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Posts posted by Linky

  1. I didn't say the guitar was stolen. I said their clothes were stolen. My question is why did they not take the guitar home with them. Who leaves a guitar on the beach over night. It was them that said they left their shoes behind. I am trying to understand why they would leave their stuff at the beach.

    Note. . Go on say it. Oh the poor cherub faced angels forgot it in their drunken state.

    Someone else may have a better memory than i about this but i dont know if they forgot it, it was in the bar.

  2. It was not that long ago that dna was not even used in the courts. Even now, it is extremely controversial.

    Having possession of the victims phone.

    Leaving belongings next to the crime.

    Revisiting the crime to retrieve belongings.

    Hiding and destroying victims belongings.

    30 years ago, this would have been a mountain of evidence in a western court, they have been convicted based on the many connection they had to the victims and the crime scene.

    The defense lawyers said, this is the first time they have challenged dna in a Thai court.

    Considering thailand is a few years behind. Throw out dna, they still had reasonable evidence that would secure a conviction in the west 30 years ago. There is too much wrong in their testimony to risk letting them go.

    They did not re visit the crime scene. There is no evidence of them being at the crime scene. I call you out on it again, where is the proof they were at the crime scene?

    Throw out dna you say, well yes considering there is none. Then what do you have, a couple of guys that you have no evidence being at the crime scene.

    What belongings of the victim did they hide and destroy? The only evidence i know of hiding and destroying is the police and the victims clothes, blonde hair, dna.

    You do not convict because of a risk of letting them go, you only convict on beyond reasonable doubt. That is a very high threshold and has stood the test of time as it is considered better to let a guilty person off than convict an innocent because of a lower threshold.

  3. I think this is absolutely shocking an ex soldier who in my opinion did what a lot of other people should be doing fighting a growing threat to western civilisation could be charged with murder what is the world coming to isil if not stopped now will take over Europe.

    If he felt so strongly about it he could have enlisted in the syrian army. After all, they are the govt force fighting daesh.

    But instead he preferrerd to be a mercenary.

  4. I think it about sums the.essence. Of a culture that can stand and argue a cause, forget right or wrong, that kills 30 000 people a.year and demand people accept it on the say so of something written for 200 years ago. Just sounds so bloody ludicrous .

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    They are in he same category as muslims who follow the koran word for word. Would be hypocritical of them to then say fundamental islamists are the crazies.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly, that the B2 are getting poor LEGAL advice if they do not at some

    point in time (with their safety in mind) reveal what they know in their defense!

    If they did this, and pled guilty they would have received half sentences and been out in 20 years or less.

    If they only raped or assisted, they would be out in 5 years.

    We all know they were there.

    We all know they were involved.

    I also think they are being very poorly advised. Especially the 2nd defendant.

    The lawyers should stop filling their heads with mumbo jumbo.

    They are not going to get a free ticket as this stands.

    You know they were there?

    Please provide any evidence to prove they were at the crime scene.

  6. Australia is a true coalition ally and they will be there when they are really needed. Sometimes it's better to have some backup than to have everyone all gung-ho right from the beginning.

    I trust that the Australia's have consulted both within the country as well as with the allies about what they can and will do and when

    Australians helped the British in WW1 and WW2 and have always helped, they just need to be asked (that is policy).

    But you wont hear aussies continue to tell the brits for the next hundred years that they owe them something and should be forever grateful and in their debt. They helped because it was the right thing to do.

  7. jaywalker

    Quote>"What if I told you I have been shaken down numerous times for bribes over a 17 year period just because I am not a local?

    What if I told you that?

    Driving in the inside (or outside) lane, speeding a cop actually had enough English to tell me I was going 126 kph in a 125 kph zone once... 200 baht.

    What if I told you that my wife got dinged for 10,000 baht over a traffic accident where the motorcycle hit her, going in the wrong lane, with no license and no insurance? Our insurance paid his hospital bill, but the cops demanded 10,000 baht because her last name was a farang name.

    What if I told you I believe the British lady?

    What if I told you I had to give the cops 10,000 baht?

    What if, what if?"<End quote

    Suppositional questions, may well be true even though you do not have proof. What are you trying to prove, that you're the "What if Kid?" You can believe who you like, your perogative.

