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Posts posted by SolarJim

  1. Generally do not put audio or video equipment on the same circuit as anything with a motor or lights, which here is very tough, I know.  Next, in order to get rid of hiss or noise, you should have a true grounded circuit, so you need the green third wire, that runs all the way back to your panel and is landed on the ground buss.  Sounds like you nailed it, so good job, but don't confuse line conditioning with eliminating dirty source voltage.  Now turn it up!

  2. This scheme was destined for failure, as it has been pretty much everywhere else.  My wife's son is 10 years old, loves school and learning (??!!??), and has been crying over not being able to get the app to work.  He has a computer, which he shares with 2 cousins, but the teaching tool is Zoom, but the portal is thru the phone app LINE.  We bought him a cheap tablet, Android, that is making it work better for him, but EVERYBODY involved is <deleted> off.

  3. The cheap route to great coffee........buy a decent grinder and a french press pitcher.  The expensive route........buy a Saeco or Jura machine, has a built in grinder, milk steamer, basically one touch great coffee, anyway you like it.

  4. Well, at least they're paying lip service to the slow motion environmental catastrophe that is Thailand's waterways, air, and gulf.  Nobody will want to come to Thailand in the very near future because of the filthy water and air.  Here on the gulf, they treat it like a toilet, while overfishing it.  Basic life lesson: Don't poop where you eat........

  5. "Around Here the morons cannot go more than a few days without burning something.   The idiot in the corner house 2 doors down had his fire go out when it rained the other night.   Last night I  rode past ands there are 2 car tyres there blazing away and creating enough smoke that could be seen from the space station!"  Yes, here in Hua Hin is much the same, they love to burn stuff, always looking forward to the rain now.  Bought an air purifier for the bedroom at night, works great but wish I didn't have to use it.

    • H
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  6. Mass tourism as we knew it is over.  All the quick built businesses catering to foreigners was a bad gamble from the beginning, and then the huge push to turn dirty old Pattaya into a 'World Class Family Destination' ruined what was a vibrant (though unsavory to the authorities) tourist scene.  The rest of the environmental disaster that followed at all the best spots from mass tourism is a travesty, fed by simple greed from land owners, hotel chains, airlines, tour groups, and on and on.  The Gulf of Thailand is a toilet, over fished, and under nourished. The upshot is that this could actually be good for Thailand in the near future and the Long Run if they wake the heck up, redirect their labor force to more valuable and important vocations, and start working to preserve the wonderful gifts that nature has bestowed upon this fortunate country.  Put the tourist workers back to work at the farms, building sustainable infrastructure, schools and hospitals. Make Thailand a world class retirement destination, develop plant based pharmaceuticals, raise minimum wages, make the schools better. There's enough money if the elites holding the purse strings can see past their noses.  Yes, I'm rambling, but I love this country so much, and it has so much potential.

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  7. On 7/16/2020 at 12:31 PM, ezzra said:

    I'm riding a motorcycle around Bkk and theses figures terrified the living daylight out of me, you can ride/drive 100% correctly and according to road rules but that doesn't shield you against other idiots and morons around you...

    If you've ridden here more than a month, this has to become obvious to everyone, but we still ride.  You can be the most defensive driver and not be able to defend against a reckless driver.  But we all roll the dice.  Some places are a little safer than others, but not much.

  8. In Hua Hin in low season we've been social distancing for years........have seen many bars with only one or two customers this time of year.  That being said, pool league is popular here, and that entails 15 or 20 at least in close proximity.  With 22 freaking rules to follow, not only are the bars not going to open, I am not going to go to a place where you have to practice so many precautions.  So, we might as well all accept the fact that until a vaccine is developed and widely available for little or no money, this is how its going to be.  Give it a year or two.

  9. So tourism is going to decline big tune in the next decade because Thailand has been overwhelmed with mass poorly planned development, inadequate infrastructure spending, massive pollution, over fishing, rancid air from Hua Hin to Chang Mai to Pattaya, to Kanchanaburi, and of course Bangkok.  Meanwhile there's a drought, poor economy, and they want to drive out western retirees who contribute every day to their local economies, and have for decades.  Once again, eastern logic escapes me.

  10. Is it some bhuddist belief that you aren't in control of your own destiny?  I've never seen in any country the total lack of awareness or concern for others that I see every day here.

    "Yes to drive here require 7 or 8 eyes all around the head

    even if you are very careful, you need to be aware at every milisecond

    there is often a moron out of nowhere and at high speed, busy on his phone

    i drive a lot in Pattaya and i manage to avoid at least 2 or 3 accidents everyday."

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