparadise.com/

    I also reply to every comment. You are all welcome to stop by and say hello.

    Also, I'd like to state that I don't know the OP and I never asked to have my link posted on Thai Visa... But I appreciate the spike in traffic.

    Chok dee na krap wai.gif

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  2. So Skins,

    Are you up to answering a few questions.....

    No thanks. Life is too short to spend my precious time in this den of hyenas.

    If you don't like me or my content that's fine... But if you're personally offended by anything I said then you might need to check yourself. You're probably one of "those guys."

    Just to be clear, I don't think all Thai Visa members are bad people... Just the ones with over 10,000 posts. Get a life you losers! rolleyes.gif

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  3. Typical little smart arssed know it all nobody. He thinks he's making a fortune and the worlds first digital whatever to sell stuff on <deleted> eBay or whatever else he's up to.

    In years to come he will realise what a little retard he actually is.

    It's funny, no wonder somebody turned the little snott into the cops.

    No doubt he will end up with half a dozen Thais stomping on his head one day and that will be so done else fault too.


    Everyone is entitled to their opinions... But yes, you seem like an angry guy neverdie.

    • Like 1
  4. if one is running around doing stuff illegally and flapping his/her gums about it, kind of like rubbing it everyone's face then that does bother me

    This is the type you need to watch out for in LOS. Angry guys who have way too much time on their hands. You call it "flapping gums and rubbing it in everyone's face." Some call this a conversation or getting to know each other.

    Some people are looking to network and make contacts while others are just thinking about how they can destroy you. Sad world we live in.

    OP thanks for sharing the link. Just to clarify, I was never "arrested for blogging."


    I'm an angry guy am I skins?

    There's a big difference between having a conversation with someone & flapping ones gums, especially like this jerk, who is just flapping his gums online.....who's he having a conversation with....the world?

    Come on, get real.

    I'm not talking about online... When two people meet, at some point the conversation usually turns to, "so what are you doing here?" At that point, if you feel comfortable with the individual you will disclose some information to them. Is that "flapping gums" or "rubbing it in everyone's face?"

    That's how it went down when I made a new "friend" in Thailand who turned out to be a snake. I'm simply warning people about these angry guys who take joy in others misery.

    PS I am the "jerk." That's my website http://singlemansparadise.com/

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  5. if one is running around doing stuff illegally and flapping his/her gums about it, kind of like rubbing it everyone's face then that does bother me

    This is the type you need to watch out for in LOS. Angry guys who have way too much time on their hands. You call it "flapping gums and rubbing it in everyone's face." Some call this a conversation or getting to know each other.

    Some people are looking to network and make contacts while others are just thinking about how they can destroy you. Sad world we live in.

    OP thanks for sharing the link. Just to clarify, I was never "arrested for blogging."


    • Like 1
  6. Went to Cambodia's capitol to spend a couple of weeks exploring the possibility of moving from Thailand...after about a week...moved on to Vietnam...the place (Cambodia) is trashy everywhere...food was not very good...I did not find the people particularly friendly...they did not want their picture taken...and the same attitude of ripping off foreigners that exists in Thailand...is worse in Cambodia...left Cambodia for Viet Nam after a few days...that is all it took to realize it was not going to work for me...


    S. Vietnam was a treat...people friendly...did not matter that I am an American...food good...variety and price good...accommodations were excellent and inexpensive...girls were very cute and friendly...streets were clean...never felt threatened...walked around for many blocks in every direction with no one pestering me about a ride or spare change... 


    Nha Trang...arguably one of the world's most beautiful beaches...was not crowded...had few vendors...and was a lovely place to visit...one could buy freshly cooked lobster and other seafood...right on the street corners...in the evening... at a reasonable price...


    Skip Cambodia...go on to Viet Nam...save yourself a few bucks...and time...


    I agree with you 100%. Phnom Penh is a depressing dump but I enjoyed my short stay in Saigon. I hear they are breaking ground on a sky train project over there this year. Who knows... I've heard great things about Nha Trang as well and even had a short guest article on my website about it. Not sure what the long term visa situation is like in Nam but they don't give you one on entry.


    How about the Philippines? I was told you can keep renewing your visa in Manila for up to two years... Is that right? Cute chicks, nice beaches, people speak English! I'll be checking it out in a few months.


    In regards to Cambodia vs Thailand... Thailand is better in every way except the visa situation.

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  7. Thanks for weighing in everyone I appreciate it. I want to import products and sell them here. I am trying to figure out a way to do this without 2,000,000 baht in a Thai bank account. I simply don't have that amount of capital...

