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Posts posted by Chayakon

  1. Had a major infestation a couple of years ago, the wife bought a bag of white powder called S85 (i think) and I mixed and sprayed the stuff everywhere, particularly in the dogs favorite spots, I even dipped the dogs in the stuff weekly with no harmful reactions, it worked but I also bought some guinea fowl and never threw my tweezers away because it's a war I cannot win but can stay ahead, I still find the occasional tick but nothing like before.

    In the UK I lived near moorland and used a local farm for dipping my dogs in sheepdip, it was awesome stuff and kept them spotless, be great to get some here.

  2. Had a pitbull given to me years ago in the UK, great companion but while walking him he tried to grab every dog in sight, I took to carrying a 'breaking stick' to get him off any stray dogs that came too close but in the end I couldn't cure him of his bad habits, luckily a pal who had a bit of land took him.

    A pitbull can be far more dangerous than any other breed of dog and if one was running loose on my soi I would be VERY concerned

  3. Hi 7by7, the wife has never applied for a british passport as really the ILR was just as good, changed our minds now though!!

    I called the Home office visa section in the UK and they said the Embassy here would have to handle it as this is where the loss happened but Regent house handle all visa enquiries and this is where their incompetence shines through.....British embassy e-mailed today to say they received nothing from VFS and would I send details again direct to them.

    I'll keep you posted!

  4. We're in Thailand, she's replaced her thai passport, got the police report and the case has been passed on to the British Embassy by Regent house, case specific is how it was described but cannot even get a reply from the embassy to confirm they have the details, the missus has had this visa for 7 yrs....I'm baffled by the whole thing!!

  5. Need some advice guys, wife's passport was stolen with her UK indefinate stay visa inside, contacted Regents house and they passed it on to the british embassy, I've tried contacting them to see if they received my enquiry but nothing...brick wall!!...Its been over a month, is this normal procedure ? has anyone got any experience with this kind of thing ? I'm getting a bit concerned.

  6. Both my kids are young and both went to an International school but I moved my son recently to a bi-lingual owned by the same 'company', the main reason being the lack of Thai language education.

    I want both my kids ( half-thai ) of equal ability in both thai and english...all the R's and I dont think the 'inter' school could offer that, I see friends teenage kids who go to internationals and are visibly mixed race and unable to read or write thai!

    Most of the kids at these 'inter' schools stay until dads contract ends and its back home or on to the next one so there is no emphasis on a good local language programme. I intend for my daughter to join my son at the new school and will cross the hurdle of secondary and Uni when that comes.

    Oh, by the way my son seems to be benefiting already and he's teaching me to read and write thai!!

  7. Hi gd

    Sorry about the late reply, saw them there about a year ago and it was i think 2000 baht a bird, fancied starting an aviary but would have cost a bloody fortune, mind you I obviously got the farang price...next time send the missus!!

  8. Went back to the UK earlier this year and visited a friend of mine who had a 2yr old EBT, I was gobsmacked and impressed at how the breed has changed. His male had a shorter muzzle, wider curved head, smaller ears and was very heavy boned and looked awesome!

    He gave me a copy of 'The Bull Terrier Year book' and showed me which champion stock his dog came from. ...I kept EBT's in the UK 25yrs ago and my dogs resembled the dogs of today in Thailand and it struck me that indiscriminate breeding and more importantly no regular infusion of new blood has not helped to improve the breed here but time seems to have stood still for the breed as a whole in Thailand.

    Before everyone 'jumps' on me, I have 2 EBT's myself here and love them very much but if I attempted to show them in the UK I would be laughed out of the place!! These dogs are beautiful dogs and progress should be made when breeding not just money!!!

    This isn't a rant against the breed but an observation and does anyone know of any recently imported stock, if not I might have to bring some over myself (peng mak mak)

    Yours humbly..........An EBT lover

  9. Had the same problems but with a new pond, the soil is very sandy here, planted 40,000 'ya fek' last year and 70% has done its job, still got problems but would have been a lot worse.

    The grass is free, stick it in and try the bamboo option as well, I might try it myself on the worst parts.

    Good luck

  10. Got back from Buriram about a month ago where at a crowded ( hundreds of people ) temple the head monk spoke of government members who were muslim having freeby trips to mecca paid for by taxpayers and the atrocities carried out against monks in the south, seems even usually tolerant people are getting a little discontented.....not just our german friend!!

  11. Hiya TBWG

    Yeh bamboo would be a nice touch, anything that can produce something that can be used or eaten, dont want a 'show' garden, just something practical.

    The vetiver grass looks fantastic, I'm well impressed after reading the link Junglebiker put on, like I said before I've no prior experience ' a bit green ' (sorry) :o and am grateful for the advice, got nearly 6 rai to play with so I'll be regularly pleading for help in the next 12 months or so!!


  12. Thanks guys for the fast replies, the grass sounds great and could add the fruit trees at a later date, not too fond of Eucas but spaced out they would be effective and not an eye-sore or a hazard to the soil.

    Thanks again.

  13. Hiya guys

    Need some advice, recently enlarged a fish pond on some land I bought, early rains in April did some major damage to the new banks so work is on hold untill the rainy season stops.

    I need to get some trees planted to support the banks but want to know the fastest growers, largest rooters etc

    Preferably trees that produce, the pond is over a rai in size so there's a bit of work to do, the adult fruit trees already on the land were there when I purchased and I've no prior experience at this game!


  14. Guys, gotta share my joy at our win over Barca, a pal rang me and said he'd got me a ticket so I reluctantly left the Kingdom and ***k me was it worth it!!

    The atmosphere was out of this world with about 10,000 fans travelling, I'm still walking on air!!

    Could this be number six ????? :D

    Sorry, this was mean't for the Liverpool forum. :o

  15. Guys, gotta share my joy at our win over Barca, a pal rang me and said he'd got me a ticket so I reluctantly left the Kingdom and ***k me was it worth it!!

    The atmosphere was out of this world with about 10,000 fans travelling, I'm still walking on air!!

    Could this be number six ????? :o

  16. The London Thai embassy is the only place in the UK you can get a Thai passport but it was very easy, turn up with all relevant paperwork....birth and marriage certs etc and we received the passport about 3 days later...recorded delivery.

    Our son was born in the UK, dunno if that makes a difference but we nearly always use his Brit passport entering Thailand and never had any probs.........by the way, check for Thai bank holidays when going to the London embassy, the place was bloody closed the first time I went.

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