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Holiday Kojak

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Posts posted by Holiday Kojak

  1. Since I turned 60 and retired in Thailand I'm full of enthusiasm, I get exited about everything, I do lots of things I didn't use to do before and even if I can't complete what I'm doing I give it a go and put my best effort.

    I go to bed at 10 in the night wake up at 6:00 in the morning to appreciate the beautiful sunrise and the morning breeze.

    I do laugh a lot and when others are miserable around me I make them laugh also.

    Have blood test every 6 months and every time the doctor gives me the same answer.

    You will live.

    No, what you got is not normal process of ageing, it's yourself.

    Change your diet, change your habits, change the way you are living

    Fight it man.

    60 you are still young, enjoy the many years you have still to come.

    Never surrender.

    And sometimes go and find a young lady and have a nice time with her.

    It works miracles.

    Careful your wife doesn't know, because you will not go of old age.

    Great advice Costas, I think the secret is as we know it as Kefi................here is a great link to understanding what Greeks refer to as a passion for life. http://www.lemonandolives.com/meaning-of-kefi/

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  2. Well you're being honest sorry.gif and want to follow the Visa rules for Thailand now, thats commendable. clap2.gif But how many more cases as such will convince Thai immigrations to tighten the noose even tighter with such disregard for there laws? post-4641-1156693976.gif I'am sure there are going to be stiffer penalties, expulsions and tighter control of all expats who wish and continue to make Thailand their home. Time will tell.

  3. Thats a real confidence builder safe water in Thailand, not in a million years will I drink from the tap, let alone brush my teeth with it. My fiance won't even was her face with it has a shower and rinses her face with bottled. I have been using bottled water even back home in Canada for well over 18 years, and the water treatment plants there to here are no comparison. I dont think water sales will suffer by this news.

  4. Everyone bitches about corrupt police and public officials. When they are finally doing something about it we bitch again because it is affecting us. You want your cake and eat it too.

    If they are not going to enforce a law remove it from the books so it is difficult for corruption to take hold.

    It may be a little strange to most of us that laws are enforced but that is the way they do it in our countries so why should they not do it here.

    My thoughts exactly seems to quite the trend on any forum regarding Thailand, complain about corruption then complain about laws trying to resolve the issues at hand. I think that 2:00 AM is a sufficient enough time to get your party on if thats what your looking for. Why do so many people think that the Thai people don't deserve to have a normal life to, so closing at 2:00 has my vote, do it and enforce it.

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