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Posts posted by Foxy52

  1. My old Mum always told me not to borrow money, or lend it if I can't afford to lose it. And I never have, to the extent that I even bought my house in the UK for cash. Mind you, none of my 'loans' to Thai friends have never been returned and I never really expected them to be, so no great loss. 

  2. Had a crown fall out earlier this year and went to the new Ram dental hospital next door to the Ram without an appointment. No problem - prompt service from an excellent dentist, who took x-rays, filled and fixed the crown, gave me a full check-up and clean/descale. Took less than 1 hour and cost a shade over THB1,000, which I thought excellent value

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  3. When we lived in HK we had a large garden and would see the occasional cobra or rat snake. We left them alone, they left us alone. After we'd been there a few years, a Chinese guy moved in downstairs and proceeded to kill any snake on sight. Within just three months, the place was infested with rats and mice. I preferred the snakes.

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  4. When I first moved here from HK, I was taking atenolol 100 mg o.d., amlodipine 5 mg o.d. and an ACE inhibitor, the name and dose of which I've long since forgotten. After 3 months I had to halve the atenolol and amlodipine doses and stop the ACEI altogether, due to severe postural hypotension (passing out while standing up, due to low BP). I believe this was due to the low stress here, compared to HK.

    • Haha 1
  5. They do this in HK too. The first time I visited by wife in prison there, the waiting room was empty apart from a line of bags, books and other items. Minutes before visiting time, the owners of these objects appeared and took their respective places in line. It worked fine and I did the same on subsequent visits

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