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Posts posted by jonus

  1. Steve, a good site for you to look at is www.ajarn.com for all teaching jobs. Always have your original papers for all your qualifications available.

    My personal advice as someone teaching here for over 2 years is to try to stay out of the cowboy jobs that you might first be given and to look at a number of jobs before you decide where you want to stay.

    Even more personal advice is to stay out of Bangkok, if you are still looking in June then you can always give me a mail at [email protected] as I will be be looking for more teachers then.

    Until then research the web site and learn as much as you can about the culture and language as you can, it will make 'decompression' easier.


  2. Can anyone help me, I am a teacher at a Thai Rajabhat and have been here for over 2 years without ever having checking in. I have left the country twice and rfeturned each time with a new non imm B visa which has been turned into a one year visa with a work permit to suport it.

    I have never been asked to pay a fine or to check in on the numerous times I have been to sort out my visa, however a co worker of mine recently went to immigration and was told that she must check in.

    My last visa was issued in Dec as an extension from my old visa, I didnt leave the country but a new and seperate visda was issued, I was told about tax but unlike my colleague wasnt told to check in.

    Does anyone know if I will be up to my neck in fines if I do go, or will I be O.K. as it is a new visa. I have been told that the reason they are enforcing this is due to the terror threat.


    Many thanks , Jonus

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