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Posts posted by PhuketFr

  1. What about FREE TV on demand, using "Joost" (from the same guys who created Skype and Kazaa).

    It's only Beta for now and on invitation only, but it will be open to all soon. Quite nice, good quality. Need good Download speed, but I manage to watch movies on a 37" LCD using ffdshow to "upsize" the resolution to 1080i and display the signal through component cable to my LCD TV.


  2. Hi,

    I have CAT Hinet too, the 2/2 Mb package. I am downloading daily at an average speed of over 130Kb/s (torrents,Emule, etc..) and uploading even faster, sometime over 200Kb/.

    For FTP, I am using FileZilla, under Vista. I download yesterday 42Mb from a server in Europe in about 20mn (about 17Kb/s)


  3. Hi,

    I have been living in Phuket for 5 years now. I tried first IP Star, thet ADSL with TOT, then DTAC Gprs unlimited traffic, then CAT EvDo and now CAT HiNet.

    CAT Hinet is the best. No reboot of the router since I have it : 45 days. I am downloading torrents @ around 160KB/s and uploading @ the same speed. Sometimes even over 200Kb/s.

    Price is around 2850 B/month for a 2/2 Mbps (download/upload)

    Have a look at : http://www.cat.net.th/hinet/package01.html


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