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Posts posted by auskanga

  1. https://www.cambodiadaily.com/news/police-deny-thai-murder-arrest-report-124998/



    It appears that the Cambodian authorities, particularly the Interior Ministry have issued a statement via a newspaper proxy. I'd say they are attempting/ preparing to wipe their hands of this potentially embarrassing situation. Had someone within the Cambodian chain of command accepted money, either pre or post shooting then these facilitators would be complicit in a few areas. Even the perception of harboring fugitives is enough to want to bury this case from International scrutiny and condemnation. A cold case is sometimes like a draw. No clear winner or loser. Interesting.

  2. https://www.cambodiadaily.com/news/police-deny-thai-murder-arrest-report-124998/


    It appears that the Cambodian authorities, particularly the Interior Ministry have issued a statement via a newspaper proxy. I'd say they are attempting/ preparing to wipe their hands of this potentially embarrassing situation. Had someone within the Cambodian chain of command accepted money, either pre or post shooting then these facilitators would be complicit in a few areas. Even the perception of harboring fugitives is enough to want to bury this case from International scrutiny and condemnation. A cold case is sometimes like a draw. No clear winner or loser. Interesting.

  3. Police support says the victim was not an “Average Joe”. His Facebook postings show(ed) an audience with people of significant stature. His friends were not shy to post their own flashy cars and openly flaunt a similar lifestyle.


    These revelations suggest new found wealth as opposed to an organized criminal enterprise. These types of people are opportunistic as opposed to brazen.  Seasoned criminals generally stay low, say little and have few friends outside their group. Few career criminals have a Facebook page! Also, what is clearly a criminal act in the West, becomes a gray area in Asia with money placed in the right palms. Beyond the Call Center, the opportunistic victim could have been into any number of illegal dealings. Drugs, counterfeit products, stolen cars come to mind which broadens the motives and in turn multiplies the list of suspects. In the West, seasoned criminals avoid any form of law enforcement at all costs. In the victim’s case, he openly paraded his contacts. How many on this forum know a Police Officer, Immigration Official, City Hall contact or at least someone who has a “friend” of the above mentioned?? I thought so.


    The shooters ran to Cambodia for good reason. An under manned and slow moving police force offers them staging for the trip out of the country. Travel documents aren’t necessary when for a few hundred dollars, a local will walk you through a farmer’s field into Vietnam or Laos. Those bumpkins could be long gone by now.


    My two cents are no more than supposition and guess work. However, as someone familiar with investigative work in Asia this case is cold already. 

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