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Posts posted by mduras01

  1. I’m 45 and chose the international version for two reasons:


    1. they are regulated by French law, which is far stricter on insurers. Thai law is lenient and insurers can raise your premium considerably every year, depending on your claims. 

    2. They do not exclude anywhere like Thai policies do, or have a probationary period of 1-2 years like Thai policies. If you look at the Thai version, the level of questioning on the application borders on Gustapo-style interrogation, compared to the French version.


    I assume this is where French law kicks in.


    I used to have Cigna, Aetna, and Pacific Cross.


    April has been superior so far.

  2. There was a man beating his wife at the entrance of Super Extra Lotus on bypass road (intersection, that big one). She was also carrying an infant. Everyone just walked around them as they rained fists on one another. Most know better — never get involved. Although your intentions are well-placed, life in Thailand is fragile and twisted at times.


    Had I stepped in to help her, I’m sure they’d BOTH have attacked me. 

  3. I keep seeing threads about moving down south, or that Chiang Mai kills you.


    I live in Phuket and am from Orlando, FL. The opioid crisis in FL took away two close friends, one a doctor and one a banker. A mass shooting in a nightclub took another.


    Bear with me.


    I moved from Chiang Mai to Phuket for a change and cleaner air. Neighbors burning garbage and local AQI hovering around 100 on many days had me question my move. I decided to move BACK to Chiang Mai—after I’d already moved to Phuket. My home has three high end air filters and I always wear a face mask when the AQI hovers around 100–the mask I bought in Phuket, coincidentally.


    The issue is not anymore Thailand. A massive cloud from Indonesia had Phuket covered in haze for two weeks. Another from God knows where had us covered for another week—Hills were very hazy. And that was not even during burning season, which affects all of Thailand, including Phuket.


    My suggestion is you revisit a post about this made 5 years ago. You’ll find that it mirrors your revisiting in 6 months—people trying to justify their righteous move and a non-sensical back and forth, which is what any post about haze creates. 

    I prefer living in CM than Orlando, New York, or Phuket. No matter what you plan for, life has another plan for you—health wise.


    I’m happy here, took necessary steps, and am healthier & happier for it.


    Happy New Year.


    Ps. An acquaintance also moved down to Krabi and got razed by a pickup Truck and killed. No matter what you plan for, life has another plan for you &  Your joy is yours alone, do what you feel is best for you. 


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