    You do not need two million Baht in a Thai bank account to register a company.

    Thanks. Maybe I'm just confused... I read somewhere about having a few mill in the Bank here. Also, hiring Thai's which is no problem. I'm trying to speak with an attorney to answer some of these questions. Sunbelt did call me back and the gentlemen took the time to speak with me and answer some questions. I greatly appreciated that but of course, as soon as I hung up the phone I had more questions.

    I found out my product needs FDA approval... Which may already be sorted but I need to find out. facepalm.gif

  8. Out of all the places on earth to live Siem Reap seems like an odd choice. Is there an expat community there? The place is a ghost town half the year and a revolving door of dirty back packers for the other half. Sure the people are nice and it's cheap but I would loose my mind living there. Phnom Penh is a depressing dump but it's far more interesting. Never made it to the beach but I will check it out on my next visa run.



  9. Concur with what most said. You can import as long as you don't sell which opens up a different set of regulations involving tax, VAT, duties etc. However you can cicumvent this by letting your buyers import themselves. That is to say, you sell the goods but take no part in the importation. Function like a representative office. You can read that up.

    Thanks for weighing in everyone I appreciate it. I want to import products and sell them here. I am trying to figure out a way to do this without 2,000,000 baht in a Thai bank account. I simply don't have that amount of capital.

    I don't want to do anything illegal but if I can work within some kind of loop hole that would be great. I was thinking of hiring Thai's to sell my products to businesses and then drop shipping direct to these businesses. Or perhaps getting a work permit and approaching these businesses myself.

    For what it's worth I have already imported a shipment for personal use and gifts. It arrived at my door step with zero problems. Yes I do have some connections within Thailand for this.

    In regards to Sunbelt and Siam Legal. It seems they operate like every other business in Thailand. They don't answer phone calls or emails so I will have to go bang on their door in person.

    Chok Dee krup

  10. This ties in to my previous thread in this section but I thought it was worth making another post. Before I was asking about hiring Thai's. Here I am just concerned with importing goods to Thailand.

    Has anyone here imported goods to Thailand? My business would be importing goods from over seas and selling them here. Can I get by without a company? Can I just get a work permit or import permit for this?

    I came across this link. http://www.siam-legal.com/thailand-law/import-and-export-license-in-thailand/

    "The import/export business appeals to many foreign entrepreneurs in Thailand because it is a line of business that is not restricted by the Foreign Business Act of 1999. This means that a foreigner can engage in an import/export business without a 51% Thai shareholder or without having to apply for permission from the Thai government. Another appealing factor is that there is no overarching law regulating the import of goods, which means that generally speaking, goods may be imported into Thailand without restriction. However, Thai law does restrict the import of specific goods."

    I'm pretty sure my product is not restricted and does not require a permit. This link I posted makes it seem too easy... What am I missing here? I'm not going to put a few million baht in the bank here so forget that. If I can get a work permit or import license then I will pursue this.

    Anyone have any experience with this? I will be talking with Sunbelt and another attorney tomorrow. Let me know if any of you have dealt with this business in Thailand. Thanks!

  11. sounds a bit like a scam. You sell crap to the "employees", they sell it to their friends, and get to keep a bit of the money. They sign up more recruits...etc...

    That is a 1950's business model. The only one making money is the person at the top.

    Actually, I am not selling any "crap" to my employees. They would be presenting my products to businesses in Thailand and earning a commission for each unit sold. How is that a scam? It's called sales. It's called business. I am concerned that Thais do not purchase products online in the same volume as Americans and also not speaking Thai or having a Thai language website I am missing out on a HUGE piece of this market. Also, I think most Thai business owners would rather buy from a smiling young Thai salesperson than some farang on a laptop.

    I don't want to start a Thai company if I don't have too. I will read the links posted here thanks for weighing in everyone.

    Ok, clarification.

    Your OP said independent salespeople purchased the products net 30 days from the American company


    That would be the old Amway, and cosmetic sales, door to door thing. The company made a lot more than the salespeople who bought the stuff.

    If they are indeed commission, that is totally different of course. I think you're after a HUGE piece of a very small market, but if the product were right ie. decent raingear for motorcycles, etc, stuff you can't buy here, I think it's a workable idea.

    The Net 30 terms was just one of many ideas I had. I'm just trying to think of a way to do this without setting up a company in Thailand. I don't have the capital nor do I want to deal with the paperwork for a project that I have not even tested yet... I will contact an attorney here in Bangkok for some more info.

