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Mr Moo

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Posts posted by Mr Moo

  1. Having the dubious pleasure of coming from Barrow-in-Furness, this is good news for the workforce there. All they need now is for Scotland to vote to leave Great Britain and Barrow can build all the conventional warships the Royal Navy needs as well. Bad for the Clyde, good for Barrow ☺

    Westminster should make sure that ALL contracts are awarded to facilities South of the border at least until Scotland can decide where their loyalties lie.

    Don't want cheap imported labour brought in by the EU working on sensitive projects.

  2. You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye. Western nations need to lock down their borders and have much more observation and treatment for people who are let in from these war torn nations. And with Turkey going to Islamists, Europe needs to keep Turkey out of the EU and control that border more. Nato needs to move its nukes out of Turkey. Times have changed.

    Seriously? 'You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan'

    Who cares, that does not give anybody the right to carry out these attacks, or does it in your opinion? Let's SEE how you react if members of your family are the next victims, will you go on a mad jihadi rampage also.


  3. Wonderful Boris! To have the level of criticism and vitriol leveled at one, particularly when it comes from France and Germany, one should wear that with a badge of distinction.

    You are spot on. It is really Germany and France that wants a United Europe.

    Let's qualify that - Germany sees itself at the head of a Europe in which it is the predominant economic force, and therefore calls the shots. France sees itself as the natural leader of Europe, and rather likes (and needs) the Germans money. The UK doesn't and really never has fitted into their ideas.

    What we have done, which they find unforgivable, is by deciding to leave, opening up that same possibility to the very significant Eurosceptic constituencies amongst the other 27 members.

    Hence the vitriol from so many European politicians.

    Whose next?

    Wait till one of the big southern countries goes bust...

    Here's the proof:


  4. Wonderful Boris! To have the level of criticism and vitriol leveled at one, particularly when it comes from France and Germany, one should wear that with a badge of distinction.

    You are spot on. It is really Germany and France that wants a United Europe.

    Let's qualify that - Germany sees itself at the head of a Europe in which it is the predominant economic force, and therefore calls the shots. France sees itself as the natural leader of Europe, and rather likes (and needs) the Germans money. The UK doesn't and really never has fitted into their ideas.

    What we have done, which they find unforgivable, is by deciding to leave, opening up that same possibility to the very significant Eurosceptic constituencies amongst the other 27 members.

    Hence the vitriol from so many European politicians.

    Whose next?

    Wait till one of the big southern countries goes bust...

    Here's the proof:


  5. Johnson is not the clown he looks like, good choice

    Boris, Farage and even Trump do not conform to what the general public consider to be 'Leader' material, all 3 may seem eccentric or oddball but Trump is a self made billionaire, Farage is a well respected businessman (outside politics) and Boris became Mayor of London and worked tirelessly on behalf of British Industry abroad, no mean feat especially when compared to the namby pamby politicians that sit in Parliament all day nodding their heads and only getting up for a lunch or toilet break.

  6. Screw Juncker and the horse he rode into Brussels on.

    Short memories these people have: Had it not been for the determiation and courage of the British all the bullies in Brussels would be speaking German now and because of Brexit we have probably saved them all from having to speak Arabic as well.

  7. Screw Juncker and the horse he rode into Brussels on.

    Short memories these people have: Had it not been for the determiation and courage of the British all the bullies in Brussels would be speaking German now and because of Brexit we have probably saved them all from having to speak Arabic as well.

  8. The EU has simply gotten too big for it's boots. The Brexit would have caused some major rethinking by the kiddyfiddling, chocolate munching squad in Brussels even if we stayed in the EU. Now we are free to to shape our own future based on British culture not that of some goat jockey thrust on us to satisfy the left wing liberal politicians in another land.

  9. Hi all,

    I am looking for Oil & Gas construction supervision / management work in Piping, Structural, Mechanical, Fabrication and Pipelay. Prefer to work in Asia but anywhere outside GCC countries will be considered.

    Brief overview below:

    A highly motivated Hook-up Coordinator, Client Senior Representative & Piping / Fabrication Construction Supervisor, with extensive experience gained in the Construction & Management of Onshore/Offshore Oil, Gas & LNG Projects Worldwide (Projects valued to over US$2 Billion.)

    A highly creative thinker, who sees the big picture and is ‘hands-on’ at all times. Very used to working with sub-contractors and service providers. Good problem solver & experienced in working on technically challenging projects, also has very strong technical Construction & Management ability. Skill set is completely transferable and adaptable to fit all fields. Possesses unique ability to save companies $m+ p.a. Gained experience in a variety of hostile, remote and challenging site locations, worldwide.

    Any leads or contacts would be greatly appreciated.

    [email protected]


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