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Posts posted by tommyv

  1. I lived in Pattaya for 3 years and I think that, as a foreigner who will have to pay cash for treatment, your best bet is to go to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. It is a private hospital of very high standards, and the chioce of most expats. There is also the Pattaya International Hospital which is very good. In any case you would be a private paying patient unless you have international medical insurance. Good luck and I hope you don't have another attack!

  2. Oh dear me rocky, you just can't leave Manhattans alone. Obsessed with "dishing" Manhattans I'd say! Let it go rocky. If you came to Manhattans and hated it than don't come back. You only had dinner, it wasn't the LAST SUPPER! It certainly seems your life has gone on, maybe not forward however, because you still seem to be working hard to badmouth Manhattans. My last post seemed to answer other peoples questions, but alas rocky, you seem to feel that your's were left unanswered! To answer one of your questions, YES people who have been on the forum, or read it, have come to Manhattans and left happy. Some commented that much of the misinformation was answered not only by my last post, but also by their dining at the restaurant.. As I said in the last post, people will come and make up their own minds. The ridiculous rumors that steaks cost 3000 baht, and apps cost 900 baht are so outrageous that one can hardly believe it! When people like you start the rumor ball rolling, others take it and run, and the next thing you know the rumor will say that steaks cost more than the Hope Diamond! I guess it's human nature for some to delight in such gossip! Your comments regarding the service charge, my staff, and Bangkok doctor wages are so stupid that they really don't deserve any answer, but here it goes anyway. Your 1700 baht service charge did not go only to the staff that served you, but was pooled and diveded among the ENTIRE staff. If you knew ANYTHING about the topic, you'd know that service charge is always divided among a restaurants entire staff, which includes waiters, kitchen staff, hostesses, barmen, valet parkers, etc. My staff is made up of 45 people, so your 1700 baht earned each of them 42.5 baht each, certainly not doctor wages! It would seem that you have made an career out of attacking Manhattans. Well rocky, there is a new path waiting for you on this forum. There are two or three new restaurants opening up in Jomtien shortly. You'll have a whole new crop of restaurants to "work over"!! Good luck to both you, especially to them! Once again rocky, let it go. We are a restaurant that you came to and didn't like. Forget about us, move on, and go to the many restaurants you mentioned in your posts that are more to your liking. I'm sure you will be happier there, and they will be happy to have you.

    Until proven i think the tip comments don't belong on this thread as it is starting to sound like you're all accusing Manhattens of doing this.

    Maybe it all goes to their staff? :D

    Well, I think the silence of tommyv speaks volumes...

    Whatever happened to conversation face to face? It's much easier to assult people online, isn't it!

    Conversation face to face still exists, but this Tommy is a forum, no chat, just text. I also note that you only liked the forum when the chat went your way. This is the problem with forums. People have opinions and use them.

    You haven’t helped any of the misinformation you say is on this topic as you didn’t answerer the questions put to you or give the apparent correct information. No doubt you are busy, but it would have only taken minutes more to correct as you say the misinformation. I am not expecting a reply from you, as you didn’t answer any of my questions.

    Your reply much easier to assault people online, isn't it, is an assault to the people who replied here.

    Anyway I am interested to know, since this post went online, did any other members eat at Manhattans?

    Again I have eaten at Manhattans, wish them well and look forward to reading other peoples opinions.

    p.s. Tommy good for you giving the service charge to the staff, as the service charge from my tabke alone was 1700bht your staff must be earning more than Doctors, Lawyers, Farangs on pensions and other top educated professionals here in Thailand. I will let them know at the Bangkok hospital if anyone needs a pay increase to change profession immediately. Perhaps you could put an application form online… :o

  3. Until proven i think the tip comments don't belong on this thread as it is starting to sound like you're all accusing Manhattens of doing this.

    Maybe it all goes to their staff? :o

    Well, I think the silence of tommyv speaks volumes...

