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Posts posted by londongirl33

  1. Wow thank you all so much for your responses, i really felt too embarrassed to speak to any real-life friends so that's why I came to this forum, Thank you for giving me the support I needed! I will definitely put it down to one of those stupid, unfortunate mistakes and I am very grateful he left and nothing worse happened. Despite what happened,I am really enjoying my time here so far and already managing to put the experience behind me. Thanks again! xx

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  2. Thank you Boo for the advice. It's so stupid because I am normally pretty sensible. I will definitely be more careful in future. I was with a friend but we got separated and that's when I met this guy.

    I was attracted to him. I just started to feel way too drunk and sick, and also he was insisting on sex without a condom and it was at that point I asked him to leave and clearly said I did not want to go any further. The photo thing was what really freaked me out, it feels like a real violation of privacy. No matter how silly I was, I really feel this is not acceptable behaviour on his part.

  3. Hi all

    I really appreciate your replies, makes me feel a lot better! I really realise how stupid I was and will definitely learn from it. It sort of spiralled out of control without me realising it. Ugh.

    Posted in this forum as genuinely needed some reassurance from a friendly crowd...


  4. Hi all

    This is my first time posting in this forum. I am British girl living in Bangkok, just moved here a week ago.

    Last night I got very drunk and before I knew it had brought a Thai guy back to my place. I suddenly felt really ill so I asked him to leave. He got a bit heavy handed and wouldn't. Leave. He walks away from the bed then come back with his phone and take a photo of me naked. He says he will post it on the internet. Then he left my place.

    I feel so stupid that this has happened. I begged him to delete the photo but he wouldn't. I am so scared this photo of me will end up online somewhere. Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas as to where he might post it? I am so upset about this.

    Thanks all

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