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Posts posted by ethomas

  1. Dear All,

    I have 1 round trip ticket Riyadh 1st May – Bangkok 19th May – Riyadh and will get visa-on-arrival.

    I have another round trip ticket Bangkok 16th May (leaving on exit) – Manila 19th May – Bangkok


    Do I need to go through the immigration procedure on the way from Manila to Bangkok to catch my Riyadh flight?


    Thank you in advance





  2. Hello all,


    first of all, Happy new year. i need your advises. i was having a thai girlfriend AA who left me for because she wanted to make big time money. Her elder sister BB has already a boyfriend CC and who made a house for her BB is now bankrupt. now BB goes to pattaya to work to earn something. BB finds a new boyfriend and my ex-girl AA knows well about it but doesnt stop BB from doing like this. so i got proof of this. i am in good terms with CC. when i showed the proof to AA and BB both said i was a dog. today ex girl AA messages me saying that CC tried to commit suicide and i am the cause of it coz i supposedly showed CC the proof which i did not. and AA says she will complain to police to block my entry to thailand


    is it possible?


    thanks alot... sorry for this kind of question.



  3. Hi All

    my brother needs to go to this area


    short link https://goo.gl/dPmggQ

    what could be the shortest way in thai to say to the driver this?

    many thanks

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