    I want to hire Thai sales people. I don't want to break any laws here. I was also considering getting a work permit to stay here and manage the sales people or at least offer guidance. Can my company in the USA sponsor a work permit for me? Might be strange seeing my name on everything.... But when I got a Chinese visa my Company sent me there for business research. Even though my company consists of just me...

    BTW I have done my research on custom duties and have some of my products here now. I'd like to get them out of storage and onto the market.

  12. sounds a bit like a scam. You sell crap to the "employees", they sell it to their friends, and get to keep a bit of the money. They sign up more recruits...etc...

    That is a 1950's business model. The only one making money is the person at the top.

    Actually, I am not selling any "crap" to my employees. They would be presenting my products to businesses in Thailand and earning a commission for each unit sold. How is that a scam? It's called sales. It's called business. I am concerned that Thais do not purchase products online in the same volume as Americans and also not speaking Thai or having a Thai language website I am missing out on a HUGE piece of this market. Also, I think most Thai business owners would rather buy from a smiling young Thai salesperson than some farang on a laptop.

    I don't want to start a Thai company if I don't have too. I will read the links posted here thanks for weighing in everyone.

  13. Right... I'm well aware of the headaches involved with managing employees. It's hard enough in the States and I would never consider doing it here in Thailand with the language barrier and cultural differences. But I'm thinking a commission only basis it would be OK. I will pay X baht per unit sold. If they get a few good accounts their salary would be very good especially by Thai standards. If they want to lay in a hammock and eat som tam all day that's fine... They will earn 0 baht.

    I think it's a great opportunity to make money. It's a quality product that's easy to sell. Can work part time.

    BTW I love that clip. Classic.

  14. I am currently doing my research on expanding my business to Thailand. Looking for some input from anyone who has dealt with this situation.

    I understand some of the hoops I must jump through to open a business here in Thailand. Filing paperwork, cash in the bank, hiring Thai's, etc.

    I currently sell products online in America and I would like to bring some of these products to the Thai market. I guess this would be considered import/ecommerce/wholesaling. I don't see this being a problem since people ship all over the world on eBay and Amazon without having a physical presence in the country.

    However, I would like to hire a few Thai people to sell my products to businesses here.

    Would I need to set up a company here? Or would these employees be considered independent contractors employed by my company in the USA? I need Thai people on the ground here to present my products to businesses. I'm not going to open a brick and mortar store or sales office. I just want to be above board and steer clear of any issues.

    I would love to avoid the hassle of starting a company here. I'm thinking these people would be considered independent salesmen who purchase their products on net 30 terms from an American company. Does this sound reasonable? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

  15. Do you need a Thai bank account to start a Thai Paypal account? My USA based account has been frozen multiple times and it's making me crazy. Paypal support said to open a new account in Thailand if I am spending so much time here... So apparently that is OK by them.

    I know I need a new bank account and email for the second account but can I use one of my other US accounts? I'd rather not set up a Bank account in LOS.

    I know this isn't paypal support, just curious is anyone has dealt with this. Thanks.

  16. I just flew back from Vientiane, Laos this afternoon and I had a great time trying all the coffee there. It's the best stuff I've tried in South East Asia by far.

    I bought way too much I am looking to sell several kilos of these excellent fresh roasted beans. This comes from a fair trade organic farm in the Bolavan Plateau located in southern Laos. This batch was roasted on June 25.

    I have two different varieties. One is 100% Arabica and the other is a classic Italian style blend which makes a brilliant Espresso.

    Asking 750 Baht per Kilo. I am located around BTS Asoke.

    I couldn't find good beans in Bangkok so I bought in bulk. This is too much for my needs and I would hate for it to spoil on my shelf. If you're sick of the Nescafe and ready to grind your own beans send me a message and I'll sell you a bag.

  17. My tourist visa is up and I need another one. I'm going crazy here looking at all the options.

    What is the fast, cheapest, most convenient option if I'm in Bangkok?

    So far I'm thinking of flying Nok Air to VTE, Laos. Round trip is 1,571 baht.

    It says it's a "Fly and Ride" flight that lands in Udon Thani then buses you into Vientiane after passing immigration. Anyone use this service?

    Is it easy to get a Visa there? How long does it take?

    Thinking I'll hang around a few days and fly back.

    Are there better options?

    I'm not into 12 hour train rides.


  18. Samui is awesome. Better then Phuket in every way in my opinion. Better beaches, less crowded, less developed... But developed enough to live a comfortable life and have some entertainment. Can't wait to get back there!

    Yeah the expensive flight is a bitch and you need to rent a motorbike to avoid the taxi mafia but besides that it's just about perfect.

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