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Posts posted by Lenard52

  1. 4 hours ago, steve73 said:

    Why use written letters?  Surely a video message from each recorded on one of the camera's they have down there would be much better... Unless they (the authorities) are thinking the worst...

    Makes even more sense to record their messages via video if it may be their last... 


    The Thais I've spoken to, have the attitude nothing will or can go wrong..  GF said, farangs are saving the kids, so they will be OK..  


    The U.S., seems they look at the worse case scenario as a possibility and hope for the best..




  2. Any one, of any age, can have the best time of their life - anywhere in the world with $$..


    Then their is Thailand...


    May be affordable for people on a budget, if you stay on one..


    As long as you have a pension and you adjust the nights going out doing whatever, it's still better than ever going back to the U.S. - in my case.


    I have a 70 year old neighbor living with his Thai wife and her daughter.


    He blew his savings on a house and truck.. 


    Now he stays at the house looking after the daughter, while his much younger wife is back working at a bar in BKK..


    He seems to be fine with that living arrangement..


    But, his days could be numbered, as he me mentioned that he would have only paid to have the house built, if he was listed as part owner of it, in case she gave him the boot.


    Now that she is back working, looking for a replacement... His days are numbered!  I highly doubt he will get any $$ back after she tells him to leave.

  3. I don't care where a tourist rents a place to stay for a week or for a short period, but there must be a reason why they chose to rent a place to stay other than a hotel?


    A few months ago, I specifically looked for the higher end hotels online for a special trip.


    But also received some ridiculously low cost/average rating hotels as well. 


    So, why not stay at the lower end hotels that appear to be a nice place vice renting from what must be advertised as a condo?


    Just curious?

  4. Personally I would avoid being near any bar girl dressed like a skank out on the streets!


    In doors, game on, wear nothing at all, I'm fine with it.


    Back when I use to partake in the grown up activities, if I walked out a bar with a female, there was no way she would have any theme attire on, like a school uniform or dressed like that girl in the video..  



  5. Never complain about your food being cold or not the right order unless there is no question of something that is not suppose to be there, that you can take a photo of the problem!


    Lessons learned way back... As some of my friends that worked at a pizza place back in the States.


    They wound always spit on a pizza orders if the customer complained.


    They did some really nasty things to a pizza order while the customer complained about an order while dining at the restaurant.  


    Then watched them eat a snot and spit pizza and thought it was funny..



  6. On 2/14/2018 at 4:07 PM, darksidedog said:

    It just goes to show you should never poke your nose in to something, unless you are 100% sure of what is actually happening. It was bad enough already, without it turning out to be a misunderstanding that kicked it all off.

    So, the female supposedly being lifted off her feet and turning blue was ???????


    I would have helped as well, but there is a point at which to stop whoop @ss..



  7. Syrian Alla Mzeal, 30, was found walking near Soi 18 and Second Road on Feb. 25. He had overstayed 487 days.

    So they are now stopping people at random in the streets ?

    Nice and friendly, how many tourists were stopped before they

    come up with this guy ? ( crime of the century ) coffee1.gif

    It could be a bit like a Magic show.

    You don't see what the other hand is up to. whistling.gif

  8. Lately there have been posts of members clearing overstay, which has been really positive and good outcome for them. Some have very long overstays and now have clean sheet.

    There is no data to back this up (that I know of) but im thinking there are many many here on overstay for various reasons. Do you think they will just do an Ostrich in regards to march 20

    Yes.. Knowingly or not.. Like last year, it seemed like a serious messesge to clear your overstay or be banned for a significant amount of time, yet many still continued to overstay their visa! This year, some will miss or ignore this warning as well..

  9. Guys thanks so much for your help and advises. I gonna book ticket and go back. So finally I know that all gonna be ok. Thanks

    Lilly good to see you are doing clever thing. Could you possibly post your experience with immigration after you have cleared. Hopefully very easy process and may encourage others to sort out overstay. Good luck.

    It's an easy process now!! Everyone on a long overstay - should beat feet and fly out immediately!!!! Getting any type of visa to return is not a problem either...

  10. I was at a bar party. Somebody who nobody knew strolls in, orders a bottle of water with a glass of ice. Helps himself to a mountain of food and melts the ice with a bit of water from the bottle while he's eating.

    Goes back for mountainous seconds of the food, drinks the little bit of water, eats the remaining ice, pays the 20B bin (no tip), goes to the toilet and nicks the loo paper (as we discovered later), collects his 3/4 full bottle of water, returns to the food table and grabs a handful of chicken wings/legs and puts them in a plastic bag from his pocket. Gets on his dilapidated scooter and buggers off.

    This guy was more than like a Cheeky Charlie.

    OK, the water and the food I can live with, but it was me that discovered the loo paper was nicked, and it was when I needed it most!!! blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

    I heard a similar story.. This piece of shit would look for bars with party balloons and a happy birthday sign. Once inside, he would serve himself, would never sit down, and would always take 2 plates - (hold a plate in each hand). So when asked to buy a drink, he would say "not now" - he can't carry 2 plates and a drink at the same time..
  11. OP,

    After you get this OA "Visa", enter Thailand, "and if still in Thailand" 30 days before the Visa Permitted To Stay Until Date expires you really should consider getting a "Retirement Extension of Stay." Think of it as "extending" your OA Visa....which can be extended over and over, forever as long as you meet the requirements which is basically just a proof of income requirement....none of this police and medical clearance stuff year after year like with getting a whole new OA Visa.

