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Posts posted by zekhong

  1. Well there is a Geopolitics behind that problem. By creating  Rohingya term is to get indigenous Status .Indigenous status has political power . Rohingya refuse naturalized citizenship statushttp://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/muslim-villagers-in-myanmars-rakhine-state-refuse-to-participate-in-census-06072016154906.html we don't know who is behind to refuse that most likely is USA .That migrant problem had been long time and it became popular after china start pipe line and deep sea port. Human trafficking of Rohingya and Bangladeshi had been long times but tried to blame Thailand after Thailand shifted toward China in Foreign policy.

    USA want to create instability in that area to block China sea outlet of Indian ocean. So creating 2 large indigenous status people with different religions will ensure instability in that area for long time.

    Read this article about Geopolitics. https://www.stratfor.com/analysis/myanmar-reckons-muslim-insurgency


    myanmar-burma-pipeline-121916 (1).png

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