    To all of you "experts and mind readers" who have presumed to know what I think and do, this is tommyv, and I will tell you now that all of the 10% service charge goes to staff, but is taxed, according to Thai law, as income, so the staff gets the service charge minus tax. Furthermore, our service staff are well paid. We pay much higher salaries than most F&B establishments in Pattaya, including the hotels. If anyone is so interested in the welfare of my staff, please come and ask them if they are well taken care of and happy with their jobs! I provide much more than salaries and service charge. I provide staff meals, uniforms, medical insurance, and paid hoildays. Do all of of critics think that all of these benefits come cheap? Get real! Manhattans Steakhouse provides quality food, good service, great live music starting in November, and a pleasant atmosphere. Many other places do as well. We are what we have decided to be. If you like it come and enjoy, if not, go someplace else you like better and can afford. To those of you who have tried the place and enjoyed it, I thank you. To those of you who want to try and decide for yourselves, I welcome you. To those of you who wish to find restaurants more to your liking, I wish you well. Pattaya is changing, look around you. Is anyone critising the mulitude of "high end" condos and residents going up in Pattaya? Additionally, getting a credit card services in Thailand is a nightmare. We applied months before opening, and the reality is that the banks will only issue services to new businesses after they see a "trading history". This is Thai banking practice, and out of the hands of the applicants. This process can take 30 days to 180 days depending on the bank. Do any of you really think that we want to operate without this service to our guests? It is bad for us and bad for our guests, but it is the way it is in Thailand. I would like to remind you Mata Hari fans that Louie was without cc services for more than 30 days AFTER his opening in April.The only reason Louie got his services after 30 days is because he is an established business who merely changed location. He posted a sign at his door, as we have done, stating the lack of cc services, and suffered the same inconvience that we are suffering.

    Now, I have a restaurant to run, and wish all of you well. Anyone wanting to ask me any questions regarding Manhattas, or make any comments, please feel free to come in and see me, and we will talk. I haven't time to constantly be replying to all of this misinformation. I also will not reply to those of you who take such delight in attacking Manhattans. I would rather use my time taking care of the many happy guests who have not only dined here, but have returned several times. Whatever happened to conversation face to face? It's much easier to assult people online, isn't it!

  4. As flattering as it has been to realize how much interest and discussion Manhattans has generated and whilst we welcome all feedback including constructive criticism we need to set the record straight on a few incorrect statements that you have previously read.

    We invite you to peruse your menus whilst sitting in our cocktail lounge, sipping one of our 27 cocktails, maybe our signature 'Manhattan' cocktail, all of which are priced at 240 baht, coincidentally the same starting price as our Appetizers.

    We offer only U.S. and Australian Certified Angus Beef, for those who are unfamiliar with this standard, the certification is given to less than 8% of Beef. Certified Angus Beef standards exceed those of USDA Prime and Choice Graded Beef and the cattle are 100% grain fed which assures you, tenderness, flavour and leanness.

    Our 6oz Australian Tenderloin is priced at 850 baht rising to 1800 baht for our 18oz Porterhouse Steak. In comparison, our U.S. Tenderloin is priced at 930 baht rising to 2500 baht for our 16oz Park Avenue, double Tenderloin for two carved at the table.

    The banks decision to not allow any credit facilities before we have traded for a limited period is unfortunately out of our control and is not a position which we favour due to the inconvenience to our customers as well as as the restrictions it puts on us as a business.

    Customers are made aware of this when making reservations and on arrival. Rest assured this is an area in which we are constantly re-negotiating with the bank.

    We aim to be the very top of our game, Manhattans is styled and designed akin to fine dining restaurants in any major capital city, whether it is Bangkok, London or New York. Our cocktail lounge is not only unique in contemporary elegance but also in the coming weeks we are proud to offer live, cool jazz in the evenings. Our intent is to create a destination point, a place to come and eat and to enjoy an entire evening.