    But you believe unsubstantiated comments and statements when it suits you.

  8. These people are prisoners of war in the battle against Islamic terrorism. The last time I checked, prisoners of war are not usually released until a war is over. Of all the things to loose sleep over, one would think these dirt bags would be on the bottom of the list. It never ceases to amaze me the topics liberals get hysterical over.

    They are not prisoners of war.

    Who are the dirt bags, what did they do?

    lol, they are not prisoners of war???? What are they shoplifters? I believe the dirt bags would be the ones occupying prison cells. As far as what they did, I didn't take them into custody nor did I play a part in their capture. Please direct that question to the people running Guantanamo Bay. You may want to consider rubbing those sleepy little eyes and wake up.

    Take it up with the US govt. they are not prisoners of war, they are enemy combatants. The US refuses to call them prisoners of war because they dont want them having any legal rights. As enemy combatants they have no legal standing.

    Not all in Guantanamo were captured on the battlefield. One was a taxi driver, some in bosnia, pakistan, even 2 guys on a business trip in Gambia.

    So i asked you a question, who are the dirtbags? Or are you just using it as a generic term without knowing who are still in custody or what they are supposed to have done. Strange you call them that when they face no charges.

    No need to thank me for the lesson.

  9. These people are prisoners of war in the battle against Islamic terrorism. The last time I checked, prisoners of war are not usually released until a war is over. Of all the things to loose sleep over, one would think these dirt bags would be on the bottom of the list. It never ceases to amaze me the topics liberals get hysterical over.

    They are not prisoners of war.

    Who are the dirt bags, what did they do?

  10. Happened to an australian as well. It is illegal to head off and fight for a foreign force. Stands to reason.

    Only if that foreign force is not that of the foreign government, an Australian can quite legally serve in say the French Foreign Legion and could also serve in the Syrian government forces.
    I also dont think they can if that foreign force is fighting against australian forces.

    If fighting for a foreign force wouldnt that mean you would have to become a citizen to join it?

    Certainly not in the French case, they don't let the sort of scum they want in the Foreign Legion sully France by becoming citizens. That's why it's the Foreign Legion.

    But an aussie in it would not be allowed to fight against an oz force.

  11. Ahh its a crazy old world.

    When considering the truth of what Laura said one should consider the reasons she said it. What has she to gain by saying it. Nothing. But she has put herself in harms way by saying it. So it is not self serving.

    It is quite telling that some, well a very few, latched onto the millers statement as proof of a good and proper trial as the Millers, being a family involved, were privvy to special information that us normal public were not.

    But when the witheridges have had the same access and information accuse those that are supposedly trying to bring them closure, that same very few decide that as it doesnt fit with their blinkered view so witheridges accusations and comments deserve no respect at all.

    One could use logic and determine that instead of being open to find the truth that those very limited few have an agenda and have no interest whatsoever in the truth.

  12. Happened to an australian as well. It is illegal to head off and fight for a foreign force. Stands to reason.

    Only if that foreign force is not that of the foreign government, an Australian can quite legally serve in say the French Foreign Legion and could also serve in the Syrian government forces.

    I also dont think they can if that foreign force is fighting against australian forces.

    If fighting for a foreign force wouldnt that mean you would have to become a citizen to join it?

  13. It is never a good idea for a government to subsidise products in a free market, someone losses out somewhere along the supply chain.

    Well at least Yinluck is in court for susidising rice, could be worse,could be rubber.

    Actually Ms. Yingluck is in court to explain how come she let her 'self-financing' RPPS lose 500++ billion Baht.

    What is with your absolute infatuation with the 'self financing' bit? Self financing or not, what affect does that have on anything? Would it all of been okay if it was called a subsidy?

    I've stated a few times that if Ms. Yingluck had positioned her RPPS as subsidy with a reservation of upto 100 billion Baht in the National Budget, she could have lost the reservation without there being serious problems. As I'm told anyone knows subsidies cost money. The 100 billion Baht is my guestimate.

