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Posts posted by Roymac

  1. This whole Thailand Pass has been a mystery, my non-imm. ``O`` visa arrived just after midnight South African time.

    I was fearful of submitting the documents and had some forewarning from reading ASEAN NOW.

    Do not be alarmed it is easy. First of all have a friend that you may ask for assistance. Generally the ``kids`` know stuff.

    Get all your documents into ``jpeg`` format, (Joint Photographic Experts Group). That is print them out.

    Take your smartphone and take a picture of your documents, rotate them and size them maybe. Then if you are not using your smartphone send them to your e-mail address. Then open the attachment (Preferably on a computer, bigger is better) and save each of them to your downloads or documents. Rename them ``Thai Pass, 1 Passport`` and ``Thai Pass, 2 Vaccination and so on.

    The Thailand Pass does not use Google Chrome so download Microsoft Edge, which takes about 2-3 minutes and then type in the address, https://tp.consular.go.th.

    Now you are good to go. 

    Read carefully what is wanted. Fill it all in. After your passport details it will ask you to download your passport. Click on the ``browse`` rectangle and your saved documents in jpeg format pop up. Highlight ``Passport 1``, then click on the highlighted item, hold your click and drag it to your rectangle and release it. give it a 30 to 60 seconds to down load and move on. 

    The next item, vaccination, for instance is the same same but no different.

    Before you know and just when you are beginning  to get into it you are done. 

    My document was downloaded and I received an acknowledgement shortly thereafter. 

    I hope this will help someone out there. Stay safe and Bon Voyage !

    • Haha 1
  2. I need some help please. 

    Ordinarily I may enter Thailand with no Visa for 30 days. I have applied for a non-immigrant "O" visa and am awaiting it's approval, possibly on 2nd to 4th Nov.

    I am due to fly out on 11th November for 7 day Sandbox quarantine.

    I am fearful I may not get my Thai Pass back in time should I submit it once my 90 day visa is approved.

    Should I go ahead and register for the Thai Pass as if I were going for 30 days to ensure I get the document back timeously ?

    Either that or I need to push back my arrival.

    I do not want to jeopardise my entry into Thailand.

    Thank you Roymac.

  3. I need some help please. 

    Ordinarily I may enter Thailand with no Visa for 30 days. I have applied for a non-immigrant "O" visa and am awaiting it's approval, possibly on 2nd to 4th Nov.

    I am due to fly out on 11th November for 7 day Sandbox quarantine.

    I am fearful I may not get my Thai Pass back in time should I submit it once my 90 day visa is approved.

    Should I go ahead and register for the Thai Pass as if I were going for 30 days to ensure I get the document back timeously ?

    Either that or I need to push back my arrival.

    I do not want to jeopardise my entry into Thailand.

    Thank you Roymac.

  4. I applied for a NON IMM ``O-A`` Visa in February 2021. This was denied to me as I had to show medical insurance covering a full year in Thailand.

    I was however offered a NON IMM ``O`` Visa covering 90 days and my current medical insurance in South Africa covered me for that. Having shown proof of income and net worth I was told I could extend my visa for one year once I was in Thailand.

    An agent informed me that I could obtain a one year visa from within Thailand for Bhat 14,000 and that I could also get a Multiple Entry visa with that for an additional Bhat 6,000.  ( No medical insurance required).

    I think this NON IMM ``O`` Visa assumes that ones net worth implies that one could take care of any medical eventualities that my arise.

    This is the way forward for me as I want the freedom to travel as suites my needs. 

  5. Thank you Upnotover, I have been travelling in and out of Thailand on my NON-IMM ``OA``  for 10 years now staying for 3 to 6 months at a time. I meet all the criteria for the ``OA`` but the Thai Embassy insists on having an International or Thai medical insurance policy to cover me for a year. In the past I would use up my 90 days medical cover and top up with travel insurance for the remainder.

    I am 74 years old and after 75 no one will insure me. So I need to decide soon if I want to live in Thailand full time.

  6. Sorry Upnotover, the visa was issued on the 20th January. I lost my NON-IMM ``O-A`` visa based on retirement due to the pandemic and have been issued the 90 day visa instead. The visa commences 90 days from day of issue. I intend to stay 90 days and return later in the year for a further 3 to 4 months. THANK YOU.

  7. Hello, I was issued with a NON-IMM ``O`` visa on the 20th February, 2021. I think this is what is referred to as a 90 day STV.

    The visa was issued bearing in mind that my local Medical Insurance covers me for 90 days from the day of my departure. 

    I intend to travel to Thailand and arrive on the 1st March. 

    My concern is that I will be compelled to purchase local Thai Medical cover when I apply for an extension of stay. My intention is to stay no longer than 90 days in total. Am I able to request an extension of stay for only the time remaining to complete the 90 days from my arrival date ?

    Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you, Roy.

  8. I need some clarification please. 

    My Non-Immigrant  O-A Visa expires on 17th October 2018.

    I am scheduled to return to Thailand on 3rd October 2018. 

    The soonest I will be able to tender my documents for renewal is 5th October. 

    I have just noticed having prepared my documents that the documents need to be submitted at least 15 days prior to Visa Expiration.

    Any information will be appreciated, thank you. Roymac.

  9. The problem with drugs and the use of the words of "pro-choice" obfuscates the issues for the public and families at large.

    For example. I had a friend whose son was involved in drugs, the result thereof nearly destroyed his marriage and almost tore his family apart.

    The public at large are at the mercy of these addicts whilst they cavort, hallucinate, drive and imbibe in a myriad of other activities whilstindulging in their pleasure. 

    I feel sorry for them indeed but not at the expense of others safety/security !

    The real culprites subjecting the populace at large are the "pushers and mules" of these opiates.

  10. Flying Dutchman. Years ago I was faced with a similar situation in Africa. 

    Whilst having vaginal penetration with a working girl the condom broke. 

    I asked her to go to be tasted with me and she refused so off I went to the clinic alone. I explained my predicament and they took a blood sample to test for HIV. In the meantime I was given a starter pack for PEP. The next day I returned and they confirmed that I was HIV negative. I then did a 1 month PEP course. It is quite a severe drug but I had no adverse effects. 

    My advice start the PEP as soon as possible. You were drunk, she does not want to be tested and unprotected anal sex is a high risk behaviour. Now listen up carefully young man. You do not <deleted> around with your life and HIV. 

    DO THE PEP now, it is not to be questioned. You are most probably "negative" so just make sure you stay that way. You do not want to debate this. Pay the money and learn a lesson !

    Good luck. You will not regret it.

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