    As one of our customers recently commented "You are probably the most expensive restaurant in Pattaya, and you should be!"

    But don't take ours or anyone's word for it, experience it for yourself

  5. Thinking about going to the new manhattans steakhouse on friday night, has anybody been there yet? and what did you think? do you recommend anything from the menu or anyhting to stay away from?


    I was at this restaurant one week ago. The deco and atmosphere was fantastic. A real classy feel to the place. When we arrived, four of us in all, we had pre dinner drinks in the bar area. A cocktail was 350bht per head + 10% service and 7% tax.

    While drinking away listening to Frank Sinatra, I asked to see the menu as I would like to order while drinking in the lounge and then moving into the restaurant when the meal was ready for serving. The waitress informed me that the menus would not be given out until sat in the restaurant area. This seemed very strange as many fine restaurants meals are ordered from the drinking area. I continued to say that I would like to see the menu. At which time it was presented to me. When the menu was handed to me it became obvious why the waitress was so reluctant to hand it over earlier.

    Starters starting at 350 + 10% + 7%

    Steaks starting at 1500 + 10% + 7%

    Can I add that no vegetables would be served with the meal. All vegetable side orders charged at 95bht + 10% + 7%

    So my meal was priced like this

    Starter 350 Steak 1800 bht, Carrots 95bht, Potatoes 95 bht + 10% + 7% Total 2737.80bht not including drinks.

    The three people in my company all had a cocktail, starter, main course with side orders a shared bottle of wine and two bottles or water, One drink each after the meal at the bar.

    Total Bill for four people 17000bht.

    I cannot excuse spening this type of money on a meal here in Pattaya. The meal was very good, but no better than the Mata Hari, Posidon or Queens all within a small distance of this Manhattans.

    It will be along time before I am back in Manhattans, unless you are picking up the Tab

    Finally to answer your question anything to stay away from?


    Jesus wept, that really is taking the piss, and what makes it worse is that they clearly know they are.

    I look forward to learning of their well deserved demise. :D

    Thanks for sharing. :o

  6. Thinking about going to the new manhattans steakhouse on friday night, has anybody been there yet? and what did you think? do you recommend anything from the menu or anyhting to stay away from?


    I was at this restaurant one week ago. The deco and atmosphere was fantastic. A real classy feel to the place. When we arrived, four of us in all, we had pre dinner drinks in the bar area. A cocktail was 350bht per head + 10% service and 7% tax.

    While drinking away listening to Frank Sinatra, I asked to see the menu as I would like to order while drinking in the lounge and then moving into the restaurant when the meal was ready for serving. The waitress informed me that the menus would not be given out until sat in the restaurant area. This seemed very strange as many fine restaurants meals are ordered from the drinking area. I continued to say that I would like to see the menu. At which time it was presented to me. When the menu was handed to me it became obvious why the waitress was so reluctant to hand it over earlier.

    Starters starting at 350 + 10% + 7%

    Steaks starting at 1500 + 10% + 7%

    Can I add that no vegetables would be served with the meal. All vegetable side orders charged at 95bht + 10% + 7%

    So my meal was priced like this

    Starter 350 Steak 1800 bht, Carrots 95bht, Potatoes 95 bht + 10% + 7% Total 2737.80bht not including drinks.

    The three people in my company all had a cocktail, starter, main course with side orders a shared bottle of wine and two bottles or water, One drink each after the meal at the bar.

    Total Bill for four people 17000bht.

    I cannot excuse spening this type of money on a meal here in Pattaya. The meal was very good, but no better than the Mata Hari, Posidon or Queens all within a small distance of this Manhattans.

    It will be along time before I am back in Manhattans, unless you are picking up the Tab

    Finally to answer your question anything to stay away from?


    Jesus wept, that really is taking the piss, and what makes it worse is that they clearly know they are.

    I look forward to learning of their well deserved demise. :D

    Thanks for sharing. :o

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