    As is was Ms. Yingluck positioned her RPPS as 'self-financing' and the day before the scheme activated her Minister of Finance even stated that only a resolving funds of 430 bililon Baht was required. First to pay out from and later to replenish from rice sales. With the scam paying double the market price of rice on paddy no one believed the 'self-financing' part except the government which kept on defending it. Only very reluctantly they slowly admitted to 'no real problems', 'small losses', 'not more than 60, 80, 120 billion Baht a year' till mid-2013 'less than 340 billion losses'. Of course the statement a month or so later of 270 bililon needed and reserved for 2013/2014 and rumours of non-payment escalated in a 'can we borrow 130 billion Baht'.

    The charge of 'negligence' seems correct although with all warnings and obfuscation trying to ignore them might have justified 'intend-to-deceive' or 'intend-to-defraud'.

    Yes, it was intended to be self-financing, but it didn't work out as expected. This was largely due to the rapid decline in rice prices after implementation
    In the early 80's NZs National government implemented their 'Think Big' policies, touted to be self-financing due to the high price of oil. Unfortunately the oil price dropped substantially leaving the NZ taxpayer with a $7 billion debt. The party was voted out at the next election.

    Wasnt it a nice touch that the people got to decide to vote them in or out after consideration of the performance whilst in office.

    Thats how it is supposed to work. Govt governs, opposition points out the failures and the voters determine who they want.

    Its a quite simple concept. Apparently.
  14. I just have two questions.

    Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

    Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

    Muslim countries are taking most. Have you seen the refugee camps at syrian borders?

    ....and are they given accommodation, money and eventual citizenship?

    Germany alone has taken 1.1 million. You think the refugee camps have more than that?

    How about living up to your name and supply one.

    UNHCR has official figures if you care to search.

    CNN.com 2015/09/09 world welco...

    CNN gives figures for the region. Turkey alone has taken nearly 2 million.

    Not sure if they are given money but they are given work permits to allow them to work legally. Many are provided accomodation where possible. Some have been granted citizenship and debate now on providing all a path to citizenship.

    Turkey is by far has the largest intake of refugees.

  15. The countries those refugees came from, if they head a beach to go to, the women would enter the water almost fully covered with drab clothing, forget swimming pools as Islam largely forbid people walking around half naked or mixing of the genders, so no wonder why those male refugees ogling the women bathers as this is the stuff that wet dreams made of.....

    Islam does not forbid mixing with the genders or wearing a bikini etc. that is a cultural issue, not islamic. My gf insists on holding my hand when walking in publc. Ever been to beaches in Penang or Langkawi? She, and others wear bikinis. Not an issue.

    Many here fail to distinguish betweek religion and culture.

  16. In 2014 they sais:

    Joining a foreign armed force was previously punishable. Now its no longer forbidden, said Wim de Bruin, a spokesman for the Dutch public prosecutor. You just cant join a fight against the Netherlands.


    Stupid Dutch judges and police.. fighting ISIL should be legal. I can understand people joining ISIL should be punished but not the other way around. Judges probably want to appear impartial as not to offend the muslims living in the Netherlands

    For the record I am Dutch and think this is a stupid decision.

    I think it is the right decision.

    There has been no conviction, the only decision that has been made it that there will be an investigation to decide whether he has acted according to the law or not. And that is how a justice system should work: find out if somebody has acted legally or not, and if required take action as soon as the facts have been established.

    I don't agree.. it might be how the law works but unless they can pin some war crimes on him just fighting ISIS should not be a reason for prosecuting him. That would be like picking you up for running a dive shop and then checking if we can pin something on you while from the start its clear that unless you ran the dive shop to con people there should be no reason to even investigate you.

    Unless they got information that he committed war crimes, just fighting the bad guys should not warrant such an investigation. Muslims fighting for the enemy have come of easier as this guy. Just plain stupid.

    If your country allows you to fight in a civil war on one side then it stands to reason you are also allowed to fight for the other side. Govt should not determine which side you consider reasonable to fight for. Much easier, safer, logical to make it illegal to fight for either side.

  17. Pointing at a lying hypocrite.

    What is israel afraid of?


    Lying anti-Semites that unfairy target Israel at every turn.


    Not sure afraid is the right word. More like wise to it and pushing back.

    Pushing back against being held accountable. Interesting way to think of it but it doesnt surprise that some would think israel should never be held accountable or even questioned.

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