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Posts posted by Thetimeisright

  1. International licence supposed to be ok for a year here but as a thai licence is easy to get why bother all you need is a certificate of residency a doctor's certificate 250bht. Pop along to local driving /issuing authority in your area do a quick color test and reaction test and get a Thai 2 year licence. No hassle then

  2. The system is flawed I agree but will remain flawed if no one does anything about it I really can't see what the problem of giving the cops a few thousand so you get 20000. Am I missing something here.

    That is a slippery slope my friend. I have paid off the cops in Mexico many times, mostly for trafffic infractions that I deserved. Now those guys in Mexico (at that time anyway) had nothing. They obtained their operating budget by taking a little off the top. You know, I was happy to pay a convenience fee and be on my way. Then three years in the Philippines where stopping foreigners is an industry. They recognized my vehicle and automatically stopped me. It was all "we'll take your car, we'll confiscate your motorcycle, we'll lose your passport for you, we'll re-leave you of your life" kind of interaction. My neighbors and I could hardly go out. (I understand it's improved since but that's another topic)

    You know what they say about cops and criminals... cut from the same cloth... anyway I just can't accept paying a bad guy to get another bad guy.

    I'm not judging someones choice to do that. It's just right now, for me, it is wrong in my sense of the world.

    Your choice of course, so short of that next time make sure you have 1st class insurance. And this is Thailand police not Mexico or Philippines. And in the original post seems they did there job by laying the blame on him. So it follows they would act for you. But as I said your choice.

  3. The system is flawed I agree but will remain flawed if no one does anything about it I really can't see what the problem of giving the cops a few thousand so you get 20000. Am I missing something here.

    Your probably missing the point that the chap has already given the police a few thousand.

    Hi just re read thread can't say I can see anywhere he has already paid police!!!!

  4. The system is flawed I agree but will remain flawed if no one does anything about it I really can't see what the problem of giving the cops a few thousand so you get 20000. Am I missing something here.

    My guess: You give it to them upfront, they don't actually do anything and say sorry cannot find, (used your money for expenses incurred)

    You tell them you'll pay when the other guy pays. He'll never pay, but they know that and don't do anything anyway, because it's all a bit difficult.

    Am I too cynical?

    Only once have I had to pay police here to sort something out for us (not going into why or cost) but it was sorted to my satisfaction within three days. And the money I paid to police was a pitsnce as to the return.

  5. Having read the topic from start to finish, also having first hand experience of living in a village in Issan I may add,

    I see nothing like the facts the OP has continued to state. Maybe in years gone past this was the case of that I have no doubt. As for this off shoot re dentists we have a dentist come to village once a month to the school he will see anyone not only school children, teeth dropping out! !!come on not here, The picture the OP is giving seems to be his/Thais old enough in his village to recall there past. Also I may add to the poster to continue to seek fault in others posts is not a good form of debating in fact some see it as a way you have to justify inaccuracies in your reports.

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