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Posts posted by peko

  1. Rodney King said, "Why can't we all just get along?"

    Republican candidates say, "Why can't we all just get softball questions?" "like; 'how would you rearrange the furniture in the Oval Office', or 'would salad be served with the main course at State dinners, or before?'"

    You've been watching too many Hillary interviews by the MSM.

    I don't even know what MSM is (Microsoft movies?), and I haven't watched or heard any HC interviews, have you? I'm leaning to Sanders.
  2. From Euronews:

    "Bavarias Horst Seehofer (CSU) has turned into a fierce critic of Merkel and her policies in the past weeks. He issued a series of ultimatums demanding a tougher approach to refugees and even threatened to take the government to court only to back down at the last moment. He would prefer to see asylum requests being directly checked at the border before refugees are even allowed into the country."

    Well, at least one of Germany's politicians can see clearly.

  3. Here's an article written a month ago on that very topic, though it includes mention of hemp - which Thai farmers should also be allowed to grow. Chinese, Canadian, and Australian farmers are legally allowed to grow and sell hemp - why not Thai farmers? Plus a dozen US states allow regular people to grow pot, and their incomes are shooting up like rockets. Why not allow Thai farmers to make more money?

  4. Whether Merkel's party members are divided or not, one thing's for certain; they're going to be history after the next election. Most of Europe's members are steering to the political right. Thanks Merkel. Singlehandedly, she has compelled that to happen because of her bleeding heart policy toward economic migrants (who entered under the guise of refugees, and who will degrade communities wherever they settle). Sharia won't be bestowed in a bang, but rather insidiously, month by month.

  5. Not only are two pieces of Hannah's clothing missing, but also a pair of black trousers which police found at the crime scene when they first arrived. Any one of those items could harbor DNA which would ID the actual culprits. It's no surprise why they're now 'missing.'

    and the mobile phone found at the crimesecene, what happened to that ? I personally believe it was Davids phone and this was verified by checking the EMEI number through the parents in the UK although the police claim this phone was found behind the accused residence

    ....or a mobile phone belonging to someone who can't be mentioned.

    Either this is a gross case of police negligence or incompetence (possibly), or a deliberate cover up (more likely).

    All three, and equally as blundering.

  6. During the first days of the investigation, police speculated that whomever did the crime may have changed (or tried to change) pants with David. That might explain the missing black pants, and why David's shorts were initially found on the sand, bundled up as if pulled down his legs. A short while (90 minutes?) later, David's shorts were shown uncrumpled at the crime scene, and as clean and pressed as if they'd just been laundered. Running Man video shows a thin young man in white shorts. Could that have been his underwear shorts?

  7. i think a possible solution would be countries to offer temporary refugee status to these people and as soon as the situation in their countries normalizes that they are sent back.

    Trouble is, they won't go back. It's a ratchet affect. Who's going to grab them and pack them on buses going to Syria? You? Police? and when their countries of origin (the 50% who didn't trash their passports or fake their papers) won't take 'em back,what to do? Bus them all the way back to Merkel's back yard.

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