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Posts posted by laughingbuddha

  1. I have some knowledge of this subject.

    Foreigners are absolutely prohibited to own any property, be it land or condo, in Burma.

    The loophole of setting up a Company, and buying the poperty in that Company's name, is very problematic and could lead to more problems than it sets out to solve.

    Foreigners that HAVE purchased property in Burma (and there are a few) use a Burmese law called 'General Power' which at least gives them control over the property in their lifetime, but possibly not after that. Most simply buy in their wife's name and hope for the best!

    As a poster above has stated, there has been a real estate boom in Burma, particularly in Rangoon and Mandalay, the former fuelled by a more prosperous middle class (generally with some Government connections), the latter with Chinese money.

    Real estate prices are very cheap even by Thai standards. A reasonable 'walk-up' apartment can be bought downtown for as little as $12,000, whilst even a new development comparable with those in Thailand will be around $80,000 for a 1600sqft condo with quite some luxury and in a prime area.

    Apart from those with Burmese wives/girlfriends who need to buy for practical purposes, the real estate market is in many ways a gamble on a future democracry. If and it is a big IF there were to be some future political change whether in 5 or 20 years, the market will explode.

    If you are serious about such a purchase I would suggest you get yourself a REPUTABLE local lawyer, failing which possibly I can find one for you.

    Who would you recommend ?

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