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Posts posted by DrNicha

  1. I order food intolerance test (IgG test) in many cases. The test provides result on about 200+ food items. It costs around 25,000 baht.


    There are 2 types of reaction. 

    1) IgE type, which causes immediate reactions (think of peanut or shellfish allergy). In this case, you will see in the symptoms within a few seconds-minutes of exposure, such as sudden onset of rash/swollen, breathing difficulties, to anaphylactic shock. Skin prick would be testing this type of reaction. There is also blood test available for IgE reaction. Food challenge would not be recommended in this case as it may do more harm than good.


    2) IgG type, which causes delayed reactions (gluten/dairy allergy). The symptoms are more vague eg. unknown rash, headache, digestive symptom, fatigue, to general inflammation. The symptoms of IgG will develop hours - days after the exposure. Testing options are food intolerance blood test, elimination diet/food challenge test (requires no blood test and FREE, but takes time and effort to prepare your own foods)


    Hope you find these information helpful! :)


  2. Hello,


    My name is Dr. Nicha Samantarat. I am a naturopathic doctor who has been trained from an accredited naturopathic medical school in USA. I have received 8 years of pre-medical & medical training and holds a valid license to practice as naturopathic doctor in the state of California. I am currently based in Bangkok and provide consultation here. Please feel free to PM me, I'll be happy to help :)

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  3. If you are looking for carbonated drinks

    • Plain soda with infused fruits
    • Plain soda + lime juice
    • Kombucha (great source of probiotic and you can even add chia seed for texture)

    Other non-carbonated replacements

    • Water
    • Fresh coconut water
    • Herbal tea (caffeine-free)- rooibos tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea, rose-hip tea, bael tea (ma-toom), roselle tea (kra-jeab), lemongrass tea, ginger tea, lotus tea, echinacae tea, rice tea, ginseng tea, licorice tea
    • Juice/Smoothie - mix in vegetables and a not too much fruits, without additional sweeteners

    Dr. Nicha

  4. Some dairy-free probiotic foods:

    • Kefir — Similar to yogurt, but kefir is cultured by bacteria and yeast to produce an acidic effervescent yogurt-like drink. Can also be found as dairy-free coconut or water Kefir

    Kombucha — A non-dairy fermented beverage rich in probiotic cultures. (Google search: Kombucha in Bangkok)
    Sauerkraut — Cabbage fermented with Lactobacilli and other lactic-acid producing bacteria. Most commercial sauerkraut is pasteurized which kills the beneficial bacteria,
    however sauerkraut still has many other health benefits, including high glutamine content. Glutamine nourishes the cells lining the GI tract.
    Kimchi — Another lactofermented probiotic originating in Korea containing cabbage, onions, peppers, ginger, and varying other vegetables and spices.
    Raw pickled vegetables — Cucumbers, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, beets … many vegetables can be fermented and eaten as a condiment with meals.
    Natto — Japanese fermented soybeans. Vitamin-rich and great for cardiovascular health. If you can't handle the unique taste, try it with a little bit of mustard.
    Miso — Japanese fermented soybeans, barley, brown rice, and other grains. Taste better than Natto, easy to integrate with many recipes.
    Tempeh — Indonesian fermented soybeans that come in a patty shape. High in protein, good alternative for a vegan.
    I have seen many of these foods at Villa Supermarket and Fuji Supermarket :)
    For probiotics supplements, I have not the product that is comparable in term of quality in Thailand. Most probiotics are required to stay in the refrigerator. The one that claims they are stable outside the fridge, they should not be stored in room temperature longer than a month or the amount of probiotics will drop significantly.
    - Dr. Nicha
    Naturopathic Doctor
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  5. Insomnia can be caused by so many factors eg. sleep hygienes, environment, anxiety, stimulant intakes, pain/discomfort, hypoglycemia, and some medications and health conditions.

    Sleep Hygienes

    • Go to bed only when sleepy, and don’t push yourself to stay up past that sign of sleepiness.
    • Avoid day-time napping.
    • Only use bed for sleep (no reading, watching tv, iPad, ..except sex) to eliminate wakeful associations.
    • Avoid iPhone, iPad, TV before bed, the blue light tends to suppress melatonin level.
    • Your sleep environment should be dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable.
    • Expose to sunlight early in the morning and late in the afternoon to encourage a strong circadian rhythm. (Melatonin is suppressed in light ad secreted in darkness)


    • Exercise regularly is good! but avoid exercise late in the evening.


    • Things that interferes sleep include coffee, caffeine (black tea, green tea, coke), alcohol, sweet and sugary stuffs.
    • Move your last cup of coffee to before noon.
    • Stabilize your blood sugar with a small amount of protein that is high in tryptophan eg. nuts, eggs, turkey, fish, dairy (if you are not dairy-free) before bedtime.


    • Anxiety and tension put your body in sympathetic mode (fight or flight) which does not promote sleep.
    • Try some relaxation techniques or meditation before bedtime.
    • Try herbal tea that has a calming effect on your nervous system (chamomile, lemon balm, hops, catnip, lavender, passionflower, kava)

    If you think you have tried everything and you still experience severe insomnia, I would suggest you to see a health care provider to have a comprehensive evaluation of your issue.

    I hope you find some recommendations above to be helpful smile.png

    Dr. Nicha

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