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Posts posted by ThaiByNight

  1. I wonder if any tvf members lived in chronic pain which is was so bad that suicide that was the only hope of releif and self medicacating for pain relief and not to get high is your only option. 

    Many of yo would feel quite foolish piling on this group of women if that we're the case. 

    Don't be so quick to pile on without knowing the facts. 

    Things aren't always what it seems and rarely do we see women of age travelling up country to procure heroine. 


    What if they we're terminal cancer patients? 

    How many smack addicts do you see this sex & age? 

    This looked like a trip of desperation to someone that has lost numerous relativives to this insidious disease. 

    Some of you sicken me

  2. On 4/29/2016 at 2:15 AM, andrew55 said:

    You need to search this forum and elsewhere regarding morphine in Thailand. There will be a time that the inspector doesn't assume that it's perfume. I'm thinking you're getting away with because they would never suspect such overtness.

    What you are doing could have dire consequences for yourself. Although I believe morphine is classed category 2 rather than 1 as with heroine there can be very similar penalties available.

    You have been lucky.

    Not an issue if he has a legit prescription. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Chicog said:


    Rubbish, every politician has probably returned favours in for money; just in the form of campaign contributions.


    The Republicans do it all the time with the Kochs, the NRA, the Health insurers. I'm willing to bet you call that "ethical".

    At least in this case she did something useful with other people's money.


    Just our usual Republican double standards: do as I say, not as I do.




    It's the usual GOP/Fox hot air designed to get another stupid sound bite, this time "pay for play".





    Nothing to do with Fox. 

    The AP filed a FOIA which they had to wait 3 years for the Foundation yto release the info. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Chicog said:

    When someone shows me how she banked donations from the Clinton Foundation, I'll take this rubbish seriously.

    Meanwhile, it's more likely that as Sec of State she encouraged the bods she met to donate to the Clinton Foundation.


    Whoop dee doo, she was going to meet them anyway.

    The CP of Bahrain is #2 in the country of one of America's allies,  so there is really nothing that surprising about him using a personal contact to get a last minute appointment time.

    Just the usual GOP overexcited fairy tales.

    I mean seriously:



    Why is it so surprising the a state leader of an ally  has contact with her staff?

    I bet any previous Sec of State had staff and contacts like this for their friends - I'd think they were remiss if they didn't.


    Just a whole lot of pathetic hollerin' over nothing.


    The whole Republican campaign seems to be "whinge whinge whinge about anything, but we haven't got anything of our own to offer".



    The Clinton's claimed they we're "dead broke" when they left the WH. 

    They now have a net worth approaching 200Million USD 

    Where do you think that money came from? 

    And do you think the generous Prince didn't get anything in return for a 32million dollar donation? 


    The "Clinton Cash" documentary on YouTube explains it in great detail. 


    I highly recommend it, especially to those in denial... 

  5. 17 hours ago, MissAndry said:


    I just came back from the Philippines, nothing like anyone described to me previously.

    I was staying at Olongapo (city) and Barreto (beach resort 15Km out), English Bars and Restaurants, real English food, Mexican restaurant .... all with good food. Almost all the foreigners I met in the resort were English. And nearly everyone spoke good English, way friendlier people than Thailand.


    Bread was no good, but fish and chips, English breakfasts, meat pies, Cornish pasties and sausages all great. Resort accommodation was expensive 15k for a 1 bed apartment, city condos from 4,000 peso (1gbp = 60 peso). Filipino food much closer to English than Thai food, Meat and potato stews very common 65 peso at a local corner restaurant, burger in a bun with fries 55 peso. 


    Transport cheap, about 1 peso per kilometer on a Jeepney, bus was cheap 240 peso Manila/Olongapo (20% discount for over 60s). Beer and alcohol much cheaper, small bottle of gin (330ml) for 50 peso (extremely drinkable with some tonic), Small beer/alcopops 30 peso in shops 50 in bars.


    I was very surprised how much I liked the place.

    You should give it a go.


    I considered Subic/Olongapo as my initial retirement destination or perhaps Cebu  but it seems the retirement Visa reqs. are far more costly than Thailand or have things changed? 

  6. 2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    I apologise if my comparison was too subtle for you, (although it did give you a wonderful opportunity to express fake outrage) however I make no apology for my post. I will try to make it clearer though - politics is now about telling lies and hoping gullible people fall for them. The two jokers I referred to are merely an example of a growing problem.


    In the context of this post, I was lamenting the attempt by one regular commentator to attribute this incident to Islam when there exists absolutely no evidence to do so, and indeed, all the facts show that he was wide of the mark.



    No fake outrage. 


    Just pointing out how you politiziced a thread, likely because you can't contain your hatred for Trump & Giuiliani,  the latter whose leadership greatly reduced the crime & murder rate in NYC


    If it walks like a duck... 

  7. Actually Trump described the vetting process he proposes. 

    If you are from a country that believes women are property and where gays are thrown to their death from rooftops, and you share those beliefs then you are not welcome in the US


    Somehow, the AP article failed to mention that, basically lying by omission. 


    And based on Hillary's recent behavior, the title of the article should have been "Clinton absolutely bewildered"

  8. As opposed to Clinton's foreign policy of selling access to SoS and granting favors to foreign countries with atrocious human rights violations in exchange for "donations" to the slush fund known as the Clinton Foundation. 

    But Hillary seems most bewildered when she is under oath and answers most questions with "I don't recall"

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