    Without getting into technical names of Visa or Extension of Stay, getting an Extension of Stay is a heck of lot easier, much less paperwork intensive, much less time intensive, and you don't need no police or medical reports. You just need to fill out a super easy one and half page application form (Bt1900 application fee) that's mostly just entering your address and signing your name, attaching a photo, and attaching an income affidavit from the U.S. Embassy (costs $50) saying your have Bt800K annual income or a letter from your Thai bank (cost Bt200 at Bangkok Bank) confirming you have had Bt800K in a Thai bank for at least 2 months prior to application date the first time applying and for at least 3 months on subsequent applications/extensions. Even another income method called the "combo" method of X-amount in a Thai bank plus X-amount income per month (affidavit stating such) with the two totaling up to Bt800K per year in income.

    I've been doing this every year here at Bangkok immigration for 7 years now...I usually show up at immigration at 8:30am...and usually I'm out the door around 2 hours later with an extension good for another year. For the first few years I went the affidavit route but got tired of paying the U.S. Embassy $50 for the affidavit and just started going the Bt800K in a Thai bank approach...that Bt800K can serve as you day-to-day living money, just your BIG money emergency fund, and/or investment...use it for and call it what you like. Just be show it stays at or above Bt800K 2 or 3 months before your next extension application.

    It's an easy (very) process....you don't need any help from lawyers or agencies to accomplish it...heck of a lot easier and faster than getting a OA Visa every year in the U.S....no medical or police clearances to get. But as mentioned you need to be in Thailand to apply and you can not apply before 30 days (45 days for some immigration offices like the Bangkok office) of your current Permitted to Stay Date expiration. Something to consider.

    That's great info, since I would be back here again seeking help on the next step to staying in Thailand, without ever leaving it.

    I really do appreciate the advice from everyone!

  12. I am retired military and get a new non imm o-a multi entry visa each year. I print off a copy of my retirement pay statement from DFAS MyPay and have had no problems.

    Concerning the doctor statement - prior to becoming Medicare age when Tricare was my primary insurance the doctor completed the form with no problem. I have had the same experience since moving under Medicare.

    Each year I deal with the LA Thai Consulate and complete the process via the mail and find them pleasant, knowledgeable and easy to work with. I seem to deal with the same nice fellow each year.

    I suggest you get your passport photos as WalMart - the cheapest I have found.

    Thanks for the reply. I feel less stressed hearing someone that is also retired military, that successfully went thru the process at the same Thai consulate.

    This is my first try at a retirement visa, and those visa services in Thailand make it sound impossible to get one, unless they help you.

    So, thanks again for the information.

    Please note that you must apply for the non imm o-a multi entry visa in your home country - it cannot be done in Thailand. Those visa services in Thailand are probably offering help in obtaining an extension of stay based on retirement - not a visa.

    There are some visa services in the US who will help, for a price of course, but I have never found a need to engage them.

    I have never found that, by doing it myself, the process to be overly difficult. I follow the requirements on the LA Thai Consulate website precisely, including separating the piles into four separate paper clipped packs, with the original copies in a separate pile and the three required copies in three more piles. I place each pile in the exact order as listed on the website, including a separate photo on the top of each. My goal is to make things as easy as possible for the Consulate.

    This is basic stuff that we learned from a career in the military.

    In order to keep terms correct and precise, there really is no such thing as a retirement visa, although I suppose the non imm o-a comes closest.

    If you have anymore specific questions, please feel free to send me a private message.

    I do appreciate the advice on the process and try to be military next time and use the correct terms when it comes to: Not using the Royal Thai Consulate, Los Angeles - description on their website, as a Non-Immigrant O-A Retirement/Long-Stay Visa and use your official: "imm o-a" version instead.

    - I heard some guys that retire keep that military peanut stuck up their ass, that they always feel the need to shit on everybody, just to get that military feeling back. Not me, I retired from that bull shit!

    -As far as obtaining an O-A visa while in Thailand, too long of an explaination to care about that..

    Agree - Provide the requirements to obtain any visa - it's so simple, you apparently got one.

    -As far as paper clips and piles, those bitches in the admin department did that crap for me. But I could girl it down and do it your way. (Good Advice).

    Anyway, shit comes across wrong when communicating via text.

    Again, thanks to all.. I got my answer.

    ** Great site, to be all you can be! Plus, to get priceless information from others that most likely have the answer to all your questions..

    Peace Out!

  13. I am retired military and get a new non imm o-a multi entry visa each year. I print off a copy of my retirement pay statement from DFAS MyPay and have had no problems.

    Concerning the doctor statement - prior to becoming Medicare age when Tricare was my primary insurance the doctor completed the form with no problem. I have had the same experience since moving under Medicare.

    Each year I deal with the LA Thai Consulate and complete the process via the mail and find them pleasant, knowledgeable and easy to work with. I seem to deal with the same nice fellow each year.

    I suggest you get your passport photos as WalMart - the cheapest I have found.

    Thanks for the reply. I feel less stressed hearing someone that is also retired military, that successfully went thru the process at the same Thai consulate.

    This is my first try at a retirement visa, and those visa services in Thailand make it sound impossible to get one, unless they help you.

    So, thanks again for the information.

  14. The Thai Consulate in LA is pretty easy to work with. Very helpful.

    For your notarization, find a Postal Annex or Mailbox Etc.....each usually has a notary on staff that charges around $10 a signature. Since the medical clearance, proof of income, and police report all require a notarization, the notary will do a batch "certified to be a true copy" for the three of them (together). It's essentially a cover sheet that says you certify each to be a true copy. Total cost then is $10 for the notarization, if you go that route. LA Consulate accepts that, btw.

    You'll need four photos....conflicting information on the website as to whether it's two or four.

    Thanks! Especially for the photo info.

    Did you have any issues getting a doctor to fill out the medical clearance form?

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