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Posts posted by jerrylew

  1. I avoid walking on soi Buakow as much as possible. It's just too narrow and Thai (men) feel the need to overtake constantly. They just cannot wait to arrive 5 minutes later at their destination. So the soi is full of speeders and overtakers brushing by so close, I can tell if the driver shaved that morning or not.

    When on foot, I walk along 1st, 2nd, or 3rd roads which all have sidewalks. I wear headphones playing Led Zeppelin very loudly so I don't hear any horns, mufflers, or suit sellers. Then I walk along certain roads to soi Buakow closest to my destination.

    That's a snippet from my survival guide.

  2. Looking at this another way, you do not see many baht buses causing big accidents. The baht buses causes traffic and slows down other speeding vehicles. They are also very inexpensive. Therefore, I only see baht buses as an asset.

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