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Posts posted by Mcffee

  1. cafepress.com




    Or you can go to Central near the Airport at the 3rd or 4th floor at the street side (there's a guitar shop and a phone shop nearby) there's one of those print shops like in every mall they do this kinds of promotional stuff as well and have lot's of samples.

  2. Time to put that ugly black spaghetti under the ground then. TOT is not a company that gets my sympathy hence I don't feel sorry for them. They gotta grow up regarding customer care and quality of their products. This is just good lessons for them to make them realize they have to upgrade themselves, step into 2015 and forget 1975. Also in my country Eastern Europeans are specialized in copper cable theft, but never telephone cables because they can't steal them. Simple.

    • Like 1
  3. Starbucks in Terminal 21 for babe-spotting.

    The following put me off the place for about a month though:

    One evening this gorgeous Thai babe happened to be seated at the table next to mine scribbling with pen on paper. I screw up my courage to the sticking point and say to her it's refreshing to see someone write and not tap. She looks up at me like I'd just crawled out of her croissant but deigns to answer in perfectly accented English, "I am writing poetry."

    That's all the opening I need. I tell her I love poetry, had a minor in literature in college, still read in my spare time and ask what she's writing about. She answers it's about the pain chicken feel when farmers take away their eggs to sell.

    I didn't know what to say. I think I nodded, finished my cappuccino and left quickly. To this day I have no idea if she was serious or yanking my chain.


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  4. Exactly the same type of ignorant arrogant dumb chickens working at most internet offices, met them at TOT, 3BB, CAT... As stupid as the backside of a donkey but they think they know everything. I learned to in case of technical issues always only deal with managers, it saves a lot of time also.

    Well this case the lady behind the counter simply refused my requests to check if there were problems with the sim or network, but the manager insisted that the problem was with my phone, because she wouldn't accept that registering on the network is a communication solely between sim and cell tower and has nothing to do with the phone.

    She was also very confident that the sim would work in any other phone, which was of course a big disappointment when it turned out not to be the case.The loss of face must have be big because instead of offering apologies, she decide to attack even further.

    One of the biggest programming errors with Thais is that they cannot listen, they can only talk, and suffer mental tunnel visions that are impossible to break trough.

    Luckily there are also some who are not like this and have open minds, but not so many...

    In generally I have much more respect for simple hardworking massage girls then for the types as mentioned above with their worthless university degrees.

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  5. Americans can't make pizza either!

    And at 'Italian' restaurants in Thailand where they actually do make a good pizza you need to bring your microscope to locate the ordered extras like anchovies, artichoke, capers or tuna, really you can't find it even you are gonna pay for it they are too fkcn greedy.

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