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Posts posted by ThiMoon

  1. after watching various newscasts on the behaviour of these so called immigrants I am of the opinion that they should not be allowed into Europe there appears to be a dominance of men in these groups it has been stated in the past that muslims will take over the western hemisphere and in my opinion this is whats happening now ,we must take action now before its too late.

    the bigger question is why haven't these gulf muslim countries taken any of these migrants and refugees? don't they care about their own muslim brothers? apparantely not and yet europe is getting criticized even when it's accepted many and then there are those saying america should take "its share" of migrants because we armed the militants. smh we don't want to <deleted> ourselves over and we already have our own immigration problems to deal with. we can't let the whole muslim world into our country.

  2. Fox News is far better entertainment in your view, or the Redneck Bible Belt cable channel? Surely you have to applaud a show that casts Saddam Hussein and Satan as gay lovers?


    south park is okay sometimes. it has some really funny episodes and then some really crappy ones.

    using rape as joke to be funny is pretty immature and i think does show the desperation of writers that are struggling to come up with ideas. there are better ways to poke fun at Trump than showing him being raped to death.

    and have you ever watched fox news or the bible belt cable channel? pretty funny stuff especially from fox news.

  3. Sad to read this story. Feel for the young lad. ......Well, Books have been written on the subject of Thai women. Just contunue being the best Father you can be. Good luck.

    If the implication is that Thai women are more prone to this than other nations I suspect you are wrong. Happens quite regularly in the UK if tabloids and social dramas are to be believed.

    99.9% of Thai women would be absolutely revolted by her behaviour, of that I am sure. Maybe mental issues involved?

    [so now we've got the posting on Thai women are wicked, so we might as well have the Thai apologist post]

    you are right that the majority of Thai women aren't like this but most of us already know there are a greater deal of Thai women who are game-players than women in other nations. we've heard all these stories before of how they will even have families before attempting to rip off their partner and take everything.

    i wouldn't get married in the west let alone here in Thailand. the law is not on our side.

  4. Yeah... Thai women aren't stupid... It's the foreigners who marry them. And I'm sure he has a brain but it's just lacking oxygen from being up his Thai woman's booty. Only when she takes a dump is when he will realize he's in crap.With time and distance you see and smell clearly. He is like many men who are just tickled to death that some girl wants an old fart.

    this is so true. i had a Thai girl once ask me to marry her but i declined.

    some of these old farts here marry whoever first asks.

    i wouldn't marry in america let alone over here!

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  5. He thought he can get cheap sex with a young wife who will be subserviant take care of him. She thought she can get a rich farang husband who will build her a house and buy her a shop in return.

    unfortunately a pattern that continues to repeat here in Thailand.

    some foreigners can be gulible. why marry the woman when you can barely speak the language and barely know her? smh some people are desperate i guess.

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