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Watch Dog

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Posts posted by Watch Dog

  1. Hi All,

    I started a company here and I am the Director. I have obtained my Non-B and understand as a Director I could get a WP to do work for my company. What I want to know is can I get a WP from another company and work for that company. So in short, own 1 company but work for another on the same Non-B?


    Thanks in advance.

    Watch Dog

  2. I have been in Thailand since January and left after 30 days for 10 days, then second time I got an extension for 30 days and left for 21 days, then went to Pengang to get Tourist Visa but Immigration was close for holidays. 

    I was told in airport that I needed a visa to come in next time, but not with a Tourist visa. Is this correct or did I understand wrong?


    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  3. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt. Is the only Muslim leader I know of who is condemning Islamic Jihad. Yet he is tantamount to an enemy by EU and U.S. leadership ... Obama even criticized el-Sisi for bombing ISIS in retaliation for killing Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya ...

    This is very telling ... The EU leaders in my opinion are afraid of the radical Islamic terrorists / ISIS... and Obama seems to be very reluctant to engage ISIS ...

    And Trump is criticized .... Totally upside down ...

    Trump has the support of a huge number of American voters ... and limiting Muslim Immigration and removing Illegal Aliens will become standard operating procedures when Trump becomes President in the 2016 Election under the Trump / Cruz Ticket.

    Liberals and Leftist are totally blind to the Conservative and (real) moderate uprising going on in American ... After this incident Trump's popularity will only increase ...

    Allowing anymore Muslims to immigrate into the U.S. in light of recent events is shear insanity ...

    I completely agree with your comments. Egypt's second revolution was the Egyptian people rising up against Mosi, Muslim Brother Hood, which they had voted into power but realized that was a big mistake. Sisi sided on the people and sent Mosi back to prison where he escaped from in the first Revolution 2011.

    Obama has how many Muslim Brother Hoods' in his cabinet?? It does not take a rocket scientist to see where Obamas' allegiance lays.

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